How do I get into writing erotica for women

How do I get into writing erotica for women.

It sadly seems as the only way to make money nowadays :(

Any books that are considered erotica "classics" I can learn from?

step 1: be a woman
step 2: insist you write "contemporary fiction"

I'm picturing a fat neckbeard asking this question.

the true keeper of the keys to the women's erotic dreams

I'm picturing a gaunt and tired writer who's works have been met with little to no interest since gramscians have ruined contemporary literature to the point where it's all trash and only fat frustrated middle aged women and witless teens read fiction.

>SJWs are responsible for commercialism
this is one of the worst memes

>Blaming commercialism
It might be harmful to high brow literature but it's about increasing appeal, not reducing your readership with inane political correctness until nobody wants to read new works anymore.

The thing about erotica is that you might make a decent penny for a second, but those books die fairly quickly. They'll be gobbled up by horny, middle-aged women and then recede back into the stacks of overstocked books at publishing houses that are looking for something to fill its place.

Truly, the only way to make money as a writer is to write great books.

>Truly, the only way to make money as a writer is to write great books.

>john green
>stephanie meyer
>dan brown

whose, not who's

Just get a normal fucking job. Why contribute to the downfall of literature with your own sell-out brand of shit.
Any erotica you write will be shit. Don't bother.

There is nothing to writing erotica for women. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and menstruate.

>Stephen King
Yeah, you have to write crap in order for your books to sell well.

There is nothing to shitposting for men. All you do is sit down at a computer and masturbate.

Salty much?

No, I've been eating a lot of pineapple recently.

Only when I don't shower. Which is often.

That's the point, I don't need much money and I would rather write shitty erotica than to wageslave my shitty fucking job, I'm trying to get my other work published but it's difficult, erotica seems like it can earn me a little bit of money through kindle/amazon without having to deal with publishers etc.

Making a lot of money on shitty erotica all depends on luck though. You should try the casino instead. Time is money.

Histoire d'O by Pauline Réage. I have allot of erotic work

Literally fifty shades.
It's positively abysmal, with runaway success speaking entirely to the repressed id of bourgeois female society* and the barest spectre of open communication on niche sexual practices. Read it, live it, love it, but most** importantly learn from it.

*The more redpill-misogynistic you become as a result, the better you can give your audience what they want.
**Re: secondmost. The most important thing is to publish under a pen name.

>Truly, the only way to make money as a writer is to write great books.

the last sentence of "Great Books" by user Anonberg

What are some good books like the Story of O?

Because I hate wageslaving and it makes me hang myself.

You have more chance of earning money by writing a webcomic script and partnering up with an artist.