I have photos of Borz from his Facebook. Are they worth posting?
and his company address in Hungary
Go ahead
Ive seen them too.
Ive also seen his wifes profile and his daughters (who I tried adding but she blocked me lol)
They seem like a pretty normal family
do it, I want to know if he is an autistic genius or just an austistic retard
I wish I has saved the photos. He just looks like a normal 40-50yo dad with a hearing aid.
His wife is cute, and they have two young children, so he cant be that autistic.
here’s one pic
That is the autistic fucker
link pleez if you ain't larping
his name zoltan szabo for real then? on fb
OP drop link plz
that... didn't inspire confidence
OP or post source and prove that you’re not larping faggits
yeah it is
no one cares and everyone has seen them before.
It's easy to find because his wife likes the xtrabytes facebook.
Fuck off trying to bring attention to your bags by acting like you have discovered something unknown.
Thanks sold 100k
You can't see who liked it on their page tho
Unless they just changed that
>so he cant be that autistic
Ok thnx i just sold then
Autistic dev was why i bought
why should anyone care about the pics of the guy, show his skills instead