What are some books you read that actually inspired you to pursue what you're doing today?

What are some books you read that actually inspired you to pursue what you're doing today?

I find that something is truly yours when it arises within you without a lot of external influence, but because it makes you shiver or it makes you curious.
Only women and people who like to read like to get their ideas from others.

The way of the superior man

Dale Carnegie was passionate about human interaction and communication, he read every book on the subject and every biography of great leaders he could get his hands on.

Tesla was such an avid reader that he would memorize books and got up to a point where he even looked into HInduism texts for inspiration.

what is your conclusion?
typical confirmation bias. two great people had a habit, so it must be a good habit.

I've provided examples of great men that were avid readers. I can name many more: Edison, Churchill, Lincoln. All of which stated that they drew inspiration from reading.

You're the one without a single sound example that would reinforce your point.

"My Twisted Life" by E. Rodger

None, I can think of plenty of websites though.
Websites are the 21th century book.

>The way of the superior man
>Trying to become a "superior man" by reading someones self help book

Yes, classic 2010 meme face

how do you know when you are inspired

Thanks glad you liked it.



Dune series

I watched a lot of Motorsports with my grandfather

Code (Petzold) and Hackers (Levy)

Mein Kampf

Good ol' pluto

Michael Spivak - Calculus

(Not memeing)

This one


i dropped a bunch of acid and then decided i wanted to be a nondescript scientist.

Hacking: The art of exploitation
Yes I know how it sounds but it is actually a great book to learn computer internals

The "habit" of reading is intrinsically a good habit as long as the subject matter has intrinsic value. That is a no-brainer. Of course it's a good habit as long as you read good books (those with intrinsic value).

I think he might actually be autistic.

Harmful to Minors

I think he did not mean that reading alot is a bad habit but that choosing what you pursue in life because you read that its a good thing to do is a lesser motivation than "coming up" with it on your own. What is considered self inspiration or whatever I don't know. But I too would say that with too much "external" influence one might not pursue the same thing when he/she would have chosen more freely. But who cares as long as it works out right?

The One Dimensional Man

honestly, volunteering and medical shows like House and seeing doctors offices and my science book is called "the elegant universe" but i only bought it for interest, majoring in neurology