Where were you when it was objectively CONFIRMED that Borges is the Dark Souls of short stories?

Where were you when it was objectively CONFIRMED that Borges is the Dark Souls of short stories?


(pay attention and you'll see a screencap of a Veeky Forums post claiming that metal gear solid 2 = pynchon. )

Pwebm or mirror please. Not giving this guy views

I somehow knew this faggot would misuse the term "Kafkaesque". Does anyone know of a channel that is educational and not so fucking smug?


Huh, this YouTube channel has a saved playlist that I made.

Misused? What other term should he have used?

Homestuck is literally Ulysses or whatever

Dark Souls isn't really difficult but I guess it can be considered the most difficult casual game.

>tao lin

kek. if anything suda would be Dante

I dont play videogames, put that in hebrew please

This. There was never a point in the entire soulsborne series that made me think, "this actually requires skill," mostly because you can just grind until you are a high enough level to smack any boss imaginable.

To the video creator's credit, it's not completely dumb, although there are a couple of cringy moments.
The idea of retrospective definition as applied to DS is correct, at least, although he fails to identify the themes properly.

this is one of those crappy, "I teach high culture through pop culture! See, I'm learned but hip to what the kids like" shows isn't it.

I'm not against accessiblity, but every one of these things I see get things wrong and cause more harm than good.

I don't want to give him views. Can someone just tell me why Borges is comparable to Dark Souls?

I beat the game without dying once. It's super easy when using sorceries.

It's clickbait-y. Borges wrote that Kafka formulated a system of ideas and themes so well that his predecessors, while taking on those themes, look like a retrospective imitation of him. The same with Dark Souls.

Not developed.

That's comparing Dark Souls and Kafka, not Borges.

I don't think you understood that essay user.

Yes. OP implies one of two things:
That the quality of being "Dark Souls of x" means to retroactively define certain themes and symbols as associated with yourself; i.e., you read about labyrinths in 17th century book, you still think Borges. (this is in the video)
- or -
Borges, even though he came before DS, fits with a description of being Soulslike - with narratives much bigger than what fits on the page, worlds not given wholly but fragmentally, providing a puzzle to reconstruct, even though there is no clear solution; using ambient storytelling through found fiction, as DS does through items; revering death as a spiritual, not physical, process.

Yeah, i agree, that is a shitty description. Basically, with Kafka, you have an emergence, where a lot of different concepts and themes collide together into something greater, so that their individual pieces become connected to this big feel, and become inseparable from it.

But I haven't read the essay, unfortunately, and tried to infer the content from this video. Also I'm slightly retarded

That's much better. You should read the essay. It's very good.


>hurr durr le videogame rip off of berserk is so deep XD

when will this meme end.

when will /v/lets learn that video games have no redeeming qualities whatsoever

In stead of realizing how increadibly retarded it is to compare everything and anything with a fucking video game he goes on and does just that.

what is wrong with comparing things with a video game?

>the soulsian