How do you deal with the fact that you will cease to exist some day, Veeky Forums?

How do you deal with the fact that you will cease to exist some day, Veeky Forums?

Pic unrelated.

I jerk off to gay porn and read Rimbaud.

I skip the Rimbaud and just jerk off to gay porn twice.

>afraid of the concept of oblivion
>afraid of the concept of eternity


i've created an arthur rimbaud porn parody called 'arthur rimjob'

now my name will live on for eternity

I feel immense relief knowing that I won't have to endure sentience forever. Makes it easier to appreciate the nice parts of being alive.

Damn dude, every day? Must hurt.

i am a leaf on the river of life

I jerk off to cuck porn and read John Green.

eternity is not that bad. but oblivion holy fuck, why would those edgy fucks atheists come up with something like this? its an horrible concept, and i doubt they are contempt with ending this life and then literally shutting down for ever.

It's edgier to think you're too important to stop thinking, really. Of course oblivion ,skies us uneasy, but there isn't any view of the afterlife that makes me feel better, so I might as well make peace with what I expect to happen.

>eternity is not that bad

yeah man but it never ends

thats equally terrifying along with oblivion.

hmmm you got a point

i just hope god really does exist and i hang out at whatever transcendental reality hes on

i like the concept of everyone going to heaven, or not a heaven technically, just a "above existence" level after death.

>It's edgier to think you're too important to stop thinking, really.

nothing edgy about that. just self preservation.

>yeah man but it never ends

yeah, but you have that experience, you know how is it when something drags, you can tolerate its imminence. but oblivion? you dont know how it is.

We aren't equipped to do business as usual for that long (lots if old people are ready to go when they die) and it can't be business as usual anyway. Think about it. You aren't aging, nobody is born, nobody dies, there is nothing you can do that is off consequence because everyone's now immortal. What are you gonna do? Tell stories about the 80 years that mattered for ever and ever?

Not wanting to due yet and thinking that you can't possibly REALLY die are not the same thing. If anything a belief in oblivion makes more sense for self preservation because most people don't want that yet, while someone anticipating paradise may accept their fate more readily.

what was this

>everybody ceases to exist, no suffering
>a select few are essentially given a drug filled day dream whilst 99.999999999999% of humanity will exist in excruciating pain forever
Jeez I wonder which sounds worst...

The only right answers. The rest of you kys for all eternity.

I toil away even harder in menial labour, giving the general public a hard time when they simply need small fixes. I redirect them to locate multiple and unecessary forms in collusion with various fat and failed human beings.

We watch as together we all hurtle towards oblivion, yet in this small and pointless moment, we will have been bureacrats who made it just a little worse.

Not actually a bureacrat, but I imagine this describes millions of people.

How don't you deal with it?

> implying I have existed in the first place

Does the sleeping you crave wakefulness? Oblivion isn't terrifying at all.

Does your waking self not crave to awaken again the next morning?

It is perfectly reasonable to be afraid of not living when you are alive. Nobody is arguing the obviously wrong point that we might somehow mourn our lost life after we die.

>The rest of you kys for all eternity
How do you kill yourself just for a while?

His nose and glasses look like a cock

Anyone who says they are not terrified by the prospect of the cessation of consciousness is not being honest with themselves.


Don't be so full of yourself. Rather, it is your position you should more closely examine. Presumably, you aren't afraid of sleep, after all. A delayed benefit such as "I'll wake up and will have desires and experiences once again!" is meaningless, because you still jump off the cliff and cease to be along with all your current thoughts and experiences. It sounds dumb, but needs saying: you don't experience wakefulness until you do. Until then, there isn't a bit of difference between a cessation of consciousness for 1 minute, 1 day or eternity.

I'm fucking terrified. I'm so alone
Is this all there is?

Consciousness in the broad sense continues through sleep.

There are around seven billion different human consciousnesses on the Earth right now, and you're experience is limited to just one of them. I'd never be so confident universalizing my thoughts and feelings to all of theirs as you seem to be.

In any case, when I was around a eleven or so I remember being terrified, and crying thinking about it many nights. But that went away, and these days I don't really feel anything when I think about it. That may reflect depression, but I don't think it's dishonesty. Now when I reflect on how limited my time is, and how much of it I waste with things like Veeky Forums, that does hit me a lot harder.

You have, what, 3000 weeks left? If you're lucky? That's not a lot of weeks. If you only had $3000 to last a lifetime, you would make every penny count.

I won't.

>you will cease to exist some day
Unless if you mean this manifold of recorded experiences, the you are unfortunately wrong.

Pretty content. The idea of an afterlife makes me feel exhausted.

You know the day you were born?

Focus on it.

OK. Now realise that the day before that, you didn't exist.

And for the entirety of history before that day, you didn't exist either.

How did you feel then?

How did you feel when the French revolution took place?

How did you feel when the dinosaurs were wiped out?

How did you feel when the first hydrogen atoms began to fuse together to form what we now call The Sun?

Because that's how you'll feel the moment after you die.

I can't even remember how I felt in middle school

You don't remember last year?

It sounds bad but really, I couldn't care less whether the universe continues on after I die.
What point is there to the universe existing if I'm not around to experience it.

I'm fine with it. There's not a damn thing I can do about it, and everybody is going to go through the exact same thing as far as I can tell.

but i believe in reencarnation.

>Implying we will not be subject to eternal recurrence

>I believe some abstract soul that remembers nothing about anything I know of now will enter another body
That's still just oblivion though.

>You know the day you were born?
>Focus on it.
>OK. Now realise that the day before that, you didn't exist.

You dumb, we all existed the day before we were born.

the whole universe will cease to exist one day

>you're dumb for not knowing what baseless assertion I was going to make in response to your post

which has nothing to do with anything, good job

that doesnt meant you'd be scared of losing pennies

face it folks, the only answer is to kill yourselves now.

>How do you deal with the fact that you will cease to exist some day, Veeky Forums?

i feel a profound sense of relief

the whole universe has been and will be here forever, dont be silly.

>"actually it's prnounced RAMjob"

You need to stop reading your gay little frilly philosophy books and take a look at some cold hard science, my friend. The universe has not been here forever. Well I mean maybe you could say it has. It has a beginning, but I suppose one could say time didn't exist before the universe came about and will cease to exist after it is gone, which means it will have been here forever; Though this forever isn't an eternity

Not speaking of your shitty empirical universe

be glad that i was born in the early 90s so i have a shot at digital immortality

As someone who has had several near death experiences, and has had their heart stop beating for several minutes, Oblivion is nothing. The torment of being alive is bad enough as it is right now and I'm only 24 years old. Eternity would fucking drive me insane.

>implying you couldnt have been delivered one day before the day you were born

>he hasnt realized he is a mere computer chip engineered by a superior life form, experiencing a simulated reality through a supercomputer built to emulate a brain. everybody you know and everything you experience isn't real.

>literally none of this matters though, because none of you are real. I am the only reality in this simulation of existence.

>i'm dying of cancer i can literally feel it all over my body.

So you wouldn't object if I euthanized you right now?

>trolling based on an ambiguity in the word "born"

When you get older you'll understand the advantages of eternity.

No, I fucking won't. I don't come to Veeky Forums often. And I don't actually come to Veeky Forums often either. I am in no rush to die. I want to continue experiencing life. And I have really lived and experienced life at my age more than most people. I'm happy to continue on with it. But in no way shape or form do I want this shit to go on forever. I'm totally content with eventually passing.

The only thing that will cease is the lie that I am separate from the universe. Everything you are is physical, matter can't be destroyed.

You can't masterbate anymore but all the pieces that make you up will still be there.



I meditate until I hear a rushing noise like a pair of tire sized lips suctioning me up off of the floor and levitate off the ground for a while being an outlet for the flow of pure white energy which I am a part of and am reminded that I don't even have the mind to speculate about what I'm experiencing, why I even exist at all in infinite space, or what this "I" is that I hold to so tightly in a frightning and mysterious universe. Upon distraction I am thumbed back into myself like play-doe into its yellow cup, back into the confines of conventional sight, one which feels like a man's eyes forced into the existence of a flowers being, existing only to watch the sun move across the sky. I am stuck in this conventional fungus growth of perception, one which has expanded into the crevices of what "makes sense" like life likes to do, it seems to expand into the shape of a pre defined mold until there is little energy left for growth, and then whither away, such does my mind, and I can feel it peaking. It has expanded into the shape defined by my environment, and now it whither and that's not ok, because what do I have left to hold on to if "I" am taken away? I will be alone like an amoeba finding itself awake in a pond. Perhaps death is birth, the amoeba leaving the security of the womb, me leaving the security of the "I."

shrug and move on

but I will say, thank God depression ends. it gives death meaning, for me.

also there is the objective truth that death gives life its most value

I do not cease to exist. I will only become.

It's the process of dying that's yucky for me.

That's what hospice is for, though--to make the final exit as easy and painless as possible, ie drugs!

I am terrified by the idea of nonexistence and dislike the reality that everything we learn, do, and strive towards is pointless but at the same time I frequently find myself hoping some freak accident will suddenly kill me before I get bored of the few interests I have left in life.


Nothing hurts anymore.

By looking forward to that day and maybe possibly invoking it myself.

>people pick and choose their beliefs

Buddhism man. Learn to love everything and hate nothing.

depression is a spook

stop being fags

watching zizek videos is the only cure

Pfft LOL. Zizek. Good one.

I don't have to.

What if they are suicidal? Ideologically so?

Someone on Veeky Forums described it this way a long time ago, maybe he was quoting someone or he made it up himself:

>It will be like we're actors in a school play. We'll be scared of what happens when the curtains go up, we'll be nervous, we won't really know what to expect, but we will all do it, and we will all do it together.

I think "thank God"

>manifold of recorded experiences
That would constitute "you".

I choose to believe in Nietzsche's Hell. If I were bound to endless repetition of my life, I can choose to create my own heaven or hell. If I lived this life right, I will be spending an eternity of more bliss than pain. If I lived this life without a single care nor thought, I will have created a perpetual hell - living blind and deaf and crippled. Only thing is, this time I will have to true death to yearn for.

I choose to believe in Nietzsche's Hell. If I were bound to endless repetition of my life, I can choose to create my own heaven or hell. If I lived this life right, I will be spending an eternity of more bliss than pain. If I lived this life without a single care nor thought, I will have created a perpetual hell - living blind and deaf and crippled. Only thing is, this time I will have no true death to yearn for.

In my entire time of experience at a number of participating pediatric care facilities, talks with highly renowned medical doctors and neurotherapists, as well as countless hours of non-participant visiting on anonymous “anime” image boards such as this, I have really learned a lot about autism and my ability to gain any amount of personal experience with it, much more than I had bargained for, in fact. I have found myself rolling around the boards a few times here and there, addicted in a way, reformulating a billion planes of existential and out-right philosophical grounds on which thought is founded, and became a greater voice of intellectual indignation than Max Stirner or Frederich Nietzsche could ever hope to be, in this life or another, in this plane of existence, or any lower or higher one, in all space and time, and all under and above His mighty hand. That being said, I really think it is necessary and proper to bring up the white elephant looming in the black corner of the room. I think, personally, that the introduction of the theory that meaning and unmeaning are a dual relationship in a dichotomy that nearly never find themselves transcended nor passed over each other that it is completely certain that this level of autism surely would transcend the dichotomy just as much as Al-Karkei’s severely underrated “The Birds, The Frogs, & The Mosquitoes”, in which the periwinkle pursuit of principle and persistent processes put on by people and presentation as presented to us in the post-postmodern world is clearly contorted by a false sense of right brought by the rise of the left and the onslaught of the consistently overflow of degeneracy in society and its depreciation in decadence, thus easily and laymanly giving a clear example of the meaning/unmeaning dichotomy. In conclusion, it’s abundantly clear that anyone with any amount of regular brain function would realize how fucking stupid that sounds.

I feel sad I'll never taste art created after I'm dead. Specially that I won't be here to experience society's changes and evolutions.

Today I wondered how evolved society would be in 12345 AD and it made me feel bad I won't experience it and maybe this will make me embrace hindu philosophy even more.

I'm only truly aware that I exist once or twice a year. I find it kind of unsettling anyways.

Make life, user. Make life through love.

i.e. Fall in love and have a baby

I don't. Nobody does. We just find stupid reasons to feel ok with it, or tell ourselves we're ok with it.

>The Denial of Death - Ernest Becker

I didn't actually realize how real I was until I got cucked 2bh


Kids will suck all my time and energy that I should be using on maintaining my intellectual status. I want at least 2 kids if I'm going this path.

I think teaching and guiding children could be very stimulating if you actually care, not phoning it in like a lot of teachers do after their first year.

Knowing that it will happen eventually makes me feel safe in a way. Like i know that if things get really bad, i always have that exit door whether i choose to take it or not.

I wanted to commit suicide when i was 13, for stupid reasons...i almost tried it but something in me told me that it wasn't worth it. And i understood that.
And i think life is worth living especially because you are sure to die. Everything happening before your death is important and at the same time meaningless...but it is yours to decide which is which.

I imagine Sissyphus happy.

About last year after something clicked the whole concept of infinity made sense to me, and it fucked me up for a while. I developed generalized anxiety disorder, depersonalization, and started feeling a heavy existential dread that I've never felt before. The cessation of existence is a pretty scary thought but not nearly as terrifying as the idea of something without beginning or end, or the idea that you'll always exist forever in some state.
It still hits me every so often but overall I'm at peace with all that now. I try to make the best of this life now, and not waste it on trivial things and mental masturbation.

I used to be afraid, but every time I think about it now, I feel at peace, not existing sounds so comfy.

>something clicked the whole concept of infinity made sense to me

was this drug motivated?

I can't wait to die because living is scary.