Tell me why Medicine is not the most noble Veeky Forums related field

Tell me why Medicine is not the most noble Veeky Forums related field
Protip: you can't

mathematics is the most noble field

>Mathematics can remove my brain tumour

300k starting

No, but they can calculate the probability of your death :^D


What? How's that gonna help?

Because MDs will, at most, help a few thousand people in their lifetime. This is in contrast to engineers and scientists who's work could potentially help millions directly and billions indirectly by improving the human condition.

Medicine is a moneywhoring intellectual labour profession.

Because Philately doesn't require any intelligence.

Yea inventing a larger missile system improves human condition

Very few medicine students actually care about medicine.

They are just average smart people doing it for the money. That lack of passion is not noble.

>The survey by Kaplan found that 49% of pre-meds reported being primarily motivated by money

That's actually really surprising, people willing to slave away in residency for money. Why don't they take up some shit that actually gets them fucking filthy rich like investment banking

>rectal examination
>genital examination
>animal testing
>human defects


It's noble but it's not Veeky Forums. Besides, as others said, for many med students, it's not really about saving lives.

typical med student, making conclusions before discussion, aka not science

It's more money+prestige. There is truly nothing noble about it.

Do the people practicing medicine.have empathy and patience?

MD will cure the mathematician from depression, everything he did after that is on the MD

>implying conclusions need a discussion first.

Nobility is subjective

Certainly not for a med student ready to become a glorified drug dealer.

it's the most urgent. gotta cover the basics before doing anything else.

Why are there some doctors that act like assholes? Acting dismissive towards the patient, not taking the time and answering his questions... I would think that someone who had the will to work hard for years to get a highly stressful and risky job would do it out of passion and compassion for people. Did they just get tired of it?

as a doctor I can tell you that your experience with patients teach you not to be nice

Probably, could've had many bad patient experiences too. Anecdotal but I've never met a young doctor with a bad attitude. Hotheaded sure but still decent.

Farmers fed me every day of my life, I never went to the MD in my life.

Agriculture is far more noble than Medicine.

i'm reversed minus love safety esteem and self actualization, plus dick. what does that entail?
