>Queensland property investor Peter Button "grabbed the profit and ran" when his interest-only loan expired and he realised that refinancing would trigger a hefty increase in repayments. >"I saw a refinancing issue coming over the horizon, it was easier to just get rid of it," said Mr Button who recently sold his two-bedroom apartment in the Brisbane CBD. >But he's one of the lucky ones. Thousands of home owners face a looming financial crunch as $60 billion of interest-only loans written at the height of the property boom reset at higher rates and terms, over the next four years.
So is Australia literally the path towards another GFC? I mean these mortgages are very similar to the "adjustable rate mortgages" which contributed to the American housing bubble burst.
>Small Business Ombudsman Kate Carnell said the looming refinancing crunch could worry eight in 10 small business owners with loans secured against their homes. >Kevin Young, the founder of Queensland's Property Club, one of the nation's biggest investment clubs, warned that more than 20,000 of its investors are struggling to afford mortgage repayments after the bank moved from interest only to principal and interest.
>Reserve Bank of Australia analysis shows new interest-only investor loans peaked around 64 per cent in 2014, or more than twice the number of interest-only owner occupied loans. >That's about $111 billion worth of interest-only investor loans, or more than twice the value of investor loans taken out five years earlier, as major lenders battled for market share, DFA analysis shows.
Crucial parts: >Crucially, the Australian household debt has now risen to a record high of 190 per cent of annual gross disposable income in the first quarter of the year, continuing an upward trend that has seen a 23 percentage point increase in the ratio since March 2013.
>But annual wage growth dropped to just 1.9 per cent in May 2017, the lowest on record, reflecting the transition in the economy away from higher paying mining-related jobs to lower paying jobs in the services sector.
>The combination of low wage growth and house price increases over the recent five-year boom has resulted in a deterioration in housing affordability, which Moody's says has increased the risks for less seasoned mortgage loans and RMBS backed by such loans.
Benjamin Evans
>As a whole, the Australian economy has grown through a property bubble inflating on top of a mining bubble, built on top of a commodities bubble, driven by a China bubble. >Unfortunately for Australia, that “lucky” free ride is just about to end. >Societe Generale’s China economist Wei Yao said recently, “Chinese banks are looking down the barrel of a staggering $1.7 trillion—worth of losses”. Hyaman Capital’s Kyle Bass calls China a “$34 trillion experiment” which is “exploding”, where Chinese bank losses “could exceed 400% of the U.S. banking losses incurred during the subprime crisis”.
The numbers are fucking staggering. China fucked the planet and will doom us all.
Julian Powell
we fucked ourselves by allwoing a literal human ant colony any influence over us whatsoever. you can only swallow the black pill and realise that western civilization is over. we are living through its decay.
my plan is to profit from crypto as much as possible and after all the capital flight from the dying system has taken place i will scoop up cheap land and property in the ashes.
Asher Wood
>where Chinese bank losses “could exceed 400% of the U.S. banking losses incurred during the subprime crisis”.
Jesus... China already inflates it’s economic numbers. This is really bad
Jose Roberts
Soooo keep money in the bank and buy houses at bargain price within the next few years? yewwww
Carson Garcia
>What makes this especially dangerous is that it is unwinding in what increasingly looks like a global recession- perhaps even depression, in an environment where the U.S. Federal Reserve (1.25%), Bank of Canada (1.0%) and Bank of England (0.25%) interest rates are pretty much zero, and the European Central Bank (0.0%), Bank of Japan (-0.10%), and Central Banks of Sweden (-0.50%) and Switzerland (-0.75%) are at zero or negative interest rates.
What's the deal with negative interest by the way? >Fink pointed out that nonexistent interest rates make it impossible to generate a return on savings, thereby forcing workers to save larger proportions of their income. That just sounds like it's gonna worsen this problem ay. Anyone have the news on Aus interest rates? It's still 1.5% right? Will that continue?
>Absent other factors, NIRP should encourage car loans and home mortgages. After all, cheaper interest payments mean you might be able to afford a nicer car or bigger home. Unfortunately, most Americans are already net debtors and need to pay down their existing loans, not take out more. And by the sounds of it, Australia might be following that path..
Nathan Edwards
>you can only swallow the black pill and realise that western civilization is over. Not just the west if those numbers are correct. The entire global economy..
Angel Lewis
>Soooo keep money in the bank If rates are negative in the future, then keeping money in the bank may be the worst choice to make. The only choice I can see us making at this point is taking out more and more and more loans to the point of absurdity. But that just sounds retarded.
James Price
I mean, I heard about "accelerating" the debt, but surely that will fail right?
Gabriel Butler
Go look up Prof Steve Keen if you want to really know what's about to happen.
Michael Richardson
>Anyone have the news on Aus interest rates? It's still 1.5% right?
Interest rates will stay there for a long time in Australia, possibly years.
The RBA has a meeting on Tuesday but will leave them on hold.
Consider shorting the AUD through all this.
Christian Bell
So monday?
Justin King
RBA meeting is 2.30 first Tuesday of the every month Eastern Aus time.
I'm waiting for a small bounce to ~80c US to go short AUD.
Luis Hall
Gold and crypto.
Hunter Garcia
On Chinese traders of Steel Rebar/ Iron ore contracts:
>In April 2016, the average holding period for steel rebar and iron ore contracts was less than 3 hours. The Chief Executive of the London Metal Exchange, said “Why should steel rebar be one of the world’s most actively-traded futures contracts? I don’t think most people who trade it know what it is”.
China is clearly full of dumbasses.
Bentley Jones
Crypto may be our only way out of this. But gold is just too impractical as a means of currency now. If the currencies we currently use are impacted by this shit, then we need a practical alternative.
Perhaps this needs more attention. I know people are skeptical with crypto, but fuck me, look at the situation we're in with this crisis.
Colton Nelson
>dumb >buys your land right out from under you Hmm
Nathaniel James
I'm thinking gold as insurance/long term savings and crypto as an alternative to banks charging me money to hold it for me.
Austin Mitchell
>buys your land Do these steel contracts actually get fulfilled though? I don't think they do. These are just futures.
Gavin Cooper
There might be one tiny "short term solution" to all of this though. I think India is severely ignored with it's potential.
Owen Adams
woops forgot to add pic.
Daniel Peterson
I think a war between India and China is in order. How do we meme this into reality?
Thomas Scott
Kashmir or that place on the eastern border.
They've always been at war for nearly a century.
Caleb Allen
That's mainly with Pakistan.
Landon Perez
Yeah, but lately there's been some issues there with China... well I haven't checked that, but I swear I saw that on the news recently.
Luis Rogers
Yeah but I'm talking full on nuclear vapourization, shit on the streets blasted into orbit war. We can do it.