Do any of you actually run businesses, or do you all just jack off over cryptocurrencies?
If the former, where do you begin? I'm good with programming and computers and shit. I've seen so many terrible websites of apparently successful businesses (I once saw a website of a web design company that looked like absolute trash), so it must not be THAT difficult if you have a somewhat high IQ in relation to your customers.
Brayden Turner
wrong board this place is filled with street-shitters larping as white atm go to reddit, unironically sorry
Angel Allen
running a business by comparison is hard where putting money into exchange and buying coin that will moon is easy
Connor Peterson
>go to reddit, unironically Fine. I figured this wouldn't have been a fruitful thread.
Redpill me on crypto.
Wyatt Gonzalez
Sorry i hate Veeky Forumsfags but i'll just give you one coin and go all in GVT then leave and come back after 1 year
Jacob Campbell
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on the jews?
Eli Perez
Crypto is the biggest revolution since the internet. Many will fall. Few will stay. Make your bet. DYOR
Nathan Davis
I've got 30 employees. 4 million a year revenue. Shit is easy if you run a local business. You literally just need to be better than the guy down the street.
Leo Hughes
"Well the first thing I could say about Jews is that a lot of my friends happen to be Jewish, and I think that's partly because Jewish people - and that's partly a cultural thing - are very, very interested in ideas, and I happen to be very interested in ideas, and so I have a great affinity for Jewish people, and so."
Dominic Flores
i run a business building PoC or MVP tech for companies which have done ICOs. have one coworker who i am mentoring and we work v well together.
got into programming like 5 years ago and am still not a "strong" programmer, but i have decent people skills and 1.5yrs experience with smart contract/dapp development.
winning combination, currently charging 1 ETH/day and getting away with it for development or consulting. getting paid in ETH is fucking great my first paycheck back in feb '17 was 76 ETH.
Easton Hernandez
I just started getting into dApp development. How do you find clients?
Daniel Cruz
find them IRL and talk to them. or just email them. a bunch of ICO companies are super ETH-rich but skill-poor, even well written emails will go a very long way.
Noah Robinson
Damn I gotta get on this. How long do you think until everyone starts catching onto dApp development and shitting up the market?
Ian Hill
eastern europe is already hitting it pretty hard, but if you're a dapp studio then just make sure you're not taking on production level projects. stick to 8-12 week projects and charge high. make sure you deliver so stick to easy things and PoCs.
Ian Barnes
I posted a few days ago about my website, which is like localbitcoins but won't have any fees or ID requirements (it has messaging too so you can chat with buyers and sellers) - it'll be user except for emails, but you can use a burner for that. I'm fixing the email verification code now and I'm hoping to launch it asap, probably the day after tomorrow if everything works out. I'll post the link here when it's done, the site is fully functional except for email verification right now.
Ayden Taylor
I run a pizzeria but it's not mine
Jonathan Brown
I sell custom knee pads on Etsy
Wyatt Collins
I actually want to know more about web design too. Do you just reskin templates and sell them or what?
Colton Young
I'm self-employed, I trade part-time and masturbate full-time.
Nicholas Sullivan
What do you trade?
Wyatt Ortiz
Does anyone have any experience with drop shipping or selling on amazon/ebay?
Angel Bell
he trades wojacks on Veeky Forums and lives with mummy
Aiden Phillips
I own an antique shop. It's pretty comfy.
Aaron Green
having a high iq compared to your customers ensures you will hate every second of dealing with them all day every day
the only thing that works is to have a layer of good soldiers in between you and everyone dumb
Brandon Anderson
what is your best seller?
Aiden Torres
Old furniture, mainly dressers and one of a kind sofas.
Dominic Murphy
This happens a lot. Where I’m from, you can’t charge more than 1-1,2k for setting someone up in a template though. If you want to earn actual money in web development, you need to get comfy with HTML, CSS, Java and PHP so that you can fulfill more advanced needs imo.
Nicholas Jackson
> java > php
ishygddt. learn javascript it's fucking everywhere and you'll never be short of work. php and java would be very good at getting you job security though...
Benjamin Morris
>web design
That is not a business. Neither is it programming. Go away.
Jason Price
You're so cute I want to embed my assembler in a main and ram it in your virgin cmos while you design a colour scheme for my payload.
Jacob Peterson
>Do any of you actually run businesses, or do you all just jack off over cryptocurrencies?
I own an art gallery, a security company and a specialised antiques dealership. I'm hands off in everything but the dealership, largely because I like looking at things
Joseph Ortiz
Yeah, I meant JavaScript.
If you can’t modify a basic PHP template or if you don’t have basic knowledge of how functions/calls work, you are going to get absolutely JUST’d if you have to work with something like WordPress, which you inevitably will, since so many people use it.
Luis Butler
My business is with physical goods so I cant help you with website businesses, however I began by selling some assets and getting a place to work at. Spend some money making it look presentable and went from there. Built a couple of accounts up for steady work and once in a blue moon had very good or very bad months.
The whole IQ to customer is real, if youre dealing with a dumb person just keep things simple. Dont get all technical cause they wont appreciate it anyways. If youre with someone who can follow your conversation , drop in a few things to show you know wtf youre talking about and itll build confidence.
Colton Foster
And live in a podunk town full of inbreds where 1 guy is your only competition.
Jaxon Miller
Used to own a store selling hot tubs. Great money must of the time. Terrible life catering to asshole entitled customers. Now I produce world class cannabis concentrates and have a medical/recreational cannabis company. So many slap dicks and jerkoffs in this industry. Moral of the story work for yourself better than some other asshole
Jeremiah Jenkins
Do you guys sell online, like ebay? I'm really interested in this because my dad was an antique seller for like 40 years and made good money from it but idk where to start.
Kayden Peterson
wordpress doesn't get you good returns as a freelancer though, you want to build some unique things for high prices. i have a bunch of friends who work with wordpress and unless they make plugins which they can make passive income from, they barely scrape by and have to work real hard for it.
Jayden James
yes i run a business. keep in mind that the product and operations side is only one part of a bsuiness. you need to learn legal, accounts, qa, etc etc to run a one man band
Jason Gomez
Im learning to program but dont like web dev so much and its pajeet stuff. What can i do which will be worth my time?
Anthony Torres
>using javascript for backend those faggots should be burned to death
Evan Clark
tensor flow, python
Jace Hall
Im focusing on python atm. I have interests in data analysis, ai, machine learning and obviously blockchain but without a degree i dont know if ill get a job in these fields. Self employed or business is the end goal though.
Dominic Wright
You can build unique things for higher prices on WordPress. It’s just a CMS. You’d be surprised at how many larger companies actually use this stuff because low level employees need to interact with it. Dumbing down the backend via customization is a real thing.
I do alright at least. If you pick your projects right and know what your time is worth, 10-12k a month is do-able.
Aaron Ward
yeah, just create a start-up. that way you'll get more money, more autonomy, you can hire/work with who you want. life's good.
Daniel Williams
Running a business has a lot of downside risk. If you fuck up, all your money is gone forever and nobody is going to pay you for those 80 hour weeks you put in. Wageslaving has basically no downside risk, since you can walk away at any time. Put your money in SPY and even if a huge recession happens, it will still be there and recover in a couple of years.
Anthony Turner
You can always start wageslaving with a decent portfolio but its best to try business as young as possible. I watched 'the founder' movie iets about ray kroc the founder of mcdonalds corp. He failed multiple businesses, wageslaved and was a milkshake salesman until (cant remember exactly) 40-55. Okay its one in a million chance perhaps but something he says in the movie is very true. Persistency is key. You'll also notoce how quickly he took advantage of the opportunity. Risk is necessary.
Adrian Jones
Your best off accumulating capital via work. Building a concept with an incredibly simple UI and draw into photshop. Simplify it three times. Make it prettier three times. Then get it built in ruby like language in eastern europe. Download a contract modify as you see fit.
Andrew Stewart
I all reality the only thing you need to legitimize a business is to file for a business license in your state/country/principality. LLC, Corporation or whatever.
I was really thinking about filing for a non profit coroporation and I called the local business accelorator,help line. But they didn't say how much you would need to pay to keep the non-profit up to date on licensing. Or how often you need to renew your lisence. Esp. if you plan on not getting any money donations.