What happened Veeky Forums? It went steadily down starting last week or so, what happened? Any announcement i missed?

What happened Veeky Forums? It went steadily down starting last week or so, what happened? Any announcement i missed?

We all found out that they were giving away tokens that we paid thousands of dollars for for free to Africans just because they're dumb and poor

>I bought at an all time high and l bought TRX because I lack intelligence.
fixed that for you.

We got pajeet'ed. Check their telegram group. Only ones still shilling this coin are either pajeets or third worlders that received free airdrops.

People actually read up on the coin, IHO coins like this are never meant to break $1 +/- .20

the fud will go away and it'll rise with the market like ADA. If XRP takes off Tuesday then this will get some attention as well due to the unavoidable comparisons people make with this.

they distribute them to anyone who wants a wallet, this fucking retard is just fudding it because he knows what's happening on monday and wants to buy more

Dear sirs Pradeep, Rajesh and Apul,
You did a good job fuding the coin.
You can stop now.
We are very thankful for your hard work.
Kind Regards

What if I make 1000 wallets?

We did needful sir. Where is my free lumen please send to my wallet sir.

>the dumb is strong with this one.

the fud about givin away lumens is so tired and boring lmfao . they arent going to purposelly JUSt themselves . shits gonna b slow n overtime . if yall wanna fukin make it u better buy now

real answer is: it is overvalued. It was worth $0.03 3 months ago for a coin with unlimited supply and 80% of the current supply controller by a shady foundation with a political agenda.

they are smart businessmen, they know how to deal with salty regulators and central banks like them

>unlimited supply
You've memed this in like what, at least 3 threads? Have a hard review about how you spend your life.

This. Anyone saying otherwise is a nervous bagholder. I dont want these stupid faggots fucking me over, so I sold near ATH and will never rebuy.

This coin will slowly die because they sudoku'd the fuck out of it.

they sent 800 billion coins out to niggers in africa for charity

theyre picking them up and dumping

>I panicked sold, but making up a story to sound smart.

lol your post makes no sense.

> memed
Ok retard, tell me, what is the limit on the XLM supply?


thats alot of work for 300 bucks lmfao

It's a simple question user, what is the limit on the XLM supply
Bonus question: who controls 80% of the current supply in circulation?
You faggots have been whining about how Ripple is centralized, but you're way worse than Ripple. Ripple is a business that tries to make money. SDF is a fucking charity that tries to redistribute the wealth.

I didn't sell the ATH, I sold when I read FairX was delayed until April at least. I'll try to buy by then, but if I miss the train I miss it.

What is the news on March 5th?

Forreal tho

Lets say the niggers in Africa got their tokens

How would they even spend it, they're niggers in Africa!

I don't even hold this coin but it's like jeez biz get it together

coca cola partnership in the south pacific

There is no limit in supply... Actually the lumens that are used to pay for a transaction are put back into circulation through inflation. Inflation is good for anything with exchange value because it provides possible loss if it isn't used for an exchange. Things only have value if there's volume and the need for it to be exchanged. If it stays stagnant then why have any use for it?

Now for your other question. SDF only holds 5% of the total amount of coins in circulation. If anything they want the value of XLM to grow. As for the others that aren't in circulation are actually sitting waiting to be given to an exchange (or a particular application) to provide a base foundation to start using the network. They don't go around Africa just giving the villages XLM - if you believe that then you have no hope in this world.

You probably believe the poverty porn commercials on the TV too right? You have a computer - DYOR and see a few economies in Africa that actually have a use for crypto that would utilize and bring value into the network.... ultimately providing value to the lumen through volume.

Post steaks to scare away pajeets.

This board needs to be purged.