A prominent lawyer from Nigeria who was in the audience that day approached me a few days later...

>A prominent lawyer from Nigeria who was in the audience that day approached me a few days later. Her first words to me were, “Your research disgusted me with such waste, studying trivial and useless problems.”
>I explained how the extraordinarily intense impacts of mantis shrimp hammers inspired engineers to make new materials.

The meme is over. Sheila Patek Killed it. The government-funded studies, in biology, are not a waste of taxpayer money, because, well.. you know... some engineers were inspired by her Gandhi-shrimp-pacifists.


Tell her that you are authorized to release some of those grant funds ($1000000) to aid Nigerian development, but that the funds are stuck in the bank in Lagos. Offer to make her the authorized distributor of the funds, but you need her to transfer $1000 to cover the fees.

This is the real reason why Africans don't do science, they are quite practical people. I went to some top UK school and all the Nigerian exchange students there studied either engineering or law and did fine at it meaning they weren't dumb they were just uninterested in pure science.

Anyway I have to agree with her detractors, she is using taxpayer money i.e their money so has no right to demand it by telling them to shut up and accept her research. Government should kick her out of the country.

>This is the real reason why Africans don't do science, they are quite practical people.
More of a narrow mined people.
If doing X does not immediately benefit me now, then doing X is a waste of time.

Tbqh this is a common problem with a lot of pure science research... If you consider understanding the natural world better a "waste of money". It begs the question though, should we abandon pure science research with very little potential application until we have achieved adequate automation?

shut the fuck up and go back to intro to philosophy

Yeah or that. Honestly you see the same thing with Indians to a lesser extent. They are famous for being pushed into medicine no? If you're poor then classics or marine biology is kinda a waste of your extremely limited resources. Westerners get university loans thrown at them, third worlders have to work for decades to put their kid through school.

Westerners used to be like this too. Look at the Romans, they did next to no pure science research because the empire needed engineers and lawyers.

>f you're poor then classics or marine biology is kinda a waste of your extremely limited resources.
And yet, it's research like this that eventually leads to discovery's that generate wealth.
Brutal cycle.

>Look at the Romans, they did next to no pure science research.
>Look at one of the largest and longest lasting empires in the world.
>They never did pure science research.
Gonna have to be a little more specific on that one cause i'm pretty sure I can think of a few examples.

what the hell are you on about

>“Your research disgusted me with such waste, studying trivial and useless problems.”

said a fucking nigger lawyer LOL

What pure science research did the Romans do?

If people never did pure science, we wouldn't have the technology we do today.
Oh yeah wait, that's why Africa is the way it is today.

Africans were always good at economics, unfortunately euros found another source of gold in the 1600s which is about when Africa went downhill.

>I have to agree with her detractors
>lawyers decide what is trivial and useless
gtfo fgt pls

>africans were always good at economics

let me fix this for you

>good at anything
>pick one

there we go. you seem to have made a clerical error.

>Look at the Romans, they did next to no pure science research because the empire needed engineers and lawyers.
The, hell... Romans had whole schools dedicated to nothing but. Granted, it was more philosophy than science, but it was research for the sake of research. Clericus literally referred to someone who never left school nor taught outside of the occasional lecture, who only experimented and debated, and it was an honored position. If anything, they had far more non-practical learning than we do today.

This is actually a subject I've been thinking about for a while.

One could say that at some point (I'm not saying we're now at that point) we have enough pure science to build and engineer on, there's no reason for us believe that the most optimal way is combination between the two and not brute forcing each one at a time, focusing all of our research and problem solving "power" to one "task".

For example, lets say a stone age man is "studying" fire, he doesn't know what it is and if it's utilizable, and at that point there's no reason for his friend to go and study caves, he should join him and then create fire, and just then explore the cave, overpowering that tiger that was hiding in the darkness.

Of course the process isn't always that straight forward, but you get the idea I hope

The richest man who ever lived was black. Great Zimbabwe and other kingdoms did a roaring gold trade for centuries.

And what did these schools produce? Jack shit.

NYT edition after the first moon landing had a spread with reactions from various public figures. Every single black person quoted said it was a waste of time and money that could've gone into them programs.

A steam engine (that was never used save as a toy), claxon rotation (that was used in the largest grain mill in the empire as well as all its quarries), and pretty much all Roman culture (for better or worse).

You can trace the path of the invention of the nuclear bomb back to the horse stirrup - ya never know what you're going to get from what, so you constantly experiment, or you end up the bitch of somebody who does.

"I like to yell at black people on the internet"

"I don't like to yell at black people on the internet"

There. I just saved you all 200 posts of shitstorm and memeing and bait.