Anyone else believe we are probably characters in some advanced civilization's video game...

Anyone else believe we are probably characters in some advanced civilization's video game? What is this philosophy called?

Other urls found in this thread: fit ex nihilo


Wow so clever

Are you the one who posted this thread on Veeky Forums? The theory is both shite and trite.

The simulation hypothesis is what it's called.

Simulation Hypothesis.

It's a rehash of the simulation argument, which is no different from living in a Universe created by a deistic God.

>video game
This is less plausible and kind of retarded because it implies that each of us are characters and each of us are controlled by our masters. Then again, there is no evidence whatsoever that we are being controlled.

It was'nt me. As for your claim that the theory is shite and trite, what is your evidence for such a presumption?

>we are living in some shitty military FPS

>the rest of existence is just autistic levels of simulation

What is the evidence for your presumption?

Except that the existence of God is not explained. With the video game theory it is possible to explain the creator as created by natural selection. Try to name one hole in the theory. Something tells me you can't.

Excuse me sir but what exactly is your evidence?

Lack of evidence. There's no reason to believe this over other theories. It sounds more like a scam to get money by tricking people into thinking it's worth researching.

Have you ever heard of the Latin phrase nihil fit ex nihilo? I honestly thought this board would be smarter when it came to philosopphical questions. Guess I should have stayed on Veeky Forums and posted my tread there.

Lol someone has read too much Noam Chomsky

The onus is on the guy claiming that we're in a simulation, not me. But one reason is that there would be a ton of cases and testimony where you get a lot of people saying "I had no control over my actions when I killed this and that" because of course, if you're in a video game, and it's lot like GTA, there's going to be a lot of weird and unexplained shit going on.

The hypothesis is retarded and you know it. It's a deistic Universe repacked into contemporary metaphors: once we invented computers and could simulate a variety of natural phenomena it was tempting to think that maybe we too are being simulated by some kind of external, but epistemically inaccessible computer.

Why would you convey the expression in Latin rather than in English other than you consider the Latin version to have more potency for no other reason than the magical self-cause of it being Latin.

nihil fit ex nihilo

Uhh maybe because it's a Latin expression? Do i have really have to spell it out for you? Ok here: fit ex nihilo

The sentiment is well acknowledged in English (the language we happen to be speaking, btw.)
I'm sure it preceded the Latin tongue as well.
Face it - you chose your precious Latin quote for its perceived magical properties. You're a hypocrite, you're no true scientist, and you should be banished from Veeky Forums for using the forces of science for obscurantism and evil.

The word "hypocrite" is a French word, could you please use an english equivalent or are you using it for its "magic properties"? Your argument is so fallicious it's not even funny. You have yet to prove the video game theory wrong.

It may very well be a French word and it's fully an English word as well. Care to make a point?

It's called the high high-schoolers philosophy

>the burden of proof is on the other guy, not me, even though, you kwon, a little fag like do not not hesitate to claim things