Veeky Forums is a dindu free zone sorry

we wuz kings but now we dindu nuffin

>my beautiful people
Wow, that sounds awfully supremacist.


I won't dignify the video with a view, but I do wonder if it's about xenoestrogens.

I just never got how people take a problem that affects everybody and claim it's only targeting their demographic somehow.

If everyone is beautiful, so are blacks

>muh chemicals in food
>implying this is somehow problematic

reminds me of a conspiracy theorist who claimed estrogen in products made people feminine and proceded to give example of a female-to-male transgender

He's not saying ALL chemicals are bad, but some that are added are. Would you not agree?

>conspiracy theorist
That correctly describes nearly everyone on social media to some extent.

>Sex reversing chemicals
C-can I be the little girl now?

What difference does it make if they are added?

Are you saying that Bisphenol-A and the effects of birth control on the water supply aren't feminizing human populations?

That shit runs off into rivers and turns half the fish female.

If the Jewish conspiracy to destroy the white race by feminizing males with poisoned tap water is also feminizing every other race, it's because Jews are less clever than they believed, not because the conspiracy is fake.

I don't know that the Jews caused the feminization of the Amerifag male, but it's certainly the reality. We better hope there's no world war, because the younger generation is nothing but fem-males and they'll be cucked by the chinese or russians very rapidly.

>C-can I be the little girl now
That's GENDER, you shitlord! TRIGGERDED@!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!1!11!!

>That shit runs off into rivers and turns half the fish female

This just in: Humans aren't Fish. A recent study funded by your tax dollars has determined that fish and human beings are actually two entirely separate classifications of animals.
And now we take you to our Black-u-Weather Forecast with Ollie. Ollie?


Thank you, Ollie.

Nu-male cucks detected.

I'm pretty ugly, bro

Do you not understand that environmental estrogens disrupt the endocrine systems of both wildlife and humans? When you have organisms with sexual dimorphism based on testosterone and estrogen, it doesn't really matter if one is a fish and one is a mammal.

It was painfully stupid of you to try and use that as an argument against the existence of a well-known environmental issue.

>Xenoestrogen turns fish female
>Humans eat those fish

Can we all just say niggers need to die, and call it a day