Yesterday i felt the urge to trip again. The last time was years ago and it felt like the right time.
I never tripped so hard in my life. I saw mandala's forming in my mind and i knew i was in the right place at the right time.
And it came to clear..
There will be an bullrun the likes we have never seen beginning on the 8th of march.
I know now, the power and magic of kek is real.
It sounds weird but i am sure of it.
I took shrooms and saw the bullrun
That's my girlfriends birthday
I hope it doesn't happen that day because I won't be able to be on Veeky Forums when it happens
I believe you
What coins?
The behemoth, Btc
fuck off marius landm or lamd marius. Whatever that thin lipped rat faced jews name on twitter is. Dont follow retards u idiot
Have the same itching in my butt. everybody has suffered enough, and there is reistance to panic selling at the level we've seen.
Sprouts of incredible optimism happen left and right. Random coins suddenly get double digit gains. The spring of market sentiment is in it's advent.
Thebillioncoin, turtlecoin amd bazingacoin.
please post detailed trip report, I would like to hear some indicators like how bullish we talking and any event that might trigger it
I wish you'd have gotten trips, or dubs at least. But under current circumstances, I'm afraid I cannot believe you.
oh we know
and re: op
>5pm i take the truffles "Dragons dynamite" The most potent they had.
>I try to swallow them with some soda because they taste awful
>6pm I am really starting to feel it. I watch some youtube videos but i can't concentrate on them.
>Around 7pm I start visualizing events extremely vivid with my eyes closed. So i decide to lay down and ride the wave with my eyes closed.
>I have read 'hero of our time' by Lermontov recently and i was invisioning myself vividly as the main character Pechorin after he had won the duel and is riding his horse in to the toendra. I felt extreme despair while doing so. I unmounted the horse while doing so i become myself again and i look at Pechorin as he starts to lay on the ground and wheep uncontrollably. I sit next to him.
>around 8pm i tried to see if i could still play some piano. As i started playing i saw mandala's forming in front of me, transforming as i played.
>8:30pm i trie to lay down again with my eyes closed. And i fall into vivid imaginations again.
>I am imagining standing in an field at dusk, i am camping with some friends and they are all sleeping. Suddenly i see an huge spaceship flying over me. It is so huge that it is all i can see when i look up. I am trembling and screaming as the ships just seems to keep on going and on and on.
>Then i invisioned myself floating over the moon in an space capsule while a voice really clearly told me "It will begin in a few days, the 8th"
That voice was so weird and commanding.
I believe it was kek that manifested briefly.
>>I know now, the power and magic of kek is real.
>It sounds weird but i am sure of it.
I though it was just a stale /pol/ meme. Until I tripped on acid, and saw that it wasn't. Keep the frog happy; make sacrifices in exchange for presents.
I am taking your fever dreams as financial advice and I will sue if you fuck this up OP.
i believe you op
Daily reminder that He only speaks through dubs, trips, and higher.
The bull run begins in April. Keep it quiet.
The New York Stock and Exchange Board was formed on March 8, 1817. The name was shortened to The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in 1863. The NYSE is home to more than 2,800 companies
> March 8
buy jibrel token its 1 milion
But the lack of dubs is disturbing.
Dubs and kek wills it.
Anything else and we are stuck in a bear for another 2 years.
I will it
March 10, 1862 - The first issue of U.S. government paper money occurred as $5, $10 and $20 bills began circulation.
>march 10th
If you're on mushrooms and thinking about crypto I feel bad for you
go outside
>stop thinking about this new fountain of wealth that could liberate you from the burdens of the current economy
Salty boomer.
KEK comfirm
I would like to have try shrooms too at some point. Ever had a bad trip or have any other "prophecies" came true?
i also took shrooms 3 months ago and confirm this is false prophecy
the bull run will start april 7th at 7am and will continue to pump twice as big as last years bull run until april 20th
Money is only good up to a point of diminishing returns
Mushrooms are magic
Magic > Money
this groovy tripster gets it
The eyes in his eyes