What do you think of what I'm making Veeky Forums?

What do you think of what I'm making Veeky Forums?

Did you go to Planned Parenthood and purchase some of their bio-trash?

nb4 australia


OP har.

It was actually delicious. Turned it over just after, turned off heat, and plated.

Lovely soft yolks.

>charring the onions instead of sauteing them

Are you autistic?

What onions?

Aw shit nigga those are all mushrooms. Thought they were onions with how fucking black they all were.

The photo's darker than it actually was. The mushrooms were beautifully done. Butter and garlic.

What else did you put in it? Also

>garlic on eggs instead of green onion.

I didn't have anything else to hand and I haven't eaten for two days so I just threw together what I had as mushrooms were going out of date.

Just garlic, butter, mushrooms (which were fucking delicious - almost steak-tasting), and the eggs.

Garlic got toasted at first stage but surprisingly landed up tasting great.

I'll have to try before I believe it m8.Looks fucking gross.

Yeah, I won't try it again.

The mushrooms, for sure. Those boys were boss.

What kind? How did you cook them?

These. Butter in pain, then garlic, scooped out the gills, cut in thick slices. Fried up. Had to use a lot of butter but pretty pleased with how dry they fried.

This is the other pack so I need to find something to do with them tomorrow probably. I doubt they'd keep another day more.

They only went past date yesterday lmao

We're kind of neurotic about that here but yeah, they're looking a little sweaty. Tomorrow. I think I'll fry up again but with some tomatoes and rice.

id say you tried to make a breakfast skillet with mushrooms, egg, and bacon.

looks like you cooked it on high heat.
probably tasted just fine if you finished cooking those eggs, it isn't restaurant presentation quality but whatever.

>Butter in pain

That pan is fucked. I'm just chucking it away tomorrow. It's mushrooms, eggs and garlic. Misjudged the heat at the start so the garlic got toasted and the butter browned so yes, it looks unsightly but the net effect on the mushrooms was delicious. I always turn eggs and then take them straight off the heat so the white will solidfy but I get creamy yolks so that worked out perfectly. I agree, however: it does look shit.

Yeah, I know.

Reading this thread was a joy thank you all