I have a question(s) about genetics and evolution

I have a question(s) about genetics and evolution.

Is genetic variation always good? Do superior genes always dominate?

If previously separate genepools which have evolved differently are combined, will you end up with less genetic variation in the long run as the interracial breeding continues?

I ask because with the world getting more and more populated there is seemingly more and more breeding between gene-pools that were previously for the most part separate.

I am aware historically some humans have always traveled and so this interbreeding has always been present in a smaller amount, but the majority of a group stay roughly where they are born. This makes sense to me since western Europeans look fairly similar to one another but totally different from people from the African continent.

I have heard it said that interbreeding between different races will make the offspring stronger because diversity makes a gene-pool stronger.

Is this true? Why? Why not?

Say in one hundred years (or longer if necessary) humans had been breeding among the different races we say for generations, will we all look similar?

Will we all share the same DNA, and by that the same weaknesses and strengths?

Am I retarted??

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>interracial breeding

This isn't really a pol question desu.

you lack the most basic understanding of DNA inheritance, which makes me think you are either a) a high-schooler or b) /pol/

either way, you don't belong on Veeky Forums

read a book, biology 101

I am neither of those. I do lack the most basic understanding of DNA inheritance you are correct.

I do not have the time nor desire to read a book to learn the nuances of biology.

I do however have time to read the answers to my questions. If the answer is yes or no, stupid question or not, it would be great if you could help me out.

Yes eventually humans might all be so similar genetically that no matter who you fuck you end up with an inbred child. But thats only if we intentionally choose the most distantly related to us constistently for a very long time.

So the time it takes for such a thing to occur is relative to the size of the genepool?

Thanks user, links related.




>How could genes cause an IQ advantage? The simplest pathway is head size. I thought head measurement had been discredited as Eurocentric pseudoscience. I was wrong. In fact, it's been bolstered by MRI. On average, Asian-American kids have bigger brains than white American kids, who in turn have bigger brains than black American kids. This is true even though the order of body size and weight runs in the other direction. The pattern holds true throughout the world and persists at death, as measured by brain weight.

>According to twin studies, 50 percent to 90 percent of variation in head size and brain volume is genetic. And when it comes to IQ, size matters. The old science of head measurements found a 20 percent correlation of head size with IQ. The new science of MRI finds at least a 40 percent correlation of brain size with IQ. One analysis calculates that brain size could easily account for five points of the black-white IQ gap.

>I know, it sounds crazy. But if you approach the data from other directions, you get the same results. The more black and white scores differ on a test, the more performance on that test correlates with head size and "g," a measure of the test's emphasis on general intelligence. You can debate the reality of g, but you can't debate the reality of head size. And when you compare black and white kids who score the same on IQ tests, their average difference in head circumference is zero.

Does this mean if a larger head shape is dominant as people from Africa breed with people from Asia the intellectual ability of the offspring will be smarter due to having larger skulls on average?

What if a smaller skull shape is dominant?

This is /pol/ tier I admit but is this a legitimate concern?

Don't respond to sjwtards. You can see that their posts are entirely made of shitposting and butthurt.

>Say in one hundred years (or longer if necessary) humans had been breeding among the different races we say for generations, will we all look similar?

>Will we all share the same DNA, and by that the same weaknesses and strengths?

One of the great ironies of today’s quest for “diversity,”—the forcible mixing of peoples as unlike each other as possible—is that it is a destroyer of diversity. It is only through separation that nature can produce that culmination of true diversity: a new species.


This is what I was asking, this guy seems to be of opinion sharing my concern. But I don't know how credible he is. I've got a lot to learn apparently.

Some are I agree.

I'm sure that all of this is still very much up for debate, and no doubt it would be difficult to explain the ideas to someone like myself who is not well informed on the basics.

That said, I was surprised to find how difficult it was to find scientists who were discussing the questions I had.

For anyone else mildly interested I found the following links to be informative to the totally uninformed.



Even within an apparently similar population there's usually plenty of diversity to be found.

Even if we end up all looking the same in the future, I highly doubt gene pool homogeneity would be a problem, since we haven't gone through a population bottleneck.

So in short you don't think it is likely that us all looking the same (or at least sharing a much higher degree of similar traits to what we do now) could bring risk of us having the same strengths and weaknesses?

I think that consequence would be negligible due to the sheer number of people in the population. Usually those effects are noticeable in very small populations.

Just think, if what OP is asking were to be true, why wouldn't it happened already with the "pure races"? They are all the same as well, wouldn't you say so? But that doesn't matter, because there's always underlying diversity that you can't tell at face value.

If you want an actual case study of where gene homogeneity is fucking a species over, just look at the cheetah. Population bottle necking in the past really did one on those guys.

Is this the bi-daily designated /pol/ thread?

I am OP. I would argue it already did happen, the races do have different strengths and weaknesses that are prevalent among them.

Blacks IQ on average is lower (apparantly skull shape is the reason) - a weakness, but they develop teeth,strong bones etc faster - but their dense bones make them heavier in the water.

East asians however are small in physical stature - a weakness, but generally have higher IQ intelligence.

My question is, if these two groups meet and breed over x amount of generations, will this variation in strengths and weaknesses disappear?

Will we become one large race that shares traits? If so, this will make us share strengths and weaknesses. This is less variety and diversity.

True diversity would be different races staying separate to the point that they are literally different species.

Perhaps you are right in that the consequences would not be of any importance within the timeline I suggested since such a large global population would obviously take a long time.

But in the roughly 40k years we have been separate the different groups have developed strengths and weaknesses of their own.

Bearing this in mind, in say another 40k years even with our massive population, I would argue it is likely we will share the same strengths and weaknesses.

Ultimately this is a weakness, since today something that might wipe out the whites might not wipe out the Asians or Africans, or vice versa.

Interesting shit desu.

>it's genetic variation always good?
It's generally better because it increases the chance of humanity surviving a cataclysm. Like bubonic plague or mammals after the dinosaurs were wiped out.

>Do superior genes always dominate?
Superior depends on the the environment. Superior genes will be in a higher proportion of the population.

>if previously separate gene pools were combined, would genetic variation decrease as interracial breeding continues?
No, statistically they'll be present in proportion to the initial size of the gene pool. Unless they're advantageous to having more offspring, then they will be more present in the population.

>I heard interbreeding makes gene pools stronger, why?
As mentioned above, it increases the chances of some people surviving a cataclysm and repopulating.

>will we all looks the same after centuries of interbreeding
No. Each parents pass half of their genes to the child. Unless there are evolutionary pressures, the genetics will stay statistically the same.

It's possibly true for dominant/recessive traits. Here's a good explanation of it
The genes will stay the same, the alleles might not.

Thanks man.

Humm, well I misunderstood what you meant by weakness. I thought you would mean disease resistance and so on, specially.

You are considering lower IQ as a weakness. Why? In their context it could be an advantage even.
Some people in africa have a blood condition, that is considered a weakness, until you realize that blood condition makes the individual resistant against malaria. So a weakness, becomes a strength... the generation overall is becoming weaker in comparison to the last one, but it's what allows them to survive and reproduce the most.

Again you consider small physical stature a weakness.

What is your criteria for weakness? Are you assuming weakness = not being able to survive OR = not a desirable trait in first world countries?

Either way, the scenario you are proposing in strictly hypothetical. Why? Well, if we assume that every individual in the whole world population has the same chance at reproducing with everyone, then you would have a point. But this doesn't happen. People with similar backgrounds and origins still reproduce more often than not. I guess you can even assume at some degree countries as metapopulations, with some individuals reproducing with other populations, but in overall, most reproduce with their own. If that makes any sense to you.

basically, I wouldn't get worried with what you are asking, unless an eugenics problem is to be implemented. Only then, your worries are justified.

eugenics program* :^)

Good question and point.

I think that lower IQ is a weakness in terms of the future of humanity. Despite IQ only being a measure of a certain kind of intelligence it is the most accurate tool we have. We can use the averages to determine how likely it is someone will earn x amount in a western country. I'm not saying that earning x amount is somehow furthering humanity, I am merely trying to say that it is one of our few measurements we have at our disposal and is of some value.

Intelligence in my book, is good. If things were to go to shit and in some situations hot/cold dry/wet hunter gatherer or anything in between, the small stature of the asian man could indeed be a strength or a weakness depending on the situation, so you are correct it is wrong for me to imply that being small is a guaranteed weakness.

However, this in turn begs the question, an increase in the breeding between these different gene pools will result in the offspring over time having more and more consistently similar traits no?

Even a small change in these breeding habbits would engender a change would it not?

What I'm struggling with is understanding why there is not more diversity if these different gene pools remain separate.

I understand what you are saying, I think. But surely even a small amount of this breeding let alone a more pronounced scenario will have this (albeit limited) effect?

Think of it like an mmorpg, you have a wide variety of different characters with different strengths and weaknesses. If you melt them all together you will get less weaknesses and also less strengths, unless the strengths by some miracle are overwhelmingly dominant.

Maybe I'm just retarded.

If race was just a social construct mixed race individuals wouldn't have such a difficult time finding bone marrow donor matches.

Devan would need a marrow transplant. The prospect of going through chemotherapy for a second time and needing a transplant is daunting to anyone, but it's especially harrowing if — like Devan — you're of mixed race. Multiracial patients often have an incredibly hard time finding life-saving marrow matches. When Devan, whose father is Caucasian and mother is part Indian, was first diagnosed with leukemia, his family did a search of the international marrow registry that contains over 14 million donors and came up empty. "We knew there was nothing out there for him," Tatlow says.



A New DNA Test Can ID a Suspect's Race, But Police Won't Touch It



Race Is Just a Social Construct, Except ...



Richard Dawkins accepts the usefulness of race



Why race as a biological construct matters



Genetic cluster analysis of the microsatellite markers produced four major clusters, which showed near-perfect correspondence with the four self-reported race/ethnicity categories. Of 3,636 subjects of varying race/ethnicity, only 5 (0.14%) showed genetic cluster membership different from their self-identified race/ethnicity.



Steven Pinker: "There is a widespread myth that there is no such thing as race whatsoever, that it's purely a social construction"



Do human Races Exist - with Professor Henry Harpending



Read The Bell Curve also

Interesting stuff mate.

You are retarded.
Humanity will never look similar because of migration. Since the birth of modern human migration has been a factory in determining differences in people. Migration will never stop happening because people don't live in the same place for long. If you think about, if anything we will continue to look more different. Say 1000 years in the future if humanity hasn't been wiped the fuck out, and somehow discover interplanetary travel, that will create isolated groups. Give it another few generations, differences continue to arise within those isolated groups. Migration creates diversity.

You are being curious, that's not retarded.

>However, this in turn begs the question, an increase in the breeding between these different gene pools will result in the offspring over time having more and more consistently similar traits no?

Well yes.

>Even a small change in these breeding habits would engender a change would it not?

I don't think a small change would have big effect, it would need to be a worldwide thing.

>What I'm struggling with is understanding why there is not more diversity if these different gene pools remain separate.

Let's define diversity, a population is more diverse than other, if it's gene pool doesn't have only dominant alleles in it. So the more alleles a population has for the same trait, the more diverse it is; it means the population can adapt better to new situations. That's the definition of evolution, the change in allele frequency within a population; if the starter gene pool doesn't allow the frequency of a certain allele to change (already present in 100% of the population) then there's no diversity.

interbreeding different populations rises diversity because it functions as an "injection" of new alleles.

If population A has 1 allele for trait X, and population B has 3 alleles for the same trait; when they interbreed they will have a allele pool of 4 for the same trait, rising the diversity of the AB population.

But this depends a lot on the actual phenotypes being expressed.


This video talks about a lizard species where this allele frequency is very noticeable. It's kinda funny how a trait actually never over dominates the others. In a normal population we can assume most traits balance similarly to these, but aren't as obvious.

Regarding your mmorpg statement; i don't think it works like that. The genes don't know which ones are "weak" or "strong", so they wouldn't "merge" together in the way you say so.

More travel = more opportunity for the dominant genes to propagate themselves does it not?

It also depends on the way how a gene is expressed in the presence of other genes. So this topic becomes difficult to talk about without knowing that.

Either way, this doesn't had much to the discussion, but if you haven't heard about epigenetics, read about it, it might interest you.

Will do, thank you for posting this.

>possibly somewhat relevant.

It increases diversity of dominate genes, not necessarily increases opportunity of them. Think about it, in one region over huge periods of time (tens of thousands of years of trial and error) is when certain genes become favored (dark skin, hair, appetite between parts of Africa and Europe, which are small regions compared to Earth as a whole). Spread this region over a much larger area, it takes much longer for certain genes to become favored in the whole of humanity because the region is huge, differences are going to be vast. Eventually a path will diverge for the "normalcy" of human lineage because it becomes isolated, most of it is by pure change because mutations are random, and the environment to favor it makes the percentage huge. This is why other sub-species of certain animals are different from each other even though they belong to the same species. They live in small populations spread over large areas.

This makes sense. Thanks user.