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Ripple Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!!!
it's not like it hasn't done this twice before
That's what you get for buying (((ripple)))
Wait 3 days
NO I'm fucking done. Selling all XRPenis right npow.
I will buy
useless shitcoin will not even be used. 100 billion fucking tokens. pajeet alone owns 25% of the supply and he just WON'T STOP DUMPING. fuck this shit
sell so it can pump already
I unironically fell for the cripple meme, all the talk of banks using it etc seemed like normies would jump on the cripple train and I could get some solid gains, bought in at like 1.5 usd and x2'd but thought we were heading for 10 bucks or more then I got crippled and now my bags are super heavy, have over 20k cripples and want to die.,
I thought when BTC went down XRP would go up in relation to it. I was wrong.
dont kys, gains coming
green trip
xrp news with coinbase
It pumps in cycles same with ETH and LTC. Now it'll continue to dump reaching 6k sat and even lower. It'll pump back to 20k sat when the bull market returns.
> He doesn't know about Tuesday
Should we tell him?
please user, I need to dump these bags, they're just so heavy, tell me.
this was one of the best coins ever
but only if you sold
holders btfo kek
u dont have a fucking clue about the coin u invested your life savings in you dont know news anything
holy shit stupid faggots here
The President of Coinbase and the CEO of Ripple are going to appear together on CNBC's Fast Money on Tuesday at 5PM eastern time. Remember to go all-in on XRP.
i already am nearly all in damn it.
Try harder.
Hmmmm... what do we have here... Coinbase has 90 new support employees starting the day before the Ripple announcement on CNBC...Hmmmm...
>Threw some chump change on cripple ages ago just because lmao fidget spinner
>Sold ATH
>Initial investment was so low the money is nothing to die about
Cool i guess
nah they are hiring people just for fun, nothing is really going on in coinbase right now
but everytime there's ripple news it dumps harder than ever before.. especially during conferences.
This is the news we've all been waiting for.
I'm waiting patiently for Tuesday to come!
This is coordinated FUD to lower the price in order to accumulate for the big announcement on March 6th
100,000,000,000 premined...
That’s 11 zeroes...
So there's enough of it to serve as a world reserve currency without the price per XRP being so high that plebs subconsciously think it's unaffordable.
its going back to 1000 satoshis, don't forget.
people can bitch all they want, XRP is most likely one of the 5% of coins that will survive long term.
>35$ eoy
keep buying high user, sell low, you'll make it
>bought in at .69 (giggity) i'm comfy
This is the best indicator of market action. When a few more of these threads appear, you know you're only a month or so away form the next big pump
100% agree that XRP will be part of the last coins standing after all the shitcoins die a miserable death
about to dump SJW coin xlm for more XRP
Do it and get rid of that pink ID
alpha's don't care what color they have user
they are both moving together retard
This would be the right time to do it since xlm is mooning
lol, yeah mooning
>up .03
Everything else has bleeding. So yes, in contrast, XLM is mooning.
But who will carry the yoke of Africa?
trips and that ID
Mix it around
>FuK xLM
>all the banks talking about using it, it will draw in those stupid normies, and I can take a steaming dump on them. $10 EOY easy.
I have bad news for you bud. All of those "normies" were thinking the exact same thing.
You are the normie.
Holy shit, that's a sign! Sell!!!!
cant argue with that logic
It probably will be added to CB. They have the #1,2,4,5 in market cap on that exchange, why wouldn’t they have #3 (ripple)?
I will not be buying.
Yeah remember litepay? How it was going to launch Ltc to its highest point? NOTHING HAPPENED
I feel like crypto trading is a secret scam that powerful people are using to steal our money and it’s being done by using media and shills, there are a lot of clueless people in the market that fall for fake news and shit coins everyday and end up losing their life savings.
Is not true that the banks can use ripple but just make their own coin for it that they completely control the value of i.e 1 coin = $1 now and forever instead of using the fluctuating price version
xrp will never be added to coinbase, because it's a private token. only decentralized cryptocurrencies, like ltc, btc and such can be on coinbase. the coinbase meme will not work again, pajeet. this is coming from someone who fell for it last time. XRP is the biggest scam in crypto history. lost so much money on this shitcoin.
All I'll say
Tuesday is pizza day. Pizza day.
It settles so quickly that there is no depreciation, dumbasd.
Let me post this for the 100th time today:
>This framework is not intended to be a definitive methodology, investment advice, or a commitment to support any specific asset. As the technology, use cases, and regulatory environment evolve, so too will this framework. We are committed to supporting more assets, but our priority is always to protect customer funds and comply with regulatory requirements.
>he thinks there's going to be another bull market
Perfect example of people not understanding XRP at all.
DYOR, dumb uneducated asshole.
go back to Retarddit, retard
if you didn't get in xrp two years ago subcent you're not gonna make it
Regardless of whether it is added to coinbase or not, the panel will give ripple a boost in attention because it's going on normie t.v with the CEO shilling his heart out. I've never really liked ripple, but not buying in when it is at its lowest while coinbase rumors are floating around says a lot for your intelligence and how you lost so much money in it in the first place. Stay poor.
>How to buy Ripple on CNBC
ive become so disenfranchised that screenshots like this make me physically sick.
im sorry but ripple is centralized. it is mined by operators who are "Verified" by the company itself, ergo it is not trustless. the company Ripple is what we would refer to as a third party and they verify the miners. the coin is centralized despite what you have been told. its on their website just look it up. ripple might be a good way to make money in the short term off boomers who still watch TV but i for one wouldnt invest in bad products because at any moment the legs can fall out from under them. id rather have faith in the product so i can sleep better at night. ripple is the last gasp of a dying generation
ripple memes are so weak because theyre made by dispassionate indians
stop spreading FUD retard
Retard alert!!!!!!!!
I try to avoid being conspiracy-theoretical, but if Coinbase adds Ripple, it would violate their criteria because the coin is pretty fucking useless, I can only imagine that it is a sure sign that the Jews are trying to muscle their way into crypto, and they’ve successfully converged Coinbase. The SJWing and browning and feminizing of the space will have begun, and it will turn to shit, just like the USA in general.
Now, I don’t think that representatives from Coinbase appearing on a panel on a show with two other crypto spokespeople means anything, if you are buying the rumor, prepare your Pink Wojaks for tomorrow.
And your fucking point is what exactly? Just look at BTC for fucks sake, jumping all over the graph.
This is verified bullshit. Terribly obvious photoshop and fud.
Ending disease in Africa artificially increases the population. But Africans already have an evolutionary population-increasing strategy: high fertility. That strategy hasn’t stopped with reduced infant mortality.
We would be just as good taking medical steps to increase the rat, squirrel and cockroach populations in our own countries.
"We reserve full and absolute discretion to list, not list, or de-list any asset for trading on GDAX regardless of how the criteria in this framework may apply to the asset. We expect this framework to evolve over time."
regardless of how the criteria in this framework may apply to the asset
regardless of how the criteria in this framework may apply to the asset
regardless of how the criteria in this framework may apply to the asset
regardless of how the criteria in this framework may apply to the asset
regardless of how the criteria in this framework may apply to the asset
>t. Veeky Forums in September 2017.
>the coin is pretty fucking useless
based on fucking what? it's the literally number 1 block chain tech currently in the world being adopted by banks in production WTF? this is leddit tier pajeet FUD.
i'm a noob and even i recognized ripple just follows the same pump and dump pattern over again. Just look at the may 2017 XRP/BTC chart. I might buy some at 3k sats.
If up scroll up, you'll see l already said this. The problem is that people here are retarded and brainwashed by shitcoins like link or jnt, that they don't know a good coin when they see one. XRP will be the future.
Linux is very useful to banks it doesn’t mean average investors can make shit tons of cash off it.
see BTC graph when it was 1 USD
you need to do your homework. ripple decides who can and cant be a node operator and has ultimate control over this. its not about who is currently doing what, it is about who can possibly do what. it is centralized no matter how they try to squirm out of it. im not saying its a bad investment for people to make, i bet youll do great with it but for me it goes against what crypto is meant for. i cant support it because of that. it is centralized gents. accept the fact. they say that their network is decentralized but then they say the exact opposite, that they can control who runs nodes. thats a contradiction in terms.
He's wrong about it being mined.
He's not wrong about it being centralized.
>In January 2018, the BitMEX Research team installed and ran a copy of Rippled for the purpose of this report. The node operated by downloading a list of five public keys from the server v1.ripple.com, as the screenshot below shows. All five keys are assigned to Ripple.com. The software indicates that four of the five keys are required to support a proposal in order for it to be accepted. Since the keys were all downloaded from the Ripple.com server, Ripple is essentially in complete control of moving the ledger forward, so one could say that the system is centralised.
(And yeah, I know I'm almost certainly replying to some pajeet shills, but it might be of use to others.)
>He doesnt know abut xrp's pumping patterns
You'll just have to stay poor i guess
Look at all the whales in this thread, desperately trying to FUD Ripple and hold up their sell walls for a few more days.
The President of Coinbase and the CEO of Ripple are going to appear together on CNBC's Fast Money on Tuesday at 5PM eastern time. On Monday, Coinbase is hiring 90 new support employees, with 500 to be hired by May. Remember to go all-in on XRP.
it will moon someday but not after you kys
>he fell for the ripple meme
dude ripple was a joke wasn't it obvious?
ripple is a doge fork
this is bullshit look it up retard anyone can run node validator NOW
Why share? Just let people stay poor. They deserve to stay poor for their FUD
Because someone from this board shilled me on Ripple (and Monero) when it was cheap. This is my way of giving back.
Fuck all of them. Seriously. Time will be their biggest lesson in life probably ever. Dont try to counterFuD cause they are obviously getting paid for this. These threads and comments were nowhere before.
I'm mainly trying to help the lurkers. I was a lurker when I got shilled on XRP. Sparring with the FUDders is just a game that helps me refine my memecraft.
Patience, young grasshopper.
why didnt you set a stop loss you absolute retard.
Set one like 5% below buy in then buy back once it dips further. Not only can you minimize loss you can make some money as well
I just bought it just to dump it on Wednesday.