it's over lads
its been 2 months now of nothing but bleeding and misery
it's time we dusted off our resumes and marched to mcdonalds
It's over lads
shut the fuck up
it's time to face the truth user
it was beautiful while it lasted OP
too bad we didnt make it but oh well. I guess some people are just destined to be losers forever.
jonestown-masscre tier mass suicides when?
>made my first crypto buy in late december
>right before it all crumbled to shit
>didn't cash out my profits because of euphoria and greed
Welp, i'll see you all on the other side
Fuck off schlomo I'm not getting another job
stfu faggot. im up 1500% since last march. sucks to be you
>He wasn't here during last year BTC bull run
>He is a newfag
I don’t wanna be a wagecuck please christ !
15x in one year isn't really anything I would be proud of. Also you have probably lost money during this year like most of biztards.
Why don't you just hold.
it's not 2016 anymore. during the december run normies already came, pumped and dumped and now left. the crypto fad is over
Im the asshole who bough your bags at bottom and selled it you at the top. Good luck next cycle
left McDonalds for crypto in December
You should’ve seen what people were saying after Mt Gox
To not cash out when it sky rocket to 25,000 means your dumb greedy fuck.
Not unless you have a college degree you useless fuck lmao.
I just became a wage cuck 2 weeks ago
>tfw i've bled 50% of my net worth in sats since January
Hodl is a cruel meme