Tfw you long for death's sweet embrace but your disgusting animal body isn't ready yet

>tfw you long for death's sweet embrace but your disgusting animal body isn't ready yet

Are there any books Veeky Forums can recommend on this topic?

mind is a myth by u.g. krishamurti will help you stop taking memes too seriously.

why would you kill yourself over memes?

Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnameable
by Beckett

I stopped really liking Nirvana after middle school but I maintained that Cobain had patrician tastes and it was my gateway into slightly more substantial pop music, Cobain apparently read the books or so I read in some footnote of an article and the details of his death have some interesting parallels with those in said books. Molloy's wandering through the forest, Cobain's perpetual kidney problems, etc.

What is the meme in this case?

Suicide is a meme. How could anyone be so stupid as to rationalize killing themselves? You can do anything!

Why do you want to kill yourself?

Very likely a meme taken overly seriously is the cause.

>you can do anything

This is what life-cultists actually believe

It's funny because this is exactly the kind of stuff I'd say/think before I started getting suicidal

Just be glad you've never been there familia

Okay obviously its not meant to be taken literally but how is killing yourself a solution for anything! There are so many other constructive things you can do instead

Ending consciousness is a fine solution to literally all your problems though.

Suicide is a temporary solution to a permanent problem

>oh no I'm losing this chess game
>better tip the board and walk away

Sounds like a pretty legitimate solution. I'm not a suicidefag but there's really nothing wrong with it.


you're not getting the mental state. when you're at that point you literally don't care, maybe suicide is the best option for some people. those some people can't and don't want to cope with their life's adversities. their death is inevitable so why not skip the bid of pain and emotional indifference

they're mentally weak, yes, but you're forgetting the fact that they know it too

There may be nothing inherently wrong with suicide, but there's nothing good about it either. It's just a really mediocre way of dealing with things.

How is the most definite end-all solution 'mediocre'?

Seems like you're just irrationally biased against non-existence desu.

That's a legitimate solution if you're an angry child who is a poor sport.

Yes, real grown ups play a game they don't like for decades because of some unwarranted sense of obligation towards the game itself that they didn't want to play for in the first place.

>you should live out of sportsmanship

That is a pretty shitty reason to live family

Wow, I was joking. You are actually calling suicide being a bad sport. You life-cultists never cease to stoop to new lows.

anything by thomas ligotti

Stoner desu

This, There is no reason to kill yourself over a spook. Only rationale for kill yourself would be if you were in unbearable physical pain and even that is a spook.