For me it's power and security. (I am more interested on the power though.) In this capitalistic society of ours, Money = Power. Sure, money can't buy happiness but I'm willingly trading temporary happiness for power. A family member dying and needs to be admitted asap? Wouldn't be a problem if you had the very amount you need for the, to be admitted. People are driven by money. With just paper, you can manipulate them to doing something you desire for them to do and that's why I want to be a richfag.
Josiah Green
Nice blog post
Levi Ramirez
I think western civilization will collapse But I want to build an expensive bunker so I can watch it unfold real time in luxury. So i'm hoping I can make a shitload of money in the next few years to prepare for this
Nicholas Sullivan
>Why do you want to be rich
I didn't read anything you read but I'll post my opinion since it's the most important.
Cause, bitches.
Chase Fisher
I want to build a lil garden house, then i want to buy a lil sloth friend and have him live happily there!
also i want to work as a freelancer, so having a lot of money would make it easier since i dont have to worry about it
Kayden James
im a lonely loser and i want a qt gf and lots of kids
and i also want to give them a big comfy house in a good neighbourhood far away from shitskins
i dont care about power, i just want a genuine hug tbqh
Christian Garcia
So I don't have to work anymore. I mean right now my job is VERY EASY(doing social media management) but after university I want to work for as little time as possible so I can focus on building software that I can offer to people for a monthly premium. Once the residuals from those sales reach a livable wage, I can move to a tax haven with my girl and focus on building different software fulltime.
Charles Bennett
I like to look at charts, be rich is the only way to do this the rest of myf life
Colton Rivera
so i don't have to wake up and travel to work and deal with the shitty clients
Colton White
I don't want to be rich. I just want enough to live off of through passive income. I don't want to have to worry about where my next meal is coming from. I'm not going to be buying 200k cars or expensive vacations. Just enough to sustain me without having to ever ask if some fat slob would like fries with their order. I want a nice home in the countryside with a decent internet connection. I want to live someplace where I can see the stars at night, and have a backyard campfire that no one will tell me to extinguish. I want a decent sized field for my dog to be able to run across. Maybe near a lake or a creek of some sort. Maybe farm the land so I don't grow bored. I want enough so that I might someday attract a decent mate, and I want to make sure that any offspring are well taken care of. I don't want them growing up hungry like I did.
Give me that, and I will be content.
Gavin Robinson
To add to that:
I fucking hate the west. I want to move to the second world and maximize my standard of living with what I make.
Thailand or the Seychelles look nice.
Dominic Cruz
How much do you want monthly. I can calculate how much you'd need to live passively.
Kevin Murphy
Can you also do that for me?
I am on track, assuming I stay completely even and neither get nor lose any clients, to make 5.5k a month, which is about 65k a year. That's just one revenue stream
I'm 19, my girlfriend is 18. neither of us have debt or will need to get student loans. So in three years when we graduate.
Also I'm all for moving out of the country to a country with lower taxes.
John Cook
I would have laughed at you 10 years ago but yeah the whole bunker thing is becoming too real and I know people who's actually investing on it. >paying for intimacy >i want to buy a lil sloth friend and have him live happily there! Cute! Fucking same dude. I'd would also want a qt housewife telling me that I did a good job today and cooking for me and my fuck ton of kids then have vanilla sex every night for the sole purpose of procreation. I'll need to be wealthy first though. Not necessarily. Economists look at charts everyday but not all of them are flooding of money. I hope you make it user! >I want to move to the second world Nigger you want to move to a commie cunt? It's third-world. Anyway, yeah I've noticed a lot of richfags moving to third-worlds for the same reason.
Jordan King
Because I don't want to work, I just want to sit at home and play vidya
Gabriel Adams
You need 2.5 Million dollars to life off 65k after taxes with healthy dividend stocks.
Carson Rogers
Nice quads, and I just kind of assumed that "second-world" referred to countries that had a fairly high standard of living at a low cost. Again an example of that would be Thailand, or the Seychelles, or certian places in SE Asia, parts of the Caribbean, and South Africa(though I'd never, Namibia, and Botswana. Southeastern Europe would also be nice due to the climate but I'm not too sure. The point is I want to move to a country that is nice to live in with a fairly low crime rate where I can live peacefully.
James Nelson
Because I fucking love winning. Im a very competitive person and getting super rich seems to be the ultimate victory. Living in a shithole 3rd world country only adds to the challenge. Im also aware I probably sound like a retard, but Im serious about this.
Samuel Taylor
Escape wage cuckerie. Only this, everything will come after.
Jordan Roberts
so I can not have to work
Levi Hill
The bahamas is a tax haven (because there's literally no tax) but the fucking crime rate though. I guess you can't have both.
Asher Gutierrez
Don’t have to work. Get those 40 hours a week back in your control. Do what you want. Attempt to actually make an impact on society, creating a business, product, etc. Buy nice things, if you wish. Freedom
Jason Wood
So I can wave my big dick at all you peasants, then watch all of you turn into gay whores and run up to my balls wanting to suck me off because you believe you will get a financial reward. But no, you just get my organ in your mouth. And then you cry like the little broke peasants you are.
Jacob Robinson
That would actually be nice since I grew up and live in Florida, so everyone I know would be a quick plane flight away.
I just couldn't go out at night for fear of nearby nignogs. My old high school's principle was a white bahamian and he has a shit ton of horror stories of growing up poor and white in Nassau.
Aaron Barnes
Fake and gay
Carson Johnson
Gay and real life drama
Jeremiah Gray
So I can be a whale on a korean MMO and experience the feeling of wealth and power that i'll never experience IRL because i'm too lazy and socially awkward
Hudson Davis
I'm purchasing freedom
Chase Morales
I just wanna show my parents, that after all their effort and money investing for me and my education, that I'm not a failure
Adrian Ortiz
I want to never have to integrate into society.
Kevin Reed
So I can have all the time in the world to work on an invention I have in mind that is not available currently., the success from sales of said invention would enable me to expand the businesd with my second idea. Not as revolutionary as the first idea but quite above and beyond the current design in the marketplace, drastically better and cheaper. Both ideas would allow me to die having made a positive impact on humanity, it would free up some time and money of middle and upper class people in the first world, which would have a compounding effect on productivity, like most inventions.