Does it hurt the butts of mathematicians that physicists often invent their own mathematics and don't really need them?

Does it hurt the butts of mathematicians that physicists often invent their own mathematics and don't really need them?

Nobody need mathematics. They are just autists playing with their decimal numbers.


it's just a tool to do proper science

Physics and mathematics have had an incredibly deep, productive, and symbiotic relationship.

>implying the physicists didn't have a degree in mathematics

>Prof. explaining physics/CS/any problem
>"Yea, well, I suck at math, but you got the idea, huh?"


when my prof gave me the topic for my thesis, I innocently asked what the applications of that topic were, not just to the real world, but to other parts of mathematics.

He basically gave me a long stare and then just continued to explain the topic.

So what was the topic?

You're lucky. Figuring out the answer to your question is part of the thesis. Imagine how much harder it'd be if the answer was obvious? I mean, harder to make the paper interesting

I don't give a fuck and I doubt most mathematicians do. Pure Mathematicians are about generalizing and Physicists are about special cases so of course they're going to need to be inventing some math. There's also the fact Applied Mathematicians interested in physics are hard to distinguish from Theoretical Physicists.

Sure, nobody needs to care about the abstractions of mathematics but sometimes there happens to be profound implications from some of that theorem building. Here are some examples.

The computer spawned from a theoretical device that processes true and false statements. Cryptography spawned from a few theorems in number theory relating to factoring primes and divisibility. Then there's the fact statistics is in everything, a sub field of analysis that studies functions of random variables.

The underlying mathematics behind these fields would seem absolutely useless but the consequences are absolutely important in society. Without the theorem building, no one would have been able to understand the basics nor would they have been able to really make deep conclusions. Its the process of mathematics that allows you to know what is true and what isn't given a set of parameters.

That is like asking if it hurts the physicists that chemists often invent their own physics and don't really need them.

Math from physicists is not equivalent to math from mathematicians,

Can't we all just get along and worry about the specific applications we're concerned with?


Sort of. Math without Science is mere amusement. Science without Math is Philosophy.

mathematics is a form of art.
I don't know why people are so hyped about other forms of art and will jump to defend them or would take their first chance to show how kultured they are with their appreciation of stupid blobs at the museum, yet hardly anybody would lift a finger for math

you're full of shit and think tumblr is the whole world

you're full of shit and think tumblr isn't the whole world

Since when did things need to be applicable in the real world. Most of academia is old men fiddling around with abstract concepts. It's why they get paid shit all. I mean there's nothing wrong with that and it's fun as hell but still.

>incredibly deep, productive, and symbiotic relationship.
more like commensalism

I once used mathematics and the results were all fucked up

You're full of shit.