What am I doing wrong???
having too many shitcoins, its a problem i have as well
im assuming you bought recently yes?
dont fomo
dont fud
its that simple really if Veeky Forums is posting about it already its not that it wont be profitable, its that it will be risky
not hodling hard enough
user learns the market is shit right now and only BTC is working on its recovery
jesus this is the fucking prime example of Veeky Forums portfolio. you dont want to have a Veeky Forums portfolio
no stinky linky
>$1000 portfolio
>8 coins
you don't diversify until you get to >10k. throw it into bitcoin until next alt season starts and then all-in something that has hit rock bottom prices and will have a lot of hype. dyor for that last bit though
that is, perhaps, the worst memefolio i've ever seen
all of the above and plus you're spread too thin for the amount of money invested
Cardano's roadmap updates in like 15 hours. I don't know if that will be enough to recoup all of your losses, but if the news are good you should get a boost from that.
Not sure about the other coins, but at least one or two others must have some things planned. That said, you're probably over diversified for the amount of money you have, unless you're in this because you really like trading as such, and the amount doesn't really matter to you.
Honestly your portfolio just looks like one of a spastic retard. Buying the memes with no research.
Better than mine
Your portfolios worth less than 5k and you're paying money for Delta Pro
You're diversifying with a portfolio worth less than 5k
sell all into BTC dumbass
>actually invested in crypto lending platforms
Started in October
Had a free trial for Pro. I wouldn't pay for it, I can't even get it to link up with coinbase
Sell everything for a loss and buy NANO. Best decision I ever made.
You won't be saying that come Tuesday. I promise you that
You listened to Veeky Forums, facebook. Also you disrespected the king.