User magical genie appears out of lap you bought with your linkes

user magical genie appears out of lap you bought with your linkes

offers you one of the 3 wishes

1.3 million dollars

1.3x stat increase in everything positive IQ,strength,size,looks the whole thing

Or a nice wife with two normal kids with a shit apartment

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd pick the stat increase

I just want to be happy

Stats, you can get both other options with a stat increase if you work harder/smarter and look better.


my stats are maxed out and I have a nice wife no kids yet but I don't have a job so gib money

Stats, ezly

stat increase

Already had 1.3 million (a bit less now, but close enough), and the stat increase will help me find a wife on my own.

Stat increase, EZ PZ.

Money retard

What could you possibly buy that's better than the stat increase?

>1.3x stat increase
So if you're 6' you'll be 8'? That's kind of too much

Id pick the stat increase the other are probably going to happen anyway

>magical genie appears
What fucking good is that?
We know genies do nothing but scam people.

1.3 Million dollars. Then go all-in on XRP by Tuesday, 5PM Eastern time. Then buy a nice wife with two normal kids and a nice house.

>Where's the money coming from? Probably Obama's bank account.
>Cancer is positive from a certain point of view.
>Two normal kids... but whose kids are they?

I'll pass, thanks.

stat increase
>8' tall
>11" dick
>200 IQ

I admire your dedication, Almost makes me want to swap some of my other holdings over but theyre at a loss.


postie stat user u wont be a lanklet u will increase in size in strength think u would be like a strong man

>its going down again

Hold XRP through Tuesday's episode of Fast Money (5PM Eastern). If they announce that Coinbase is supporting XRP, then you'll probably recover your losses in a few days or weeks, and can then move some money back into the decentralized shitcoins that you currently hold. If they don't announce that coinbase is supporting XRP, the price probably won't fall very much since it's already very low.

Look in the order books for XRP right now. Massive sell walls. Whales are keeping the price low for a reason.

Nice try user. We all know Genies are Pajeets. Do you really think we’re going to fall for that one...

I'm fine with my IQ, strength, size, and looks. Is there a stat for being a good trader/investor? Otherwise gimme the cash