Don't forget to let them cool two minutes after heating

Don't forget to let them cool two minutes after heating.

Volcano hot on the edges, frozen in the middle.


Is there another reason to buy Hot Pockets?

He's talking about waiting for 20 mins so your oven can preheat and then cooking one for like what is it? 28 mins?


Yup, 28 mins for a hot pocket.

Just keep them in the fridge so they actually cook properly.

You can't cook things in the refrigerator. I'm 67 years old and I finally found a world wide web troll.

No, thank you. I would rather burn my mouth and swear a lot than wait.

Are you serious? He means that there won't be any ice on it when they go in microwave.

Drinking fresh hot coffee every morning has trained me to not care if I burn my tongue.

heres the fucking secret to making the perfect hot pocket, 4 mins at 50% power in the microwave. sounds retarded but it warms up the filling more evenly opposed to turning it into superheated goo

man people on Veeky Forums really are dumb

>50% power
How the fuck do I do this, especially at work? ??
That's the only place I eat hot pockets...

That's why you stick a fork in the middle before microwaving it dumbass

Either you are all retarded or I have a magic microwave. I follow the directions and they come out fine every time and I probably average a bit over 1 hotpokt a day.

Oh yeah, that works. Dumb ass.

>Pre heating an oven
>following cooking times on frozen food boxes

Anything frozen I stick in the oven for 20ish mins at 200 and it comes out fine.

>I probably average a bit over 1 hotpokt a day.

And we're the retarded ones

I am with the other guy, you put it in the little sleeve, and cook for 2 minutes, and they come out perfect. Maybe you guys need to update your microwave.

I eat pretty much the exact same breakfast and lunch every day. A jar of apple sauce when I wake up and a hot pocket for lunch.

What about dinner? Is that when you make something good? Not that hot pockets don't taste good but I mean is dinner when you make an actual meal?

about half and half with tv.dinners / real food.

I thought you had to be a janny to enjoy these...?

hot pocket pro here

maybe if you have some shitty microwave from the 80's will they not get hot the whole way through

I'm Australian and I can't get these where I live (not sure if you can elsewhere in Aus) and I'm ashamed that I really fucking want to eat hotpockets

It depends, user. Some microwaves don't have a setting to reduce power, especially older ones

>i never did high-school physics

Diff user here but I only eat stuff like hot pockets at work cause there's only microwaves in the breakroom. I come home and eat "real" food. Or I get stuff delivered.

what are the god tier flavors of hot pockets Veeky Forums? I know the pepperoni one is elite, but what else?

>hot pocket pro

made my day

still better than a youtube hero

Never been this poor.

I don't get this problem at all. 2:30 minutes and it's good. I don't understand how people would bite into food they microwave without making sure it's completely cooked or not know how long to cook something in a microwave before it's finished. I always figured it was common sense.

>let them cool
Luke Warm Pockets