wth this is golden :DD
Wth this is golden :DD
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this made by the user from yesterday's thread? I see a lot of memes that I've contributed yesterday in it.
If so, 8/10, bretty gud :D
Well I'll give you a thumbs up haha! :)
another chainlink video
This is cringe.
are you literally 12 years old?
retarded beyond recognition
10/10 bravo
This shit sort of makes me want to sell, sort of makes me want to buy more.
I'll just hold my 2,6k stack and hope for the best.
can chainlink solve the autism problem?
Video of the year! one of my memays shows up around 54 seconds.
>you had your chance
being on receiving side of this statement is what made me all-in on link
just bought another 100k
nolinkers on suicide watch
This is fine, just organic marketing through memes and maybe some fudding by people still accumulating
What should make you sell is if the company itself attempted to do shitty marketing, like VeChain did:
This, I mostly follow chainlink and sometimes stare in disbelief at some of the pandering a lot of companies do to retail buyers. Why the fuck was waltonchain doing a giveaway in the first place? Why do they care about retail buyers at all? Even semirespectable coins do this; req has an animated roadmap and engages with the reddit people, Enigma posts emojis on twitter, AMB has pajeet admins in the telegram posting rocket emojis, the list goes on and on.
I know it hurts people's ego but Chainlink (and most every other token worth buying) has literally no need for retail buyers on Veeky Forums and reddit to be in the loop at all. Sergey is doing it the right way and I really hope he doesn't hire a marketing person that starts doing anything like that.
I'm so glad the original pasta included a link to the majora's mask final hours music. It's a perfect fit for the feeling of being a nolinker at the time of the singularity.
Another Chainlink video - youtube.com
my godfather meme made it!!!!
>that spergy late teens/early 20s voice
Cringe bro