Is there any way to get similar book recommendations besides goodreads crappy lists?

Is there any way to get similar book recommendations besides goodreads crappy lists?

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>Is there any way to get similar book recommendations besides goodreads crappy lists?


>Im the EDGE

your answer is a non sequitur.

Venus in Furs
Tropic of Capricorn
Story of the Eye
Gargantua and Pantagruel
Carpenter's Gothic
Middle C
Juan goysoto - Quarantine

LibraryThing has a "similar libraries" feature, and lets you know what you should "borrow" from people with similar libraries. It's far better than Goodreads's system.

goodreads has a pretty good similar books feature you tard. or you can try amazon.

Find a work of criticism that interests you and see what texts they're using. Plenty of books also have "Further Reading" sections

What does that edgar alan poe book like without the sleeve?

I've never checked before. I just looked and it's just blank mildly dark blue and red, with gold printed letters on the spine. I'd show you a picture but it's not worth the effort, it's not very remarkable.

I would have appreciated the effort. I'm autistic and don't like the look of most sleeves. I prefer the plain aesthetic of the book by itself.

It's why I've been having trouble finding anything by Lovecraft that I'd actuall buy. For some reason most of his printed works are covered with comical caricatures of Cthulu

Psychiatric diagnosis are worthless, they speak nothing of the pathology of a human being, for better or for worse. They're nothing but a philosophical label of incompetence that they slap on people, merely for pragmatic reasons. You're probably not purposefully doing this, but your usage of the word autism just sort of rubs me the wrong way. What does telling me you have autism say about you? It says you have obsessive interests that make no god damn sense to the people in charge of common sense.


I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm being blunt with you. This is the reality of the situation.

It was a joke. Veeky Forums humour has revolved around autism for so long now that your comment threw me off; I didn't think you were actually replying to me at first. It's just self deprecation and banter. I'm sure I would fall somewhere on the spectrum if I was sent in for a diagnosis. But it was really just a joke to counter any arguments you might have had against my irrational and compulsive behaviour,

>I'm sure I would fall somewhere on the spectrum if I was sent in for a diagnosis
if you can't act well enough to achieve whatever diagnosis you desire you're not a full human. you're like a stunted halfling, or some such creature.

I'm not actually diagnosing myself with anything though. Sure, when I read the symptoms of different mental disorders then I'm able to relate. But I don't actually want to have any of that. Are there people who romanticize mental illness?

It honestly sounds like you're projecting.

>y-yur not even a human bean, haha loser, kys!!@
Nice man, nice

gotcha faggot


just search for "edgy faggot" on amazon.

btw, I'm not the guy who's replying to you after the autism comment that "caught you off guard". I'm sorry that that person is being such a prick to you, that wasn't my intention. I understand where you were coming from and the joke though.