Misconceptions which annoy you thread?

Misconceptions which annoy you thread?
I'll start:
Calories in = calories out

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>conservation of energy is a misconception

bait harder

>calories in = calories out

Have never heard that... Or do you mean (calories out) - (calories in) = the difference in energy in a system aka the amount of energy you "lose" that has to be provided by other sources like the energy stored in bodyfat.

holy shit that salad has 1.5k calories?

calories in doesn't give you much information.
You also need to know how much you expend to masticate and digest that.

"out" includes expenditure, excretion and fat storage, you autismo automaton

Entropy = disorder.

calories being units of energy (usually used for shit like heat transfer) calories in= calories out only holds for a system in thermodynamic equilibrium or a system isolated from its surroundings.
is it a misconception because it does not apply to cooling\heating systems ?

this fucking bullshit desu .
theres a kajillion of equivalent definitions of entropy , just use the one most appropriate\ closest to the subject being discussed .

calling it disorder requires you to rigorously and unambiguously define 'order'

>Misconceptions which annoy you thread?
pic related.

That it's the caffeine in chocolate that hurts dogs. Everyone knows it's the theobromine!

Also, that Hershey's chocolate will hurt your dog - not unless they eat like a pound of it because that's not chocolate - it's sugar and milk.

I had a teacher try to explain entropy by shuffling a deck of cards.
I got mad.

but that's exactly how it works you fucking nigger.

> thinks fat storage = calories out
Whale detected.


>maths is pointless
>physics has no use in the real world (seriously what the fuck)
>FTL travel

Whenever a tv show or comic book mentions mutants.

The main one is the misconception that [math] .999 \ldots \neq 1 [/math].

Other than that, the first one here:

That we only use 10% of our brain.
That the left brain is logical and the right is creative.
Using "we don't know much about the brain" to justify the belief that telepathy and other pseudoscience bullshit is possible .

Bro don't you know that transit time is a conserved quantity? Yeah I'm with you on that one, fucking annoying.

>Using "we don't know much about the brain" to justify the belief that telepathy
Man fuck those people. We don't know much about how the complexity turns into a functioning brain, so that implies brains can control the fifth fundamental force.


>more knowledge = more intelligence
>saying "its impossible" assuming we understand exactly how all of the universe works
>"theory" in science = laymen's definition of "theory"
> not saying "observable universe" in the phrase: "more than the number of particles in the universe"


This shit enrages me to no end. Especially when you are a neurosci major in undergrad, and have to take a gen-ed writing class where the prof insists on spouting the creative right brain logic left bulllshit.

>more knowledge = more intelligence
When I was 14 and stupid enough to take online IQ tests, I checked the online Mensa test and it started asking me questions about US history. I was dumbfounded how these circlejerking morons couldn't understand the difference.

Energy deficit = weight loss. Calorie counting works, I lost a shittonne of weight through doing it

That being said, nutrition labels are notoriously innaccurate and the Atwater system is fucking garbage too. Food choices have an impact on the energy out part of the equation. I don't believe 500 'calories' of table sugar makes you gain the same as 500 'calories' of almonds

Not really Veeky Forums but the popular notion of computers as magical things that can do anything and do stuff on their own for no reason. No computers are dumb and do exactly what you tell them to do.

Also in highschool chemistry when Chad was all like "what I thought Bohr's thingy was what an atom looks like, why are you lying to me? Science is stupid." Fuckin Chad.

Speaking of which, Cal = kcal, whoever did this should be beaten to death with a shovel.

Any difference in digestion would be insignificant, the kilocalorie is a measure of energy, energy is energy whether it is from almonds or sugar. Now that's not saying your health or well being is better off consuming the latter rather than. The latter.

Why would you not believe that? Food labels are really not that inaccurate for whole foods, which is what you listed.

Here's a really good read on the subject that even a retard could both parse and understand:


It's not Chad's fault they don't teach probability clouds in high school chem...

>kilocalorie = calorie

ty user! I never thought of entropy that way...still, I dont mind if people use "orderly stuff" to try and explain entropy,because otherwis, its pretty hard to convey to some people...


but it's a good indicator no? Fibre would help you shit it out but wouldnt a 1.5k calorie salad (with sauce, Im assuming) be a worse meal than a 500cal burger?

any way the average (and sometimes the good too) high-school teacher spends time in teaching something complex, but he simplifies it the level of stupidity- AND THE STUDENTS STILL DONT GET IT FFS.

more like education's implication that learning/knowledge is a destination not a process.

I feel you. I just finished undergrad degree (neuroscience) and am going into a neuro graduate program. My mother in law has recently become a "clinical hypnotherapist" after taking night classes (where from, I don't know) on and off for a year. She is now running a practice out of her house. My father in law told my wife she is really excited to talk about it with me. This woman probably barely finished high school and has been a customer service manager the past several years of her life. She is also super into ghost hunting. They're coming to visit us this summer, and I don't even know what I'm going to do. It's really stressing me out, actually!

width >/= length

mastication and digestion take very little energy compared to what is needed to sustain BMR

quit making excuses and go to the gym, fatass

Look up tdee before you speak dumbass

pic is way wrong. e.g.. the 6-inch sub and the cup of coffee are way over their actual values. unless the coffee had about 6 spoons of sugar or a bunch of syrup; and everything in teh sub was deep-fried

doubt it. depends how much dressing is on it. Oil (any oil) is extremely calorie dense so if you put enough dressing on salad, you can really rack up the calories.

Also depends on the protein part of the salad (e.g. it could be breaded chicken, which is high-cal; or a lot of bacon) and whether there is any high-carb stuff in the salad (e.g. croutons)

But the green stuff in salad is extremely low cal

>clinical hypnotherapist
Jesus fucking christ
How do you even have a conversation with her at that point

His argument is that the energy on the labels isn't the energy you absorb

I don't even know. I guess I'll have to work late in the lab when they're visiting.