Any anons have tips for the best assets/exchanges for arbitrage?
Does anyone actually make a decent amount of money with an arbitrage bot, and if so, how much is your typical trade worth in USD?
Any anons have tips for the best assets/exchanges for arbitrage?
Does anyone actually make a decent amount of money with an arbitrage bot, and if so, how much is your typical trade worth in USD?
What do I have to do to get some responses? What do biz guys like these days, should i shill a coin or put some brapping material or make fun of indians or blacks?
Maybe I can turn this into a thread about how all women are worthless holes and i am Going My Own Way ?
Hey, err.. I uhhh.... ha ha saw you over there.... I think... umm... errrr..... do you know anything about how to make money with arbitrage?
Hi guys
I just profited for the first time from my arbitrage bot. I made 15 cents with a $300 initial balance with the following chain:
Wow, 15 cents I am really going to be rich
What bot?
that's 0.05%. 20 times a day that's 1%.
doing this compunded you will make great gains in no time
>doing this compunded
Doesn't work like that in crypto
why not? what are you talking about?
you start with $100, get 0.05 more, next time you're doing it with 100.05
You're limited by volume, volume is not infinite, and you can only scale it up so much.
Wrote it myself. Its around 500 lines of python. Trickiest part was handling the buy -> buy/sell -> buy/sell sequence based on the direction of each market. For example, for the chain I posted above, the first action is buying NEO with BTC. The second action is selling NEO for USDT. However, if my chain was:
the second action would be buying NEO with my BNB I purchased in the second action. This doesn't appear complicated on the surface but it fucked my head for a little.
Also I don't touch any BNB pairs because I use it for fees. I am too much of a brainlet to handle how to ensure that the amount I keep for fees decreases only by the amount paid in fees while buying/selling large quantities of BNB as part of a chain. This is because when I am on action 2 and 3, I have to check the quantity I have of each asset before I compute how much of the next asset I will buy/sell. I can't use the values I computed from the previous action because I am using market orders and the amount I actually purchase slips a little bit.
The image is a bit disingenuous. It's more like buy for 3.95 sell for 3.98
Here’s your (you) for trying to sound smart
>12 man
counting iz hardd
Use ARCT terminal. Just released open beta. Confirmed profitable. Make sure your holding some ARCT as well because this is going to pop.
where do i get it
what are the returns?
haha 15 cents and the other 75% of the times you'll be losing over $1 because some price will change and you wont be able to finish the whole thing at a profit. great plan there.
Hi I think I've put up pretty good guards to prevent this from happening. I haven't seen it do this yet, there is a minimum profit margin it must meet in the testing phase before it executes the trade and I set this high enough that minor slippage won't hurt the price too much. Also I am starting the bot on an AWS machine in Tokyo where Binance servers are, latency should be pretty low.
So your bot is able to predict the future before it executes the trades? cool
it's a bot you mongrel it does it in few ms
>nothing can change in a few ms
not all exchanges have 675437243 volume
so? if your bot can reach it with 25ms, so can every other bot. nobody is going to run a bot from New York if they can run it from AWS Japan to get the lowest possible latency
Granted slippage is an issue, but my assumption is that the amount that the theoretical profit of each trade could go down is a low enough percentage that it won't go into the negative within the execution window given my initially required profit margin. If the other arbitrage bots beat me to it, most likely I will just come out even as arb bots tend to smooth out the markets and will make the potential profit $0.0
This is a great example of when faster bots blow u the fuck out the water, this execution profited only 20% of it's expected amount