Why are there so many shills for this coin? Big deal, it’s instant and free. It literally does nothing else. No smart contracts, can’t launch ICO’s, no DApps. This coin will be dead in a year.
Why are there so many shills for this coin? Big deal, it’s instant and free. It literally does nothing else...
idk man charlie lee seems trustworthy and everyone's desperate for a new moon mission so why not, right anons
The blocklattice idea is interesting, team is delivering consistently, works well as a possible currency if crypto as currency ever happens, has working product right now. There’s no reason for XRP or LTC with this around and it’s not aiming to replace ETH or BTC. Lots of growth potential unless there is a fundamental flaw in the new tech it is using.
> Big deal, it’s instant and free
I hope you realize how retarded this sounds,
biz has deluded itself so much just to justify hating this coin that it has come to a ridiculous point, where solving one of crypto’s biggest obstacle regarding adoption, if not the biggest, is considered “literally nothing”
I both shill and FUD this coin. It kind of sounds like you're doing the same. Personally it's fun for me and we all know that the increased shilling and FUD'ing is a result of big expected developments in the very near future.
Same. I posted so many times about “double spending” thanks to shitgrail and accumulated a nice stack last month.
nice blog
You know Bitcoin is software that can be upgraded like all other software? What are you gonna do when they increase the block size or implement lightning network? BAM all of a sudden BTC is now fast and cheap for transactions.
Think its not possible? See you in 5 years, BTC could even move to proof-of-stake to counter the whole "But muh mining isn't gonna be profitable anymore" argument.
Make sure to upvote this
Its because its compared to the likes of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin cash and the other pure currency coins out there. Its literally THE BEST technaclly.
Free transactions
7000 tx/s
almost instant transaction times
Many nodes on the network makes it even more decentralized
> Big deal, it’s instant and free
Instant and free transfer to anyone in the world with no banks involved? Totally useless, obviously
>Charlie Lee
this is the guy who dumped at ATH on his followers
Counter this
Even if Bitcoin does this Nano will still be faster and free and more decentralized. Also lightning network opperates off-chain as a third party application so its not really part of Bitcoin and certainly not its blockchain.
Every coin is fast until people use it. That's why nano is DoA if they ever get real use cases. People will realize it just like they did with every other one dimensional "fast coin" relying on that.
Yeah nano has only been out for several months. Bitcoin nearly 10 years. Oh and its the only thing normies know about when it comes to crypto.
So what, if LN is implemented and BTC is efficient to use, then who cares.
XLM does it ($0.0001 = free lol)
XRP does it ($0.0001 = free lol)
Litecoin does it ($0.001 = free lol)
Bcash does it ($0.001 = free lol)
Let me know when that actually happens
It can do 7k tps, VISA does around 4k max a day worldwide right now and that's fucking VISA
For the record I only have a few Nano
Talking about which one is technically better, its Nano of course even with Bitcoin having Lighting Network.
>haven't read a single thing about NANO's tech, the post
VISA can do well more than 4k tx/s, reported up to around 16000 tx/s when underload
I moderate a major crypto subreddit (I know, I know).
Constantly have to delete NANO spam from
I'll say this the last time, but test networks mean fuck all, nano is fast now because barely anyone uses it. You can make any coin 16000 tx/s in simulations, but in the real world, with nodes spread all around the earth and lots of transactions, you'll find that nano is no better then ETH or BTC.
its not a test network, its actually being used right now, you can go host your own node. Also there's over 100 nodes right now on the network that are sending transactions all over the world.
>muh blocksize
Then why isn't bitcoin cash popular?
Because processing 7000 tps on chain will quickly balloon the cost of running a node to $5000 a year in hard drive costs.
Nano stores balances in the protocol so there's no need to keep a full history
ohhhh 100 nodes, wow so many, thats definitely a accurate representation of a global network
ohhh block sizes, no lightning network, why didnt i think of that earlier
>lightning network
Will have no liquidity. Will become centralized to make any liquidity.
and until 2 years from now when channel factories are implemented, the costs of opening channels will be prohibited.
If everyone in the USA decided to open only 1 channel on Lightning (most people will require 5), it would take an entire year to clear the mempool.
That means tx fees will skyrocket and it'll be no better than the methods its trying to replace.
Yeah except if BTC moved to proof of stake, again your assuming current technology and software. IT is a rapidly changing game.
and I could win the lottery tomorrow. You're a dipshit
lol your being unreasonable if you think software can't be upgraded
That's exactly why it will succeed. Businesses have no interest in accepting a coin that offers smart contracts or could be choked by an ICO launch.
you're projecting your retardation and lack of education on the subject on to me.
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
Blockstream has no plans of moving to POS.
Sure any chain can change itself, but that requires a fork, and we all know how well those go. Just getting segwit was a huge political issue. Bitcoin would no longer be bitcoin. It would just become a much inferior ETH.
They *could* implement smart contracts, but they're years behind where ETH is. Why would anyone switch to a lower quality alternative?
You're retarded