>the absolute state of roasties in Anno Domini 2018
The absolute state of roasties in Anno Domini 2018
>the absolute state of the west's consumerist and debt based economy in the year of our lord and saviour jesus christ 2018
sure thing
lol dumbfuck
You're supposed to be fucking CEOs and rich Arabs behind the back so that you can fund you're degenerate lifestyle
The more absolute state is OP falling his this click bait article.
Yep, that's a great article for the Daily Mail's boomer audience. I'm sure the comments section is full of boomers boasting about how hard they had it, 100 hour work weeks cleaning shit out of sewers just to make ends meet.
>wearing a bathing suit that goes almost up to your tits so your blubber doesn't roll and sprawl out
holy kek the absolute state of beef flappers in current year
You're also supposed to be young and hot enough that that's even possible. She's out of shape and clearly used up. Also looks potentially (((non-white)))
Nobody told her that she also had to be attractive?
she looks 40.
I once dated an "instagram model". What a shitshow. I'm an older user (30 at the time), so I didn't know what I was getting myself into and I don't have instagram. When we were dating all she cared about were taking pictures (few with me, mostly of her). I had no idea everything was just a photo shoot for her ig. Inever saw her ig until after we dated -- it's obviously public. She broke up with me due to inconveniences (I was in my last year of training as a physician), and moved on to next guy which she got a few good photo shoots from on overseas vacations -- then I assume broke up with him because she never really wanted a relationship.
Life is going to come to these narcissistic women fast. They do this with the intentions of making their friends jealous, but one day they'll find themselves very lonely and empty.
this would of been viable if she was actually attractive
society tricks average looking women into thinking they are much more attractive than they really are.
>26 years old
My 50 year old mum look as old as her
I just googled her instagram...dailymail was generous and posted her better pictures. She's a 4-6 at best.
Yes society as in indians and wk.
The fact they get such positive reception from them despite low effort tricks their brain into believing they can achieve that lifestyle.
>Life is going to come to these narcissistic women fast.
With my job I am around these girls all the time - they are just stuck up sorority girls who like to be around money. Ask any one of them what their boyfriend does for a living and 9 times out of ten they will say he's an "entrepreneur" of some sort, which again is almost always code for Trust fund kid with a coinbase account and shopify store with 30 total purchases. Or a "photographer."
That said, Every single one of them is 100% fake. Few - if any - actually make money, and the ones that do are few and far between. Also not one of them has more than $3k in their savings at any given time. Most of the people I know are 17-21, and once they hit 30 I guarantee they will all be broke, burnt out, and working a minimum wage job.
I literally have zero remorse for them. Enjoy your daddy's money,
bitter virgin
No, these women are really insufferable to be around.
>uggo hobgoblin thinks shes pretty
No they really are. There's a reason I've never told my girlfriend what kind of job I have. All she knows is I have enough to pay my tuition and buy her a drink. But leaving every weekend for "work"(to hang out with stupid fucks like this purely so I can get connected with their parents and get them to invest in the software I build) is starting to get more and more difficult, and Idk if I should tell her
girl in the OP is the kind of girl to hit your DMs with "pay for my flight? there's something in it for you ;p"
I dealt with an ex who acted like this too. Still keeps crawling back after I told her she's nuts and she'll end up alone for the rest of her life if she thinks she can sustain that lifestyle forever. I just ignore her from now on because who wants a narcissist for a wife? The only problem is that these narcissistic types end up becoming feminists when they're older and beaten out of desirability by younger women so they blame men for all the problems they created or allowed to be manipulated by (((them))).
You seem to imply all women are vapid instagram whores. For a limp-wristed faggot, you sound more misogynist than any of us.
can confirm
my sister was like this, completely threw away her life. 28 now and lives like a typical spinster cat lady with scented candles all over the place working as a secretary
no friends, no relationships and no family (ostracized)
keeps her sanity by talking to cats and treating them her babies
>tfw you realize this article is just to legitimize her debt as business expenses for tax purposes because this bitch is clearly 4 points short of being able to make it on Instagram and she knows it
Imagine if you took a teenager and taped a mirror to one hand and a camera that broadcasts to the world in the other. What sort of mental problems would you expect? That’s what cellphones do
These things are killing our society, the only way is for us to take it back and put women back in their place, it's better for both men and women that way.
is this actually what women want?
I forgot how many reddit fags like you leak into Veeky Forums.
I'm actually shocked as to how widespread this is. I fly out to california from Florida(where I'm in school) to meet up and "flex" with these trust fund kids, where they flex their parents wealth as their own and try to sell merch or something. If you can get connectiosn, they are all SUCH easy sells for making websites, building brands, and social media management.
They are all dumb high school dropouts who all think they know how to make it when in reality they will all be washed up in a few years. It's sad to see how they're throwing away their massive wealth on bottles, shoes, cars, whatever else they can get their hands on, while the MEAGER income I make all goes right back into my investments and business so I can earn more.
They also all look like picrelated. Shit is ridiculous lol
Did you spell Abu Dhabi wrong?
Fuuuuuggg :DDD She should have wen't all-in on XRP. The President of Coinbase and the CEO of Ripple are going to appear together on CNBC's Fast Money on Tuesday at 5PM eastern time. On Monday, Coinbase is hiring 90 new support employees, with 500 to be hired by May. Remember to go all-in on XRP.
What do you do?
That article is pathetically sensationalized. $10k in debt I was expecting $80k
>wears crocs
Basically anything I can get my hands on.
>I do social media management and build websites for trustfund kids, in exchange they pay me monthly or fly me out to cali so I can meet more and do stuff for them
>I have found it's super easy to set up shopify stores and then just take 25-50% of the gross income in perpetuity. I set up the stores in my name and they do all the work after I have it set up. If they don't work on it, I shut it down. That actually forces them to do shit and make sales.
>I sell software to their parents. I made a premium wordpress theme for real estate firms/car dealerships and sell them sites for anywhere from $750-$5000.
>3 ecom stores of my own, all in the car niche
The one thing I really want to continue doing is building software and earning passive income off the residuals - which is why I'm still in university learning as much as I can to get a software engineering degree a year early. Also my girlfriend lives back in europe so I spend a lot to see her every once in a while. So yeah, it works out really well. I'm saving a LOT too since I have a lot of scholarships. My expenses are essentially kept to my apartment, groceries, car, and occasionally travel at this point.
how do you not feel like a total retard posing for pictures like this?
You really think their parent's will allow them to go broke and work minimum wage? Sad reality is they will sustain this lifestyle until they've burnt through every dollar their parents are willing to throw at them. Even after that and they are "cut off" if they come from a really nice family their parent's idea of cutting them off is getting them a comfy 75k job at one of their friend's firms/companies and making them earn their own way.
Actually that is a perfect microcosm of how these kids live, just like the girl in the OP. They LOOK rich, but in reality most of them have less than 1k in their bank account at any given time.
also crocs are a very soflo thing and it's super gay
there's still money to be made off building websites? assuming you aren't LARPing I was thinking of doing this to sell to dumb boomers but swag fag wannabee hype beasts with a "clothing line" is a good market as well. Easy as fuck to just use Wordpress or weebly to make a site but I thought everyone knew how easy websites are to make these days.
>being smart enough to hustle stupid rich people with shopify stores and blogs
>not smart enough to avoid the college scam and just hire a developer to do the work
Huh? I literally make my living just hiring code cucks to make my software. 100% passive. No faggot clients to deal with ever either.
>there's still money to be made off building websites?
>buy wordpress theme for $60
>sell site for $2k
>meet rich kid's parents
>charge them quadruple for whatever site they want after seeing their son's new """""company website"""""
they just want to be proud of their fuckup kids. If they even have the semblance of an idea that their kids are using the money for good, they will be happy.
not much. rather put all in crypto and watch anime desu
>hiring code cucks
I'm 19, I can't afford to hire anyone.
Also, if this all goes to shit, because none of it is guaranteed, I have a solid fallback plan now.
It's kind of difficult to sell "I made websites for trust fund kids" as a valid resume point to anyone but walmart and publix, and I am NOT going back to publix
>tfw I have more money from working a minimum wage job
you're forgetting that most people are lazy and borderline retarded. there are no exceptions across the wealth classes.
>Founder and President of Digital Asset Marketing Firm _________, LLC
>You’re hired!
does that actually work? I can't see any company offering me any more than 35k a year hiring me off that bullshit. I make wordpress sites for dropouts for christ's sake
im 19 too. How much are you taking home a month?
It actually works.
Fuck 'em
My best mates sister is like this and is addicted to her phone all day. We would be out at a restaurant having a conversation and she would be checking her phone whilst you'd be trying to converse with her. She is constantly posting pictures of a luxurious lifestyle she can't afford and gets her dad to partially fund her holidays. Baring in mind these are the same chicks who would pump their fists to the promotion of feminism yet are suckling off the financial tit of in most cases a man in their life.
You can try and educate people with this mindset about investments and good money handling skills but from my experience a majority of them don't listen. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
As much as it is disappointing to see a whole generation of people spend what they can't afford on luxury goods and lease cars when they have little or no savings let alone a pension you've got to see them as sheep who can be profited off. Invest in some companies which they spend loads of money on. LVMH is a good example Kering is another fashion orientated company that will make good gains with selling goods to people who can't afford them. All these Instagram kids love their iphones so maybe APPL is a good shout (however i think APPL is probably going to slow as they arent making the technological advancements they used to but they have a good balance sheet).
Just remember that the people hiring you are just as dumb as the people you sell wordpress sites to.
Couldn’t have said it better lmao.
Just over 5k normally. December was my best month ever though, I did 12k.
I find that so hard to believe. Is it just becuase I'm autistic and work 24/7? Idk I just have a different mindset towards work and wealth than most people
It's a great hedge against risk but he's right too, you could milk as many connections for all their worth much faster and more eifficiently by hiring code monkeys while you focus on swallowing up business partners from these naive kids. Make your own LLC and you have your resume
also this is the guy from before, just had to switch to my phone as I'm on my way home rn
>they have a good balance sheet
Apple has always been really good about managing their cash flow. I had to do a group project in college analyzing a company and we were assigned Apple, their operating cash flow ratio actually got me to invest in them back in 2009. I should probably send that teacher a thank you note for making me look closely at them back then.
Why didn't I think of this. Now every holiday I go to I will keep a token Instagram blog and then write it off from my tax.
Thanks for this fucking tip. I'm legitimately going to do it.
That's actually really smart. another tip I can hand to these trust fund kids - get their parents to continue supporting their Instagram lifestyle whilst legitimizing it as a business which prompts both parties(kids and parents) to pay me more to help them
Right, that probably WOULD be a great way to go through connections fast but I need to milk this for the next three years of university. It allows me to get my finances in order and save up enough to move anywhere in the world afterwards and from there I'll have the skills needed to sell my own software and live off the monthly payments if scaled properly.
r9k fags say women have it easy, but they never think about the average/ugly ones
How fucking stupid are you?
That is what happens when WGTOW
Wasted quads on this absolute fruit salad of a sentence structure.
>women are simultaneously the worst investment and also the most necessary one
it makes picking which crypto to invest in seem like childs play
That only applies to whores that are vapid enough to get caught up in it.
get out
Looks like she should have spent less on food and more on the gym and a personal trainer. That would have been a wiser investment. Thirsty beta's don't give a fuck where some hot ass bitch is when she whores her body on instrgam, what a dumb chubby bitch.
perfect perspective. social media was a mistake, it used to be that friend groups and relationships would all be with people within 8 or so blocks of each other. social media and cellphones have ruined that and we are socially behaving in ways that we are not evolutionary designed to do and it's really affecting us as negatively as a whole. we were not meant to constantly look at ourselves, and we were not meant for our every move to be broadcasted to people far away.
Could have made a rant for this woman but I don't know her and she doesn't know me.
Going all-in without any planning no matter of branch ain't gonna gibs dat though.
Fuck this world is sick
And with ''this world'' I mean the West.
the third world isn't much better, user.
You're young, so you don't quite understand it yet, but as people get older, they don't necessarily get wiser, they don't necessarily "grow up", it doesn't just "happen" to us one day. Always remember, that the only thing most people get better at as they get older is putting up a shiny exterior for the world to look at. Behind the curtain is usually an incompetent or at the very least a regular person not much different than you. In my years working in a unique position to see intimately behind the scenes of many different companies, across many different industries, the one thing that is constant is:
Behind the scenes, they're all scrambling, screwing shit up, being retarded, and they spend enormous amounts of energy to cover up those things from the outside world.
So when you ask a question like:
>Does that actually work?
The answer is, yes. Because just as much as they don't realize that everyone they deal with is on the same level they are, they won't recognize if you're just putting up a good front as long as you do that part well enough.
>All these Instagram kids love their iphones so maybe APPL is a good shout (however i think APPL is probably going to slow as they arent making the technological advancements they used to but they have a good balance sheet).
APPL's market dominance is starting to wane again, speaking from the ground level of interacting with normies to gauge public opinion. I see less and less iPhones, more and more androids. The last major macbook innovation (the bar) was a major flop, people actually hated it. I had the Co-founder of a company tell me the other day word for word that he'd "never buy another iPhone again" and that they "just lost a customer" over the battery-life-related performance throttling update bullshit they pulled.
I've known for years their approach to running a business would catch up to them eventually. It's the difference between:
>The customer is always right.
>It's our cool tech shit and you're lucky we let you buy it.
The only way Apple has gotten away with it thus far is with extremely effective marketing gimmicks targeting a very specific kind of consumer who wants to buy an image more than a product.
I'm not saying APPL is a bad buy, but I personally wouldn't buy it.
This was a much more elegant way to put it.
very good post, also very much true.
What did he say that was wrong? Seriously try to argue the fundamentals of the points that are being made without name-calling, seriously just try it. You can't.
I don't doubt your account, but that;s such a shitty outlook on life.
It doesn't seem nearly that hard - I know I'm young and dumb but I feel like my life is REALLY solid compared to most of the people around me.
But the people I was talking about really don't have problems. I've been around them enough to know that these are the """best of the best.""" Their parents can afford any fuckup they make, and their safety net is endless. Imagine being both a NEET and a millionaire at the same time, with no work to show for it.
It's utterly ridiculous, but luckily for me it presents a unique business opportunity I can use to exploit to the best of my abilities.
>and empty.
dont kid yourself, there always will be someone who fills them up
you could do tiny youtube speeches and maybe gain a following
It's not a shitty outlook on life, it's a realistic one. You're trying to give credit to people who haven't earned it. You're showing them a kind of respect when you have no idea if they're worthy of it or not.
The beauty of it is it will give you the ability to spot the outliers to what I just said. The people who are competent, hard working, actually intelligent, worth-while human beings stick out like sore thumbs once you realize that the egotistical bullshit front people put up is just that. You want to find these people, the "real"players in the game. The people whom my seemingly pessimistic outlook applies to have been aptly described by anons as NPCs - on Veeky Forums it's synonymous with being a "normie".
Look up the dunning-kruger effect and you'll start to understand. It might change your life. It doesn't seem hard to you because you're probably a cut above the rest. But you should always keep that mentality that you're not, so as not to fall prey to the aforementioned effect.
People become deluded by their position of power in life, or the size of their bank account. They think that success = competence, when we all recognize that a non-insignificant portion of success is attributed to luck (but if you can maintain your work ethic and drive while not falling prey to the above, you will minimize the level to which luck plays into your fate.). These people want YOU to believe it too, they want you to think their brand name is competent just by the fact that you recognize it. Don't be stupid. Be neutral and objective always.
All women have it easy because all women are intrinsically valuable and desired; unlike men.
There are dudes ITT who would wife her.
He probably meant as opposed to the developed East
love it
My friend who does filming wants me to do this. I have a high charisma roll so you're probably right.
The problem is, the philosophical path I've lead myself down makes me try to avoid any ego inflating activities like making a public spectral of myself. If I did it, I'd probably wear a mask, and then be taken less seriously.
I bet you unironically bitch about /pol/ in other threads.
100% agreed. Only emotional extroverts would interpret this as a “shitty outlook” when it’s just being realistic. “Shitty outlook” is proof of looking at things through an emotional lens. Once you’re as pure a realist as you can be it gives you an incredible advantage in the game.
Stoicism + humility and optional ego death is the way to go.
It's funny cause she probably used the goal of being an insta model to justify dropping goofy amounts of money on vacations
>being fit cannot be brought, cannot be cheated
guess that guy never heard of genetics, or of these studies showing dudes on steroids with 0 physical activity gain muscle mass faster than natties following an optimal training regime
This picture has to be a parody... What the fuck is wrong with the world?
this... went from making 14$ an hour at an insurance firm doing menial tasks to making almost 65k working at the national tax authority set to make 100k+ in 10 years just by knowing how to sell myself... I'm barely 24 BTW.
I haven't made it yet. I'm focusing recently on controlling my emotions. As callus and calculated as I come across in my post, I'm actually a very passionate and emotion filled person irl.
I've tried the stoic rout, and people wont listen to you because they can't "connect" with you. Passionate emotion sells, but it's a difficult weapon to wield effectively.
To be charismatic you must do both. You can't go straight Vulcan mode, but the idea of controlling your emotions in a calculated way, allowing yourself to feel and display them appropriately, while constricting and constraining negative emotions and inappropriate displays, is what I'm trying to achieve now. It's difficult but I'm making progress.
Ego death is the first step. But you can't let ego death be the last step. In my opinion, the ego does serve a purpose, but it's a psychological tool, and its purpose must be recognized before you can really use it.
My series would be about a coming mass enlightenment event, and explaining my spiritual views on the progress of humanity in an easily digestible way that would give humanity a new way to look at itself, the nature of god, the nature of belief, and how people can apply these things easily in their everyday lives to improve humanity for everyone.
It's fucking stupid hippy shit though, pie in the sky dreams.
What a stupid fucking bitch. She deserves all the debt.