Press F
>mfw boldpure isn't that one hookercoin
was she responsible for this or something?
either way, worthless shitcoin
>they fired somebody at 2 AM Sanfransisco time
wow mhmmmm I sure believe this isn't some chink scam!
Can I get a quick rundown?
What did she do?
what the fuck is this shit, some new Get Out Of Jail Free token for average Tyrone?
>somebody unironically paid somebody for this
What about we hire her in Chancoin :3
It's a scam, they're just scrambling to try and make people think otherwise.
nice pic of a marketing director
Damn she cute would lick her booty
Holy fucking shit that's fucking terrible
Yeah this nigger coin is a scam
Color (Kek) me surprised
They're all from fivver. Here's the rapper.
>0 subs
I have no videos on my channel and I have 4 subs lmao
>somebody paid $120 for this
anyway just contact the dude to see where he got the money from
this is how SJWs and the current crop of brain-damaged college graduates think. Their marketing team thought this was great - probably the entire leadership of the project and they kicked her to the curb as a sacrifice to try and keep the ship from sinking. fucking pathetic.
>Firing people publicly over twatter
The absolute fucking state of roasties. Oh well Michelle, good luck finding another job in the future!
What utter fucking garbage. I refuse to believe people are buying into this beyond PnD
Grabbing your shit thread to see what the get was. Thanks
Don't let those suckers get your money
Why would you associate a nigger, the literal antithesis of technology, with a product centered around technology?
jesus fuck kill me now and never reincarnate to this planet
Nooooo. I just fell in love with Michelle yesterday and now she's gone.
Blockchain needs more wamen.
>recent college graduate
that's why
why do companies make these rap videos for their shittier coins are a good idea?
Anyone have caps of "mixed reaction"? Looks like they wiped their twitter. Seems like Michelle fucked up big time.
>thinks the 3 females didn't agree to make the vid
>thinks they didn't all love it and think it would appeal
i'd fire her
with my dick
>thinks the other two didn't throw Michelle under the bus when the boss complained about it
why does their coin look like a Jewish nose?
I thought it was panties.
that is obvious