The next hours are absolutely CRITICAL for Bitcoin. Private.
The next hours are absolutely CRITICAL for Bitcoin. Private
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will this get exchange listed within a few hours?
first time using hitbtc why the fuck is this site so sluggish
Expand on this OP? your post is too vague.
This is the next bit connect lmao
shitcoin pro
no no no
i hold it too
loving the desperate shill attemps from you zcl cucks
just a heads up; you ARE retarded if you aren't expecting another mass sell off once the coins are open for trade
$180 min opening price mate
>$180 min opening price mate
we'll see how long that lasts mate. barely took an hour for zcl to plummet -60%
you are brain damaged beyond belief if you think anyone will stay optimistic and hold at this point, enjoy losing your money friendo desu even if you did try to sell you'd likely still get JUSTED anyways.
Am I fucked that my wallet says not verified after 240 confirmations. wtf I left it on all day and just checked it.
The absolute state of nocashers
>Doesn't know a mining pool is already paying $230 per BTCP
>Doesn't know that OTC sales are already going for $300
I think that is where it will dip down to as weak hands take profits. Whales will try to FUD this hard, just like they did with ZCL pre-fork. It was obvious coordinated FUD to try and scoop more BTCP.
Now that it has solid mining support, and is the best version of BTC yet, coupled with the low circulation of coins compared to other versions of Bitcoin, and it's price is going to easily be into the thousands this year.
There is a possibility that this could surpass BCH in marketcap with less than half as many coins in circulation.
$3,500 - $7,000 BTCP isn't a crazy thought by EOY 2018, especially if BTC is over $30,000
>the noprivate starter kit
I'd love to see it eat up BCH, god that would be incredible
Hold on...
You thought people were buying zcl for zcl?
Are you brain dead? Serious question.
I am honestly surprised how much I see this FUD. It is absolutely mindbogglingly stupid. I guess that is to be expected from Veeky Forums.
The more FUD, the higher the price is going to be
I need to see Ver's face when this bypasses shitcash