Tfw too stupid to read non fiction

>tfw too stupid to read non fiction

I just get bored, i feel like fucking nothing happens.

Im the only one?

>too stupid for non fiction

no user that's called being smart

I feel that way about most, but not all, biographies. Something about biographies bores me immensely, even if the subject is interesting. Barring that, I tend to find non-fiction more engaging than all but the best fiction. I can't stand mediocre fiction.

This is sort of unrelated, but does anyone else hate how non-fiction books that have photos and illustrations tend to shove them all in the middle? I'm not saying I need pictures to keep my interest, but I think it would be better if, say, a portrait of the subject as a young man appeared at the beginning when the author is actually talking about that point in the subject's life.

Maki = best

You'll be a great Liberal Arts Major.

It's not an issue of intelligence. The idea that nonfiction is "informative" is largely a meme. Most of it is pointless vapid shit.

Don't worry, there's a lot of dumb people.

basically this

there's informative non fiction but if you want to learn something you should read a textbook. reading stuff like freaknomics or liar's poker does not make you an expert of economics. in fact it probably does more harm than good if you don't have contextual knowledge already.

I feel the same way about all those "educational" youtube channels.

>i feel like fucking nothing happens
That's cause it's not a story dipshit

>I get bored

Now there's the problem. It likely isn't an issue with intelligence, but with interest.

If you have no care for refutations of Parmenidian ontology, then you will likely find reading them a chore.

Find some non-fiction that truly interests you; I can assure you will not get bored.

Veeky Forums is plain dumb
Philosophy and political theory are non-fiction..

When you grow up to be a real man you feel confortable reading technical stuff simply because you're interested in it. And you make use of it.

Sharing the ones I'm subscribed to:
academy of ideas
big think
black pigeon speaks
cgp grey
engineer guy
every frame a painting
filmmaker iq
minute earth
periodic videos
the rsa
school of life
thulean perspective

>when you grow up and be a real cuck

Not at all. You might think that, but nonfiction is an industry term for shit like memoirs, self-help, pop-psychology, and biographies.

It doesn't literally mean "anything that isn't fiction".

Nah, I have more problems reading fiction than non-fiction, not that I ever really get bored reading good fiction. I adore philosophy far more than I adore art, though they aren't mutually exclusive.

Well, then the word is simply pretty badly defined. I've always understood the word as including academic publications, philosophy, etc.

>It doesn't literally mean "anything that isn't fiction".

Actually, that's exactly what it means.

reminder that anyone who belittles you for this is posturing

look at that fucking time holy darn

Nobody asked you, you fucking fagot.

why the hell are there so many fucking tvs back there? does she work at a fancy walmart?

Yes, this.

Why would you even try to read non-fiction that you don't want to learn about? It must be a topic or person who interests you.

>School of Life

Why are you trying to embarrass yourself user?

Are you retarded? Everywhere in the English-speaking world, philosophy would be classified as non-fiction.

That hairstyle makes me ROCK HARD

2nded, it's the bangs

There is some non-fiction that reads like fiction, for example I'm reading through Darwin's diary when he travelled to South America on a ship called the Beagle. It's really dense but good.
Maybe start with those kind of non fiction bbooks and then see where you can go.


Also, currently reading Seven Pillars of Wisdom by Lawence (you know which one). Nonfiction, but still an adventure.

>Why are you trying to embarrass yourself user?
because he isn't, retard

also, even fucking Vox makes a good video every once in a while, although I still won't be trying to defend that one.

>why the dragons in GoT halt progress
I like a few of his videos but this one just screams "I don't fucking understand how history works". And to think that people actually really like the video leaves me speechless.

It's cute when teenagers try to sound tough