OMG 2018 EoY Price Predictions

Here's mine: $1500

Other urls found in this thread:


45$ ~


4 dollars 75 cents

$5000 easy, screencap this

Anyone care to give any reason to their price predictions or are we just going to spout random numbers that make us feel better about our investments?

For me: (New blockchain) and staking wallet (Said to be released this year).

1500$ is completely nuts. Bitcoin would have to explode through the thermosphere for that to happen. Assuming btc is around 20k eoy I can see OMG being 100$ but that's about it.


>Bitcoin would have to explode through the thermosphere for that to happen

which it might

If merchants start adopting the tech besides McDonald's, it will explode. What % is the question.

My guess $85


$1,538.46 EOY


If this hits $1,500 then REQ hits $25.

Dont see why 250 to 300 isnt possible through the importance of omg to the plasma network, the dex and staking which cuts down the supply.


arround 400 with BTC 25K

Depends on staking earnings

Also UNFORTUNATELY there will be a limited number of stakers, probably cut off above a thousand

Even then what are the odds of any one person being able to stake on the OMG network? There are so many wallets above 1000 OMG if that's even the cutoff.

250 at least.

I wish they'd quit being so fucking humble and patient about their revolutionary product. So fucking slow right now.

Literally going to grow exponentially. The OMG network hasn't even been implemented yet.

Okay fine the network grows exponentially and vital dick butane and joe poon figure out infinite super power plasma scaling woohoo



What makes any of you faggots think that YOU'LL be one of the people that is allowed to stake? You had FIRST better have an absolute minimum of 5k OMG

Second if it's "first come first serve" you'd best get your shit staking THE SECOND the network goes online

It's not like everybody that holds OMG gets to stake and gets returns you fucking idiots

I had 5k and sold all mine after they announced that the number of stakers will be limited.

I would be so fucking happy. But realistically I'd say $140 since, to my understanding, it will take a lot of adoption to really make it go parabolic.

They're called staking pools retard. Quit sperging out and DYOR.


Tell me then, how many pools will be on the network? What happens when they are full? What about those who inevitably have enough and don't need the pools?

Deluded OMGies

Good thing I have 10k so I'm going to win

I'm genuinely happy for you then. The cut off will be EXTREMELY steep. I'm not even trying to FUD but people have a serious misunderstanding of the staking return propositions of the OMG network. I still like the project and would recommend it as an investment but NOT FOR STAKING

hasn't been announced. way to panic sell though. 5k will be more than enough to stake.

I don't think I would call getting like 5K OMG around 6 bucks and selling them all around 25 after very careful consideration of the proposed staking model versus other potential passive income type crypos "panic selling" but alright then.

Anybody holding OMG will have high percent returns per token but the vast majority will never see staking benefits

If plasma is used by ethereum by everyone, does omg have to be used or will it most likely be used because it essentially default

in since $3, you sold because of staking FUD. OMG isn't for you.

Can you shut the fuck up and stop shilling. I need to buy more after this ripple pump

Lol do you actually not understand how staking pools work?

If the number is SUPER DUPER LOOK AT MY CAPS low, you just join a large pool.

And then you're part of the pool

And then you stake.


think of it this way: a company wants to integrate crypto payments but without all the funky jargon and autism of crypto itself. OMG will make it so that any company can do this without having to make any adjustments beyond "we accept all crypto through the OMG layer too." that's the whole point of OMG, to seamlessly integrate crypto into mainstream payment processing.

OMG will be the first-to-market payment gateway (through Plasma) that enables companies to simply add another payment method without any extra overhead or effort. totally fungible assets, a million transactions per second. the network is supported by OMG's own holders (network validators) who earn a percentage of the transaction fees through staking.

I find it unlikely that pools will just be these huge unlimited size things. People are way, way too greedy. There will be limits on numbers of people that can join a pool.

Also there's the issue of trust right? So you send your OMG to a pool... Who coded it? It's probably a dAPP right? Does it cost ETH to run somehow? Are you going to learn solidity to verify the code?

Staking uncertainty is why I sold. There are legitimate projects with published returns models (think NEO). Why would you stick with an uncertain high risk asset if you had the ability to make killer returns in a safer asset?

Fear had nothing to do with it and I have no doubt the project is cool and legit. I will eat my own dick if staking turns out to be a free ride for everybody with totally safe pools that never have issues or limits and everybody gets money until they die.

Bankex - plasma

>I find it unlikely that pools will just be these huge unlimited size things
That's literally exactly what they'll be. There is no reason to make the pool restrictive. The more people in the pool the more transactions you'll validate and the more pool fees you'll take.

Learn before you act.

Also OMG has already announced they'll run their own pool people can join.

So fear may not have contributed to your shit decision, but failing to DYOR did

How the fuck do you think pools work? How do you think proof of stake works? Are you going to run your own server? How is a dApp going to verify transactions?

How many pools will there be? Isn't it also conceivable that due to a time lag between the system launching and pools going online that all the big holders will already fill up the confirmed limited number of staking spots?

I appreciate your concern for my shit decisions but the fact is I'm far better off now as far as positions go. Sell high buy low right?

You literally just don't understand what a POOL is.

Try reading up on it. In the meantime enjoy your fleeting gains on shit project in an immature valuation market.

Check back in the summer.


TRX $5

Okay, so proof of stake works essentially by the following:

You hold X POS, there are a total of Y POS in existence. The odds of the network telling you to validate a transaction is some function X of Y right?

So then you send your OMG off to a dApp. We would assume that the pool gets the right to validate transactions in a similar way to an individual person right? So now your OMG is in some dApp that every once in a while will be given the opportunity to validate transactions. Where is the computing power paid for? How does the dapp interact with the computer doing the validations?

Just because you send your OMG to a pool that gets to confirm transactions, you automatically always get a little bit of that kickback even though your hardware never validated anything?

There will be a limited number of node operators you fucking retard, but everyone can stake with any amount via a staking pool


$5k-10k conservatively if plasma rolls out and sees adoption

not expecting this until eoy 2019 tho

Sure but it's a pretty big deal.

OMG is a solid project, I am unconvinced of the staking model. There are safer bets.


Even if one cannot stake OMG themselves, the value will still rise if people with the technical know-how know they can buy OMG to stake themselves.

>you automatically always get a little bit of that kickback even though your hardware never validated anything
That will be part of the contract between you and the pool. You're offering your security deposit (tokens) to increase the pool odds, and you're also offering pool fees. The pool is obviously offering it's privileged position in winning the leadership election.

But none of this is truly how OMG PoS works which is why your understanding sucks. The reason OMG needs a small number of validators is because of latency in the messaging. It's not ONE validator winning the election, everyone is validating everything, and transactions are only confirmed by having 2/3s of staked tokens vote to confirm.

That's why messaging brings a ton of latency because we can't be waiting on everyone. We need speedy responses which pools can offer.

But yes you'd be assigning your voting rights to the pool manager

please stop spoonfeeding. dude is clueless and doesn't deserve his retirement ticket.

So you will ultimately trust your potentially (and I'm not even undershooting here) tens of thousands of dollars worth of OMG to people running pools?

At what point will we see our first pool exit scam? Once the economic incentive is big enough the odds get higher and higher.

Didn't crypto used to be all about taking personal control? Why would you opt to use a system where you had to send your tokens to a third party when there are systems that you can keep everything on your own hardware? Running a server isn't that hard.

>He doesn't know what smart contracts are

Jesus Christ kiddo, how new are you?

What are incentives? What is a plasma chain? What does staking mechanically look like?
>is an exit scam even possible

I'm done spoonfeeding. Answer those questions for your answer

First of all, why the fuck would you want to retire? Find something worthwhile and do that until you die. Money will help you do that.

Not new at all.

All computer programs can have bugs and exploits. The NSA and Intel have back doors in every fucking processor since like 1999. I have found your counterarguments reasonable but I still disagree.

Really this entire argument comes down to one main point. Nobody knows the exact details on how this entire staking - pooling network is going to work because the OMG team has yet to release them 100%. There are other projects that have released those details. The uncertainty of hoping the OMG models work versus other models which have been released and vetted is a problem.

hahahahaha. you should really stop posting.

This. Ffpfhahaha, its fucking funny when ppl why try to fud dont even know how smartcontracts work

But seriously, like someone sais stop the spoonfeeding, i dont even want retards like that fudder to make it.

>2 dollars per token per year
35$, MAYBE. Any higher is pure delusion.

anyone this retarded (likely impossible) should watch this video about Plasma. it literally addresses this garbage FUD in less than a minute.


We've entered a bear market which will last for at least a year, OMG included.

once OMG tokens are locked away for staking, the price of one token will increase dramatically. $2, while a low starting point, would only be the beginning. and it's still passive income on an asset that is guaranteed to appreciate. real-world use will occur rapidly, the staking fees will increase, and the exclusivity of OMG tokens will cause the price to surge. that's the beauty of OMG, it creates a feedback loop of appreciation by being its own (and ETH's) validation token.

all Omise has to do is keep meeting their roadmap benchmarks (which they've done thus far). the market will respond appropriately, that i'm sure of.


always a possibility. market psychology is a fickle dick. right now it's still pretty uncertain, but breaking through $11k is not insignificant.

>but breaking through $11k is not insignificant.

I think it is. It's basically noise, volatility as expected right after a bubble pop.

30 dollars sounds reasonable if they get Plasma working.

i'm not one to reeee at rational opposing views. but here's some history for your consideration

>As the market valuation of the total stock of bitcoins approached US$1 billion, some commentators called bitcoin prices a bubble.[135][136][137] In early April 2013, the price per bitcoin dropped from $266 to around $50 and then rose to around $100. Over two weeks starting late June 2013 the price dropped steadily to $70. The price began to recover, peaking once again on 1 October at $140. On 2 October, The Silk Road was seized by the FBI. This seizure caused a flash crash to $110. The price quickly rebounded, returning to $200 several weeks later.[138] The latest run went from $200 on 3 November to $900 on 18 November.[139] Bitcoin passed US$1,000 on 28 November 2013 at Mt. Gox

these price swings (and your bubble claims) sound pretty familiar, except there hasn't been a black swan even nearly as massive as Mt. Gox and Silk Road this year

i'm still bullish, but i'm not foolish enough to think i can accurately predict the most volatile asset in human history. hope you don't get liquidated bro.

like what

I experienced the 2013 bubbles first hand (as well as the 2011 bubble) so I know that history. Here's why I still am very bearish now:

1. The inertia of the market is currently much higher because it's more mature with more volume. This means market cycles happen more slowly. If you look at the 2013 bubbles, they both used around 2 months to get from 10% of the peak to the peak. But this time, we used around 6 months. The bear markets after the bubbles is also affected by this. Which means that if the rapid succession of bubble cycles like in 2013 were to repeat (which is unlikely in its own regard), the bear market between them would actually last around 3 times longer than then. Which would put the next bubble in late 2019, certainly not as soon as this year.

2. The actual real world usage of crypto seem to have stagnated. At least it is definitely not rising proportionally to the value. This is a very clear sign of overvaluation, that the market cannot support the current price. Like I said, I've been in the crypto scene since 2011 and what has actually happened recently in the commerce field? Not a lot. I no longer see any major companies starting to accept bitcoin like was regular news from 2013 to 2015. Last significant company was Steam, but then they actually STOPPED accepting it in 2017. It feels like we've gone backwards. It's like 99% of people buying crypto are only doing so to speculate. It was like that in 2013 too but not nearly to the current degree.

Also I won't get liquidated because I have no open positions.

15 cents

I think it is more important to note why this stupid piece of shit is still posting in an OMG thread when he has already posted how he was such a brainlet and jumped ship. Go fuck yourself and die in a fire you fucktard.

fair assumptions. i just think it makes more sense to look at BTC as a value reserve, like gold. i'm sure you've heard this argument before, being an early adopter, but real world use isn't (in my mind) necessary for appreciative speculation.

can you describe what it would take for you to be optimistic in this market again? because your real-world-use criticism is why I'm invested in OMG. i personally think the ETH ecosystem is much more viable for real world use, practically speaking, and that BTC has its place as a value reserve for all of crypto. they can both exist and continue to grow. it's just a matter of riding the waves while market cap fluctuates.

Is there a STAKING FOR PUSSIES book you could purchase.

I'm basically waiting for the price to fall and then stabilize before I would consider investing again. How much it would need to fall depends on a lot of factors. Probably if it has been a year or two and the total crypto marketcap looks to have stabilized at like $100-200 billion, I'd buy. But I'm not doing anything short term no matter what the price does. I only deal with trades in the order of months, preferably years.

wow that's a really low market cap IMO. i appreciate your analysis though. i do agree there's no clear trend yet. i'm just going to keep looking at daily candles until we string a good bit of green ones together.

and i'm definitely holding my OMG til 2019. godspeed user.

"20k eoy" what a fucking soyboy
100k eoy min

>147k buy order didn't hit

so close. set one for 155.

Had a feeling it was leveling out last night into some kind of bottom. Might fomo here.