23m here, Graduated about 5 months ago with computer science diploma. i'm unemployed and depressed af. introvert, i spend all the time in my computer. have friends, have money atm about 1.5k (i don't spend much) and life is looks "good". sitting without job pushes me in a depression hole. i have to do something, i have to get money at least to finish my house construction and make. part-time jobs here not easy (small town in a shithole). i'm good at programming C#, Unity3d and pretty much anything related to computers, soft or hard. i tried making mobile games to upload to google play but they ask fee (25$) but this is a shithole country which paypal doesn't support, i manage to get an account but no way to charge it from local banks the only way is to receive it from some other account/website that pays you so i'm surfing these insane pay2click webs to gain 25$ but no luck, cuz ads not directed for shitholes so i give up. currently trying to make MMO and after spending a lot of time and hope i just figure out that unity doesn't support multithreading, fucking fuck. freelance, that shit works with rupitation and takes years to gain good 1. no matter how low the price none hire you. get a job with that diploma. hundreds of email i sent, months spent in the capital giving my cv to every company i see but they all looking for someone with experience, fuck. no connections no high position family i'm all alone. parents getting old and i'm sitting here unemployed waste.
i'm depressed and suffocating. all the doors shut in my face the only door opened is suicide or i wait until idk to get my application accepted somewhere. any suggestions please? what can i do with what i have, i'm really sick of life ...
Andrew Clark
Start smoking weed
Nicholas Butler
you have any ability to move out of the country or do you need to take care of your parents?
Tyler Stewart
Start smoking jazz cabbage
Anthony Ortiz
I would try this new drug called marijuhuana
Nathan Brown
u mean abroad? i can, but how can this help me? if u mean locally i tried but renting is very high, higher than a casual part-time job payment
Andrew Cruz
no drugs here except alcohol and fuck that poisonous shit.
Luis Morales
you might be able to get a job in America with a work visa or something game developers need programmers because Amerifats can't math
Carter James
Cooper Clark
actually got a chance in south korea to get a job as a game dev in a startup company, but i couldn't take the chance cuz of the costs and the non guaranteed position. trying abroad needs a lot of money. the dollar is x2.7 than my country currency.
Juan James
fuck off were full shit skin. Shouldn't have fallen for the CS meme pajeet, if you can program like yo claim and have a project or two to show you should have no problem finding a job.
Nathaniel Carter
I'm a 22m, graduate, generic business/IT degree. In the same boat, except I lost a lot in crypto and got really depressed from being rejected from every job. So I lost the motivation to even bother applying.
my discord is Syflex#4141 if you want to talk about how we can avoid committing suicide/being miserable
Jackson Baker
Dude just whore yourself out in Fiverr, Freelancer or Upwork as a Unity developer. Take their tests which shows how skillful you are to prospective buyers.
Soon you will be matched up with a project and a buyer.
Benjamin Foster
computer science is a good degree bro. You just need to write a really solid professional resume and apply to a lot of shit. Be open to moving to different locations. Land a job, wagecuck a bit with an established company, save up and then jump ship to a new job or start a biz if you so wish.
the games you are making sound more like side gigs than actual jobs. one man alone is not going to make a good MMO.
Charles Rogers
>except I lost a lot in crypto >Veeky Forums the post You kids never learn
Samuel Lewis
yea sure bro. man i never considered in cryptos if anyhow u got the chance, that shit is crazy and risky and needs real pro. i'll add u in discord sure. i'm trying bro but still not easy for a beginner. i never heard of Fiverr i'll check it out. i'm physically good i can resist heat and cold but all companies ask for experienced candidates. i'm waiting and i never stopped applying. i know making MMO alone is silly, it was just something to pretend like i'm doing something.
Ryan Roberts
Do something with your life. A.I. is getting very big - help them.
Charles Sullivan
>all companies ask for experienced candidates So lie or embellish a little bit. Put some projects in github. For experience make up some free lance consulting gigs, even if they were remote. I do remote pen testing jobs over telephone/email as a side gig, that's experience. Contribute code to free software projects, there like 80+ thousand packages on Debian alone. Do something. a college degree isn't a ticket to a good job, it's just a checkbox.
Isaiah Hernandez
You're right i will do so but either ways it sill take some time. i'm just.. u know.. i'm trying to keep my self busy atm while waiting for a real job. i'm really tired of doing nothing.
Aaron Garcia
>i'm trying to keep my self busy atm while waiting for a real job. Good move. Proverbs 16:27, "Idle hands are the devil’s workshop." Limit your expectations, anticipate failure before success. Stay busy and positive friend, good things will come if you work hard.
“I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” ― Michael Jordan
Hunter Bell
> have money atm about 1.5k (i don't spend much) and life is looks "good" life is looks "good", what else?
Alexander Wood
>have friends Eh, into the trash you normie. Oh wait, sorry, this isn't /r9k/. Buy LINK.
Nicholas Wood
>waiting for a real job Don't wait, obtain. You need to fight for it. Market yourself. Who cares if you tried to self develop a mobile MMO? Spin that shit into work experience. Talk about how your code optimizations improved performance 235% on Android and 190% on Apple. SELL yourself. Why would this company want to hire you, you're an expense? Will you make them money? They're not gonna pay you $100k if you can't make them $150k+ back. Demonstrate value, you have a product they need. Sell it. If you sit around waiting it'll never come, nobody will deliver it to you. Good luck.
William Edwards
meant for
Jack Reyes
just HOW, i have every requirement, my cv is flooded with true achievements, i'm just stunned.. i meant that i'm not poor, financially i'm ok. i mention that cuz maybe someone knows good way how to use that amount of money. lol, introvert but i'm not socially awkward i can handle conversation well. that's what i meant when i wrote that. i hit a wall brother, nothing for me to keep my self busy. even there is no more space in my room for DIY.