Another day and another dump. This has no bottom now. Anyone holding this should really check out their telegram. You wont like the news.
Another day and another dump. This has no bottom now. Anyone holding this should really check out their telegram...
I wonder what language that is.?.
Hint, pronounce it as if you shit in the street twice daily.
I mean it's literally Gib Real. It's a brazilian shitcoin in disguise.
what are the news? don't have telegram
someone didn't check the telegram...
I warned....and warned .... and warned. I was the guy constantly pointing to the false announcements
Dafuq is this shitcoin? Never heard of it. I can’t take anything named “jibrel” seriously
thanks for info
now stop wasting your time because of it's name and skip it
I am in their telegram and can't find anything negative.
P-please tell me why I should hold on to these no one is defending these anymore except when there are Jibrel Soldier threads..I know now why they call them heavy bags.
A lot of people have been talking about the JNT coin being unnecessary for the project.
Because they haven't even started the one thing that's supposed to give them actual value yet, as it is scheduled for later this year? You might be able to sell now and buy back for cheaper in a few weeks though, if you want to try that.
there's nothing to defend, it's not going to do anything in the short term especially while btc is pumping and dumping for weeks on end
one option is to sell your jnt for btc, wait for jnt to bottom out and buy back in when it's cheaper but there's always the risk that jnt pumps randomly since the volume is shit and all it takes is one mini whale to fuck things up. I personally won't do that because I've gotten rekt trying to time the market in the past but I know I'll lose sats this way
they don't understand the project which is why they say that, I say some dude say jnt was unnecessary even though he had no idea how a crydr was made
Yeah I saw that conversation. And I'm still confused about why JNT is needed for this to work to be honest. It doesn't seem necessary for the jcash and asset token thing to use an inbetween like JNT which will be super volatile?
It is how real world assets are ascribed value in the cryptoeconomy. It is what attests to their value on-chain.
It is how value is transferred on-chain in other words. It is used as a vessel or internediary for all transactions, backing up their value in the cryptoeconomy.
Its a dual system. Value has to come from the real world and the crypto world for the JNT ecosystem to work
Yeah i'll need to read more on this. Website I guess
Medium posts are really good. Also Telegram is good too, and the reddit.
It id a very expansive project. In extremelly bullish on it.
They everything it takes to execute. If they do it will be the first true crypto bank.
The market-cap pf JNT would be the value of assets and fiat flowing in and out of that bank then. And thats not including speculation as well as other factors which drive the price of JNT
That's something I don't get. How does JNT get value from the assets? Assets are handled by the jibrel system, but JNT is on the exchanges. Totally confused.
JNt is used to back those assets on-chain. There needs to be valur on-chain for the ecosystem to work and JNT is how these assets are ascribed value on-chain.
When assets are tokenized through Jibrel, whether it's into JCash or another CryDR, JNT worth 1.3x the asset's dollar value is locked up via smart contract.
Sorry, I'm responding through my phone.
There needs to be some form of value within the cryptoeconomy to back up real world transactions in order for this to take place.
Say I purchase a bond from you on-chain. Unless there is a form of value underwriting that transaction on-chain, there is nothing to stop you from just keeping the value in the real world yourself.
Ok, so the asset gets its on chain value from the JNT. But the JNT still depends on the whims of traders right? Also where does Jibrel get the JNT to balance the assets?
So in other words, JNT truly is the form of value which bridges the crypto-economy and the traditional economy.
In order for assets to be placed on chain, and receive all the benefits from doing so, they need to have actual value that is ascribed from the crypto-economy. You can't just put assets on the blockchain without a different form of value to underwrite them.
So say I'm a bank, and I want to tokenize $100 million dollars of my cash. I need to underwrite that with $100 million + a $30 million (30%) premium. The benefit of me doing this, despite the double capital down, is that I am able to sell that cash for more on-chain.
Just as tether is worth more on-chain than off-chain, so too will jCash and other forms of crypto-fiat be.
So as a bank, I am able to sell parcels of that cash on-chain for a slightly higher rate 1-4%, and take advantage of that increase.
It is the same concept as a bank, just a bank uses your money to trade and loan out, so too will banks tokenize their assets to packaged and bought and sold. The way these assets have value is through JNT.
So eventually loans, and other things will all fall under Jibrel's purview. They aim to operate like a real bank, offering the benefits of blockchain and the crypto-economy to other financial entities.
I suggest reading this for a better understanding on where they are heading towards.
Thanks. Will have a go
>Ok, so the asset gets its on chain value from the JNT. But the JNT still depends on the whims of traders right? Also where does Jibrel get the JNT to balance the assets?
Jibrel doesn't balance assets, those looking to tokenize too. There are immense gains to be made despite the double capital down.
Jibrel has to be solvent though, so the DAO, launching in Q3, will be required to maintain a corresponding JNT value of all the assets on-chain. Just as you expect your bank to be solvent for all the money it "holds" or whatever, so too does Jibrel need to be solvent for the assets on-chain. This isn't to say they are centralized in any way - the DAO is decentralized - but there needs to be an intermediary in case of any dispute between parties where one party ends up not being solvent.
*Those looking to tokenize do. (not too) jesus my grammar and shit is fucking horrible right now
cappin these nigs wew fucking lab
dubs confirm you MASSIVE faggots btfo
People say there's an incentive to tokenize because of the possibility of a 1-4% premium, like tether has, but... Sometimes tether trades at 97% of a dollar, too, right? So doesn't it go both ways? So on average, the gain is 0% and entities who serialize their assets will be locking up 30% of their assets for that 0% average gain? Why wouldn't they rather put that 30% into equities for an average gain of 7% per year?
you only need to screencap one word for jibrel threads
4% every few months>7% max per year
But that could just as easily be -4% every few months, couldn't it?
Wondering about this also...
tokenization also has the benefit of allowing your money to interface directly with smart contracts.
this, there is a shit ton to be saved by automizing this shit... read this post, the jibrel team responded:
The beauty of it is the project isnt really targeting poorfags with 20 dollar portfolios. It will be demonstated properly with the institutional money they target.
The beauty of it is a group of rich kids convinced a bunch of poorfags that they had top tier financial and political connections, and those poorfags handed over 30 million dollars to em. Now that's genius!
Jibrel: We're loaded guys. Got connections with royalty, politicians and financial institutions. But we want YOU poorfags to be our primary investors.
Poorfags: Woww, this can't fail! Jibrel gonna fucking mooooooooonnnnnn. We're all gonna be rich!!!!
t. retard
stay salty faggot
Just think about it.
They moved into the SEED office and have a business relationship with them.
SEED clearly has an interest in them to succeed, so they have no reason not to pump a few millions into the Jibrel network and tokenise some assets.
Why the fuck do you buy something you don't understand and get weak hands then? Lol
Jibrel Network exit scam confirmed
Their primary investors are literally the sheikhs etc.. It's called angel round.
This thread is once again filled with a huge crowd of people ganging up and FUDing a coin they supposedly have no interest in. Makes you think.
Lol Capping you too, Glad your Hodling like your fellow JNTLMEN, King Talal let you out of the telegram this late?
Good, the media announcement is around the corner then.
When can I expect some movement from this fucking coin.
>den eyyrabs gon detonayte muh investments!!!1
2x 2021
No. Think harder.
For all intents and purposes SEED owns the Jibrel Network.
The only reason they are in their offices is so they can keep pressure on them, because in the end they are the major investors and the moment Jibrel is not profitable or benefitial to the sheik's people anymore they will be thrown out.
As soon as I discovered the details of the "partnership" with SEED I sold all my JNT at loss. never again will I fall for/biz/ retarded shilling.
I don't know what to say user,
I think you might actually be retarded
Sorry bout that
dubai fdi?
lets google that
oh look
government web address
oh shit
Just a heads-up to my JNTlemen, today I will drop 70k JNT at .00053-.00054 ETH, will buy it back when it hits .0005 ETH.
Tala is that you? I can recognize your voice anywhere my friend.
I am always pre calling the amount i am going to dump too. On top i am pre announcing my re entry point. Thanks lovely user
Talal responded to this in telegram:
>First thing we need to look at it, is why Tether and other "stable" assets drop below the 1$ mark to 0.97$ for example showing a 3% swing to be able to understand why.. with Jibrel, the underlying asset won't be sold for less than the amount in the real world as the underlying asset is easily redeemable and can be sold in traditional markets for its fair value.. The off-chain / on-chain arbitrage arises from the drop in transaction fees and scarcity of stable assets on-chain
kek, fudders btfo
This is why any comparison to USDT is absolutely retarded.
It’s what JNTlmen do
The main "FUD" is people asking questions because they genuinely don't understand.
Keep this in mind: 95% of potential investors in crypto do not know about Jibrel, 99% don't understand what it does and 99.9% don't understand the mechanics in-depth.
I also sold bitcoin when it was only a couple of dollars the moment I realized people will want to buy that shit and there is only a limited supply
never again lol