Took a year but everyone finally figured out it was a scam
RIP. Dead project
Other urls found in this thread:
thanks for the money faggots
go fuck a goat
fuck you zoltan szabo
your hungarian ass can finally afford gum surgery now
even if it had been legit i refused to by such a faggot named coin
And kek at borz naming his code after himself. Zoltchain? muahuahahaha
That should be the #1 red flag that its a scam
Down to 1300 sats. The founders are bleeding this coin right back down to 1 sat
Unironically this
i remember seeing this at 30 sats last summer, then researching it and finding out it's a revived scam coin with no technicals available.
I didn't buy in but man, sometimes I feel like an idiot for not buying into the obvious scams, because those seem to make the most money.
Everything that isn't completely praising XBY = FUD to those brainlet fucks
Facts that can not be disputed are considered FUD to those idiots
Pointing out legitimate concerns that have been avoided/not addressed = FUD to the cult
pls stop guys I have a lot of money in this
(Didnt invest a lot so big profits still)
salty brigadiers out in full force - going to be eating their words in a month
Oldfag here. Don't worry about it. XBY has always been fudded, ever since day 1 since it came out. It's been fudded so much it doesnt affect the price. Do you see how fast they respond to one another? Someone is IP rotating...there is a fud agenda on this project. FUD is always a good sign, it shows people care enough to start threads and invest time and energy into it :)
Stay strong, crypto is not for the weak
who is everyones favorite xby daddy? I like dedpull and teioh. bojack is the strong silent type which is pretty cool too
>FUD doesn't affect the price
Down 75% in the last 2 months NOT because of FUD, but because there's no reason to believe any of what the XBY founders are feeding you exists
XBY holders said the same thing in January, February, then March.
And you imbeciles will continue to say that in April when your patent pending doesn't happen (because there's no actual tech)
Welcome to crypto, every alt is down since the December/January high. Try again
Every alt is down 75%? Fucking kek you xtrabrainlets are delusions
Kek, you're not going to make us sell. It's so obvious you want us to sell. The more fud threads you make, the more IP rotations you do, only makes vets like me hodl harder. Does that get you angry? Stay salty
Nearly every alt has dropped in price. That's a fact - look on coinmarketcap. Does it get you angry I wont sell? Kek. I will never sell before patent release. Never. No matter how many threads you start. Been with these guys since July. Even then I may not sell.
Its a shit coin and XBY is lead by no hopers
Had enough of seeing this shit
Ha that means your close to be breaking even when you could of x5'd your stack
I love these fud threads, I see another one was there last night, it will only help XBY's price in the long run. 40, 50, 60 replies of idiot fudders - bring it on. XBY is like Donald Trump and the idiot media won him the election. Same here. Keep fudding, I fucking love it. Start those threads baby, hate on it, rage on xby....fud fud fud
I sold some to cover my costs. The rest is free riding. Does it make you angry? Kek. Stay salty. GIMME DEM REPLIES BUMP THIS SHIT
Mikka is a huge faggot who spends his time getting banned for being a faggot. XBY has the best community desu.
All this bad fud is just sad
Fucking lmao you just admitted you're an idiot
Wont sell....just watch your XBY drop down to 10 cents when you couldve sold at 80 cents and bought back in. Jeez you xby cultists are morons
Have you ever just once looked at the project rationally and realized you're choosing to buy into everything a snake oil salesman is telling you
> Does it get you angry I wont sell? Kek. I will never sell before patent release. Never. No matter how many threads you start. Been with these guys since July. Even then I may not sell
Fucking idiot
XBY has the best community? Bring up facts in the discord and get instantly banned. Ask critical questions in the discord and get instantly banned.
Yeah, great cult errr community
Cmon fudders hate on it, I want a another 60+ reply threads. Say something retarded about Borz or something. Say something that reveals your stupidity. Idk talk about how there is no Zoltchain, complain about that, there is probably a "fudders list" of shit to complain about
where is Daviddude when you need him. WILL. Get your ass in here. We need your autism ASAP, let's make a legendary 100+ reply fudding XBY thread
dance puppets dance
Just watch your investment go back to 1 sat after borz and CCR continue dumping on your idiot ass
It's 75% of the way there, not too much further to go
Pride comes before a fall
No risk no reward. LMAO, yeah invest into ETH or Cardano or a top 10 coin that's "safe" meanwhile I got balls of steel and lettin this shit ride with Borz, once patent comes out we are going to the moon.
Does that get you angry? Rage bitch. Rage!!!! RAGE! It's going to the moon in April. Rage rage rage. It's a real project. RAGE
I dont believe you have been in from July. Goes to show how dumb you are if thats the case. Goodnight faggot
How do you know it's a real project? What has borz shown you that leads you believe there is actually ANY tech being developed?
There's no patent because there's no tech. Just wait for the CCR announcement saying they tried their hardest but couldn't get it done
Let the cunts fall. Who gives a fuck!
>Obsessing over the price
See, that's what separates the winners from the losers. I don't care about the price right now because I care about major milestones being reached in projects and fulfilling their potential. This is why I've done so well and continue to do well in crypto.
I guess this comes from experience being an oldfag. I held COLX when it was less than 1 sat and sold at 60+, still have a fuckton and its still worth quite a bit. People called it a shitcoin...not anymore.
I will NEVER sell before patent, keep whining little bitch, balls of steel son
Are you 12 years old? Serious question
Are you mad? Serious question. You keep replying, get owned.
What major milestones have been reached? It's been over a year and "Zoltchain" is still not released
This is Pokermon LMFAO
bumpity bump bump, xby is like donald trump. Everyone hates but we know deep down its a winner. Keep hating son. No risk no reward. Go be a vagina while the real men invest in the high risk projects with the biggest rewards. Fortune favors the bold
>Ignoring all of the milestones already reached
>Ignoring the Reddit FAQ
>Ignoring the testnet
>Ignoring the company reg and verification
Kek keep hating
I hope you are not designing the next website. The community will be waiting another 6 months
For everyone that's curious about proof, the XBY reddit has a nice compendium of information for you:
So is there proof that it works?
The testnet number 3 has now concluded:
Testnet block explorer:
There have also been two previous testnets already, and XFUEL is already running on the PoSign network as a proof-of-technology. You can even confirm this yourself in a few simple steps by following the guide with all the gathered proof here:
The XCITE prototype wallet in action:
Now as to why the Zoltchain isnt up and working yet - read below
Why is there no open-source code?
Borzalom has identified a 100% patent-able section of our tech and we are going to register the patent. Obviously we cannot share any more details about this at this time. But, this is a major moment for the XTRABYTES Community and it is very important to also note that the patent owners (Borzalom and CCRevolution) will enable free usage forever of the patent for the XTRABYTES Community only. This is designed to protect the XTRABYTES Community. It is no secret that we want to prevent a fork, because we do not want to see a bunch of useless altcoins like BTC has. We want to integrate all the developer power into one project and not have the resources split.
So the code will be made public once the patent is granted pending status. In the meantime, you can look at the XCITE code published on GitHub and you can even see the changes live on Discord:
>Picture of you
Also, you really have to question the intelligent of Borz and CCR for investing in the Bitmox scam in the first place. Everyone knew it was a scam and there were countless BTC Talk thread saying as much but they invested anyways
They'll fucking idiots too, but now they are rich idiots thanks to the stupidity and gullibility of the XBY community
>Being jealous of other peoples' success
I'm not jealous of scammers' success
That picture is going to you in a few months when this thing is back to double digit sats and CCR vanishes into the abyss
Lol, you're so transparent with your butthurt "They're rich scammers and idiots, especially going with a previous scam..."
Yeah cause if it was a real scam they could have just done an ICO you moron. Why build it on an old scam in the first place if its a scam? LMAO HAHAHAHA
Get mad bitch
If they did an ICO in early 2017 when it came out they would take in less than $50m
With the repeated pump and dumps of this coin they have been able to milk this prolonged scam for so long and make much more than they would have with a quick ICO
Look at the facts here- there's no proof they (CCR/Borz) are actually doing ANY work. Everything is done by VOLUNTEERS who are getting paid in a currency thats not even on an exchange. A made-up currency. CCR/BORZ are just sitting back slowly draining their XBY holdings while the volunteers of the project (devs/community members) are the ones doing all the work
Go have a Sunday session Pokemon, sound a bit uptight
The community management staff also get paid in xfuel. I feel bad for them. all they do is deal with shit all day and they probably don't know much more than what the rest of the community knows.
i do not trust chef
xfuel lol. These are the people that I feel truly bad for. Getting compensated with a worthless coin. Spending all this time working tirelessly on a project when the founders are AWOL and probably just traveling around doing fuck-all
>With the repeated pump and dumps of this coin they have been able to milk this prolonged scam f
Yeah, but the thing is, is that it's not a scam There has never been any definitive proof that its a scam. None. Zero.
> much more than they would have with a quick ICO
With an ICO you're guaranteed a large sum of money. Not even scammers could have anticipated XBY pumping to $300million marketcap. You are just a salty little loser that is focused on the price and the fact that CCR and Borz are successful because of their hard work.
>Look at the facts here- there's no proof they (CCR/Borz) are actually doing ANY work.
Yes there is, we just showed you proof on the XBY reddit. If that is not proof enough for you, then don't invest. Why are you still here? Lmao
>Everything is done by VOLUNTEERS who are getting paid in a currency thats not even on an exchange.
No, they are kidnapped developers by the evil Borz and CCR. Kidnapped! Against their will! WE MUST FREE THEM!
> A made-up currency.
Like the rest of crypto?
>CCR/BORZ are just sitting back slowly draining their XBY holdings while the volunteers of the project (devs/community members) are the ones doing all the work
Do you have proof of this?Have you hacked into the exchange accounts of Borz and CCR? After all, you claim that you NEED PROOF OF THEIR WORK -so therefore, you would also have PROOF of them selling off their xby.
So, where is your proof? Do you have the trade history of their accounts? We're waiting.
We need trade history, we need hacked accounts, and I want them now.
What proof do you have that CCR/Borz are doing any work? Wheres the zoltchain
In crypto, its a scam until proven otherwise
>In crypto, its a scam until proven otherwise
Crypto wouldnt exist if that was the case, try again
The beauty of crypto is that no one is forcing you to invest. I know, its crazy right? If you think its a scam...dont invest.
I ask again. Are you really investing in a project lead by 2 idiots who were scammed by Bitmox. I mean jesus christ, how dumb do you have to be to not know Bitmox was a scam. It was plastered everywhere on bitcointalk and those 2 morons still bought up millions kek
It's the blind leading the blind when it comes to XBY. Retards in charge with their horde of even bigger retards
>Waah waaah I want more proof
then dont invest, idiot
This post has nothing to do with what I wrote
>Deeerp x-fuel is running zolt chain
But you can't see it until patent pending. Then, they will decide to keep it closed source because of patent.
and these imbecile xby hodlers believe everything that is spoonfed to them
It has everything to do with it. You want proof. The proof is laid out for you very clearly in the reddit and by the community. If you want proof of the Zoltchain, you can do:
1) Wait for Patent pending and code release
That's what you can do. Otherwise, you're repeating garbage over and over again, harping on the same shit about how there is not enough "proof" for you.
THEN. DON'T. INVEST. No one is forcing you to invest. Get it?
Again please provide proof of them selling off their xby. Do you have chat logs of Borz and CCR? That would help. Also, sinister photos of them rubbing their hands together and greedily laughing to themselves would also be incriminating.
What proof do you have of them actually working on the project besides an audio recording and words typed on the internet?
So is there proof that it works?
The testnet number 3 has now concluded:
Testnet block explorer:
There have also been two previous testnets already, and XFUEL is already running on the PoSign network as a proof-of-technology. You can even confirm this yourself in a few simple steps by following the guide with all the gathered proof here:
The XCITE prototype wallet in action:
Number of FUD threads increasing... What does that usually mean...
A testnet using the old bitcoin coin that actually performed WORSE than bitcoin when tanking into account all of the modifications the XBY developers made to the testnet block size and such. They were trying to get an impressive tps but failed miserably
if proof, dump
if not proof, mega pump
>mega pump
No it performed better at 500+tps I believe. Try again
Another thing, this founder borz is supposedly deaf, right?
I listened to the audio of him and CCR talking about the patent while driving in the car. Didn't seem like he was deaf at all there. Him and CCR werent interrupting eachother like you would expect from a conversation with someone who cant hear at all.
Just yet another lie the snake oil salesman has peddled to his minions. Listen to it again and you'll see what I'm talking about
Fuck u I feed on fud. Delicious. Thank you nigger just bought another 100k
>Trying this hard to fud
You're pathetic
Pointing out realities that go against the agenda = fud
Listen to the audio again
Doesnt sound like one of them is deaf...
Here's what one delusional double digit IQ Xtrabrainlet thinks about what XBY is:
"its a platform coin
and a storage coin
and a dex coin
and i guess with the dynamic fees it may as well be a transaction coin?"
So its going to be Ethereum, Sia, Blocknet/Kyber, and Nano all in one....kekekekek
All of this developed by a single dev who may not even exist
these idiots have truly gone off the deep end. The kool aid CCR is force-feeding down their throats must be pretty damn strong
There is no reality, wtf you talking about? It's just an audio with Borz and CC. But continue to make up shit
>Borz not being deaf
It sounds to me like he is partially deaf. This is all a matter of subjective opinion on your part. It's pointless.
You just sound like a butthurt whining crybaby. Going after Xby holders, making fun of them, its pathetic bro. Dont you have something better going on in your life?
Or are you that big of a loser that you attempt at making an XBY investor sound dumb?
This is the best fud you can come up with? Terrible, man. Fucking terrible. I expect more out of you next time.
In fact why are you still here? I mean I thought we came to the conclusion that you're not going to invest. So why do you spend more time fudding xby?
This is quite an effort. Its almost as if you have a vested interest in driving down the price.
Ohhh I see, you're stalking the Discord. So I take it you will be recording everything and then breaking down and taking shit out of context so you can get new fud material. I get it.
Anything and everything said in Discord chat will be scrutinized and screened by you for fudding purposes.
Echo chamber of idiocy. Just enjoy lol'ing at your delusions of grandeur
One developer going to create a better Ethereum, Sia, Nano, Kyber packaged as one hahahaahahahhahaha
Glad to see you're spending your time productively. The sad thing is that the energy you spend fudding, could you instead use it to help the project and volunteer. After all you spend so much time following it (you actually follow the Discord more than I do and I'm an actual investor)
wow man wow
this is one of those projects where I actually believe the fudders are doing it for the fun of it because it's so obviously a fucking scam.
or even if it's not a scam the developers are just in way over their fucking heads. if this shit turns out to be something (which it won't) then good for the shill in this thread but I'm not holding my breath.
1 guy is going to develop all of this when there are literal teams working on developing just one of these things.
overpromise, under deliver is the MO for this incompetent group