What is the normie obsession with this man?
What is the normie obsession with this man?
he has money
He's massively financially successful, has become a public figure, and is polished enough not to offend anyone when he makes a public statement. All of that combined is enough to keep him popular.
if you followed his potfolio you were guaranteed a small but bank beating return on your investment.
hard to imagine, but there was a time in human hstiry before bitcoin
for years he has been making money constantly without really trying (or atleast thats the way he acts toward it)
People think hes some investing genius but he made most of his money in the 70s and wasnt too stupid to blow it.
Hes basically proof that you gotta get in early. The next buffet is going to be some crypto neet.
>be born at right time
>be rich
>put money into a market literally guaranteed to return massive gains basically no matter what you invest in
>suddenly be the greatest investor ever
There were plenty of people who were born at the right time, were rich and put in the money
>The next buffet is going to be some crypto neet.
NEETs never had enough capital to make massive amounts of money
the next buffet will be someone who dropped 5 figures into mining bitcoin in the late 2000s (or 6-7 figures into mining in 2010) and maybe then bought coins after mining competition went up
likely said person also got in early on big alternatives as well (and probably gambeled and lost on some, say namecoin or whatever)
He's made billions and is in top 10 richest in the world but he's the only one without an original idea or lucking out on creating a company.
Just buying good companies and reinvesting well is all he did, something in principle that anyone could do. Hence the obsession
Also he isn't just loved by normies, most of the best fund managers in the world regard him as their inspiration.
this - jeff bezos, bill gates, steve jobs, etc are 100x more respectable than buffet
yeah but buffet is an investing autist who does nothing but read financials all day
what he has done is amazing. he literally made billions of dollars from close to nothing. you have to give it to him that he's done something seemingly impossible.
however, he's still extremely biased in his views. his views on cryptocurrencies are obviously based on him being afraid of what they'll do to his billions.
he also missed google, amazon, etc
he was past his prime 10 years ago
fucking mongoloid
He's your billionaire grandpa that the whole family is competing to be nice to but secretly you know you will never get that inheritance
the idea that a nice little boy can save money from his lemonade stand and paper route and as long as he's disciplined and honest enough he will become the wealthiest man in the world
and has a strong work ethic, forgot that third part
>no counter arguments
Oh, yeah... well you make a good point, I hadn't thought of it like that before
You're saying that like he disagrees. His whole things is sound conservative investments and patience. Google his Protege bet
Really, over the last 30 years a lot of his success is due to his size.
Once you can move markets with your comments, you're basically printing money.
The reason he doesn't like bitcoin is because he is out of touch with society and where it needs to go. Happens when you get old and rich and can't relate to anyone.
He made a daring bet with Coca Cola in the 80s and everyone thinks he’s a fucking genius
He said it was a bubble, which is correct. He said he wouldn't invest in BTC because he doesn't know enough about it. What's the problem?
He didn't miss anything. His entire investment strategy is to buy projects that are underappreciated. Amazon and Google were both born during the dot-com bubble and were massively overinflated. Buffet can't invest in those companies because he only buys underappreciated assets. Both Amazon and Google have never been underappreciated.
Crypto right now is overappreciated as fuck. While oil is underappreciated right now. Guess where Buffet is investing hardcore right now?
burial plots