1 in 10 people make above 130k a year
why do I seem to only run into poor people on a daily basis? where are all these well off people?
1 in 10 people make above 130k a year
why do I seem to only run into poor people on a daily basis? where are all these well off people?
I will be out on an area lake ice fishing today. Come find me
Nobody goes out there yelling hey i make 100k a year
You joking? 1 in 10 ppl make 130k a year maybe in Linchenstein.
Most live in Manhattan.
Not in Taco Bell or the strip mall you hang out in.
>You joking? 1 in 10 ppl make 130k a year maybe in Linchenstein.
that's what I thought but then I looked it up
OP is probably confusing 130k with 100-110k and looking at statistics about employed americans rather than all americans
even 110k is a good number
I live in a decent city and realistically if somebody told me 1 out of the 10 people I run into make over 100k I'd be appalled
household != income
you + your wife + your 2 slacker kids in their 20s + your 1 teenage kid = one household
dummy read the article, I understand that
the top 10% household income almost at 300k
you are probably hanging around with other people of your class (other poor people).
They don't live near shitholes like you do
so 1 in 100 families can easily afford lambo each few years? sounds crazy desu
I make 220k. I feel poor and dont even have kids
the 1% household income per year is 1.2 million, that's crazy to think about
frugg being poor is not even that widespread, its like they want us to think being poor is more common than it is
Pro-tip: If you make that much you keep it secret. I always underplay the amount of money I make lest people get expectations.
I would have to give all my nephews and nieces expensive christmas gifts. My mother would expect me to fly over to visit her more often and my wife would demand more holidays/luxury shopping.
Just set aside most of your paycheck into stocks or other investments and just live life as if you're only making 50k a year or something like that. Comfortable but not overly luxurious.
Most of my close friends and colleagues do the same. Although I have to admit I'm literally Jewish so maybe It's just a Jewish thing. But most non-jewish high-income friends share my mentality so who knows.
Those people are at work, and invest smart. They don't fall for get rich quick Ponzi schemes like you, you fucking NEET.
It's not even a jewish thing, most smart people do that
It's just crazy to think how common these people are compared to how big their voice is. It really seems like by the way people act the stats would be more skewed.
These people really live a different life
I make 450k but feel poor as well. I feel with you (you are really poor tough :S)
I started making 300k right out of uni, struggling pretty hard desu senpai.
They live where other rich people live and where good jobs are. Rich people live together, poor people live together.
This, OP is probably hanging out at the park where there’s tons of bums or he’s going to the supermarket where there are a bunch of welfare queen niggers all over the place.
uhh have you seen how people flex on instagram and shit
that's pretty much the same thing
People tend to live close to people of the same economic class, those who make more and live in poorer areas are also smart enough to not brag about making a nice income.
So basically this contributes to the illusion there's not many richer people.
you better be planning to have white kids
We live where the cost of living is higher, so we are actually plebs too.
$130k Is like a PnD here.
only anecdotal, but you'd never look at me on a weekend outing and think i made over 130k. in fact i just got back from the pleb grocery store while wearing sweatpants.
>1 in 10 people make above 130k a year
i kind of doubt this/
>household income
the average boomer couple when they were working cleared 130k
no the household top 10% threshhold is 300k the single person threshold is 130k
>If you want to cross the top 10% mark, you’ll still need a six-figure income but the numbers aren’t quite as high. The IRS sets the adjusted gross income cutoff required to be in the 10% group at $133,445, based on 2014 tax data. Once again, the average household income for the top 10% of earners is higher, at $295,845.
lol poorfags are separated for a reason from normal productive people.
>1 in 10 people make above 130k a year
Where? Manhattan?
1/10 in your circle pretend to be broke, so you don't ask for a hand out
>tfw it was a 1 in 10 chance to be born into a 300k home
keep in mind there are areas like san francisco where 100k/yr is basically shit
>1 in 10 people make above 130k a yea
Try reading comprehension. That's the household figure, retard.
Actually read the article dum dum, its 300k for household for the 10%
California, NYC, Florida retirees
>yfw there are 4.8 million people with a net worth of over $1m in the US alone.
I feel inadequate.
only niggers and white trash flaunt their wealth like idiots ...
Because rich people never talk to the peasants
Yeah if you want to be smart you will still live in a modest home and drive a 10 year old japanese car even if you have a few million bucks. There's no point in buying a BMW to show off when there are literal janitors who buy $6k used 3 series off craigslist.
That's average. The minimum is 133,445
This is correct anyone who disagrees hasn't read the article thoroughly.
Actually read the article retard. To be in the 10% your household must make 133,445. The average income for every household in the top 10% is 295k
Poor people have way more kids.
130k home
This man is correct.
This is generally true, I make 190k a year inspecting pipeline welds. Live poor now so you can be secure in the future. I drive a 2010 F150 but I have some great assets and a good portfolio. I also live in northern Michigan away from most niggers.