Why did he stop writing by the time he was 21?

why did he stop writing by the time he was 21?

didnt feel like it 2bh senpai

when you so talented sometimes u just don't care no more.

well that is dumb

The same reason Whitman should've stopped after 67'.

Wore his bum out I suspect.


He realized he was a hack.

He realized he fell for a bad aesthetic meme.

He died

Dans ce fil : des gens qui ne maîtrisent pas le français et qui se permettent d'avoir une opinion sur le plus grand poète de langue française de l'histoire de la poésie française.

J'espère que vous avez au moins honte de vous.

Ta gueule

Nique toi fils d'enculé

Fuck off frog. Decadents took Baudelaire and did everything he was saying not to do.

will anglophones ever recover?

Mais Rimbaud n'était pas des décadents, qu'est-ce que tu me racontes là

he died when he was 37


J''ai lu Une Saison en Enfer. As-tu d'autres recommendations? Je pense que j'ai pas bien compris sa poésie parce-que je sais presque rien à propos de la poésie française. J'ai lu seulement un peu de Baudelaire en école, et Une Saison en Enfer à cause de Veeky Forums. Où dois-je commencer si je veux une introduction extensive à la poésie française pour mieux lui comprendre.

Excuse mon français mauvais-- je l'étudie depuis un ans

too busy having gay sex

Partly had to do with trouble with his boyfriend. He also thought his shit would never get published and got depressed about it. He also may have said everything he needed to say.


Va sucer une queue petit anglais, on peut facilement sentir ton accent de rosbif à travers ton poste.

>Mai-mais j-je maitrise bien le français !!!


He understood that being a poet isn't the way to go if you want to be rich.
Read his letters, he wasn't as spiritual as you think he was.

Il le faut le lire en commençant par ses premiers poèmes. Le travail de Bonnefoy le concernent est remarquable bien qu'un peu difficile à appréhender si tu ne maitrises pas encore complètement la langue.

Rimbaud's works get more complex as he grows. His first poems were quite clear.

Who is it

Because he was lazy


He died metaphorically.

Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?

But user, that's not how you spell Baudelaire

(seriously Rimbaud was an edgy teen who wrote decent poetry but he became a normie and lost all relevance. Writing about boohoo having parents suck let me walk outside i wish i had a gf doesn't qualify as "best poetry ever")

Dans ce fil : un idiot qui infère que son propre goût (au demeurant fort mauvais) vaut comme principe normatif.

Au vu de sa difficulté, il n'est vraiment pas le meilleur poète pour commencer la poésie française, mais si tu tiens vraiment à le lire aussi tôt, essaie le "Cahier de Douai", c'est vraiment le recueil le plus accessible.

>je l'étudie depuis un ans
For one year only it's quite impressive, keep it up

merci amis

I think I definitely fell for a Veeky Forums meme, but I still would really like to learn to read him. Will follow your recs!

I'm inclined to think that these are all true and that all poets/artists reach the stage of realizing they have nothing left.

I'm pretty sure he stopped being a poet because he was too spiritual. He became a merchant because he thought it was his duty to his family, or because he thought that it would purify his soul to some degree. I think he might have had the realization that no one stays a poet their whole life, and that, spiritually, pretending to be a poet wasn't in his best interests.

Le plus grand poète francophone, c'est Artaud. Sors la bite de l'autre pd de ta bouche et réalise dans quelle mesure tu as la vision obscurcie (et la gorge bouchée). Rimbaud est littéralement un genre de meme, il ne dit rien d’intéressant et le dit mal.

Si tu aimais vraiment la poésie, tu ne te donnerais pas ainsi en spectacle.


They thrive on emotions, good and bad, it just so happens that being miserable and depressed and all that gives you more feelings to draw from than having it good.

Why did he stop writing when he was 25?

Je suis pas la personne à qui tu réponds mais merci pour la découverte. Ses poésies relèvent du génie.

He converted to Islam and started doing what they do best: trading guns.


> Stoner kid poet vs that dumb old man stupid enough to get inspired by Freud

Learn Farsi or Russian. There are no good French poets.

Farsi poetry is beautiful and I'm not talking about Rumi.

>I'm not talking about Rumi.

I use to have an Iranian and Afghan friend. It was entertaining watching them argue over ownership of Rumi and where he was from.

Si tu aime Artaud, il est aussi intéressant de lire sa correspondance, qui relate sa lente descente dans la folie. Un témoignage assez sombre, en fait, mais aussi assez lucide. Pour être honnête, c'est comme si la crise existentielle naive et immature des adolescents étaient transposées dans un contexte adulte et grave, ou elle est véritablement exprimée comme il le faut.

How would you know ?

the person who was releasing their works through him died

But Rimbaud's last years of his life were miserable

he started travelling. My guess is that he just wanted to live a different lifestyle

I don't know him , but i know the feeling... insurmountable odds,

why haven't you started?

Do you ever just stop doing something? Have you ever woken up and just said, "fuck it, I'm not doing that again". Well that's probably what happened. Happens all the time. I genuinely believe we give too much credit to artists, poets, thinkers etc. Always trying to find out what they meant, if there's a deeper meaning. More often than not, we create greater meaning then they ever intended. Is it so hard to believe Da Vinci just painted some bitch he liked? Why does the Mona Lisa have to have such deep, dark mysteries behind it?

probably because da vinci spent tens of thousands of hours mastering perspective, anatomy, lighting, form and space to create a simple portrait which itself probably took hundreds of hours and is a testament to both his individual motivation and the ambition of the human spirit.

because poetry is for fags

people don't understand the things they do subconsciously. there is meaning hidden within great works, unknown even to the artist.

That's not really a valid answer, user.


En quittant Paris, Rimbaud laisse les poètes à leur poésie. Il en a eu assez. Il va voir ailleurs s'il y est et abandonne sa propre poésie en pâture à la jeunesse, qui a besoin d'œuvres, plus que le monde des lettres.

What I mean is that Rimbaud was precocious, he had foresight that the Paris literary bubble could not bring him anything of value. He was still young so he literally took his business elsewhere.