why do you hate free money user?
Other urls found in this thread:
Their Airdrop is a scam.
So is the coin
AMB TRAC EVE x10 in 6 months
why do people even shill this? doesnt need it
its clearly going to moon like hst did, shows all of the early signs
>Their Airdrop is a scam
Devery has never done any airdrop. Congrats you got pajeet'd.
OP needs to know that shilling coins on Veeky Forums often have negative effect. Just buy, hold and stfu.
Delete this. Plz sir stop shilling
Block array bagholder detected.
I don't know, but I just checked and they got a dev on their team named Bokky Poobah, which is one of the most badass names I've heard of in a minute, so I'm in. Where can I buy?
Idex, and he's just as badass as his name.
Kid CEO? Nobody invest to kid's dream.
Please go away salty ary bagholder.
We’re happy to announce we’ve joined JD.com’s Accelerator! JD is China’s largest retailer online and offline and the world’s third largest internet company by revenue.
Devery has been selected as JD.com’s supply chain tracking partner as part of a list of five promising blockchain startups. Each startup represents a key focus area for JD.com.
With more than 266 million active customers, JD is a direct seller of millions of brands from around the world and hosts a marketplace of more than 160,000 trusted merchants.
Supply-chain tracking and identity management are fundamental use cases of the blockchain. The participation of a technology behemoth such as JD.com is expected to significantly accelerate the development and adoption of such technology.
Facebook was a kid’s dream. Heck, even MySpace founder sailed off into the sunset with a boat loads of money.
but in december you could 10x your investment in days, why do i have to wait 6 months now fuck
Currently, partnerships doesn’t mean anything. See ven wtc
Because you said so right. How heavily invested in blockarray are you? How much are you down? I know you can't afford to cut your losses because the price has dropped too low but fudding another coin won't make you feel better.
I don’t hold ary bags. And I’m not fudding eve. Go back and read the thread.
How is this different from Ven/WTC/AMB etc? I feel like every new coin I hear about is trying to do the same thing, and I don't want to read 900 whitepapers.
It's a protocol that will/can work with those that you listed.
tl;dr Devery is a protocol. 3rd party developers can make their own product-verification apps on the protocol. The tokens EVE will be used as the fuel on the protocol. Manufacturers/brands will have to pay with EVE for verification etc.
Like clockwork, every time "le investing in kid xd" argument.
A kid also launched Ethereum almost 3 years ago.
We get it, fuck off if you're not interested.
They have industry recognition and good advisors. If it wasn't for this shitty sideways market and actual exchange (not IDEX) it would've mooned already.
And to OP, you're a fucking idiot. You post this shitty thread every day thinking Veeky Forumstards will move the price. Just stop, I hold a lot of EVE but your shill threads are fucking annoying.
>1 post by this ID
nothing in life is free, user.
Another big holder of EVE here. Thanks. Your post represents all of us so much.
Also kys OP. Don't make another stupid shilling treads again.
I'm just trying to help my fellow anons by giving them hope, that they too can make it. It's not too late.
You aren't trying to help anyone and this project doesn't need your stupid fucking shills.
Everyone here has already heard about this project, so it's up to them to do their own research now.
These stupid posts that offer no substance just make everyone assume it's a scam shit coin, so if that's not your intent, then stop already. Give it time and let this project grow. Shilling to biz isn't going to make you rich any faster.
Everyone here would kill you for 10 bucks dude pls delete.
What a bunch of faggots. You're content with stinky linky threads but when an EVE thread pops up, all of a sudden I've commited murder.
Let me remind you user, I fucked your mother and then I fucked your father. I am a faggot like no other, and I will fuck you raw.
PS: Shut the fuck up. If I feel like creating a thread about EVE, then I will. Faggot, quit hiding good coins to yourself. Sharing is caring!
bought 100k.
bucks? who holds that shitcoin??
I only have 8k EVE, will I make it?
Can't wait to drop my bags on you all. Hahaha
Oh nooo pls don't dump your sub 10k EVE on us, you'd crush the market price.
Who in dis rn