How effective are vitamin supplements really? Can they even be harmful?

How effective are vitamin supplements really? Can they even be harmful?

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I am no medical doctor but have been involved in sports for a while. Vitamin supplements are rarely needed by the average person with a balanced diet. They're most effective when a person cannot get all that he needs and thus starts experiencing negative symptoms (hair fall, oily skin, anxiety and all kinds of stuff depending on the vitamin missing). On the other hand, supplementing with them when not needed may lead to a condition called hypervitaminosis which is really bad. What happens is that some vitamins are fat-soluble (they dissolve only in fat) and thus remain in the body for long. So if you have a lot of them that are not needed, they will remain in your body and eventually the buildup will become toxic. The vitamins that are water-soluble are just discarded when pissing.

They are helpful if your diet is poor. Otherwise it's probably better to get your vitamins from whole minimally processed foods unless you have a specific condition where megadosing is indicated like abetalipoproteinemia.

>Can they even be harmful?
Yes, supplementary vitamin C for example can have a pro-oxidant effect and impair some of the adaptations to exercise.

>How effective are vitamin supplements really?
Your body will not absorb all of the vitamins/nnutrients/whateveryou'retaking that are in the supplement.
Your body will absorb almost all of whatever from your food.

Supplements with a shit diet are better than a supplement-less shit diet though.

>Can they even be harmful?
Yes, if you over does.
Which is usually pretty hard to do.
Be careful though, depending on what you're overdosing on things can get nasty.

>Your body will absorb almost all of whatever from your food.

"Food" has near perfect bioavailability for micronutrients?


Eat fruits, your vitamins are there.

Make sure the fruits are as close as possible to natural state - simply avoid supermarket fruits.

Better to eat 2 - 3 types of fruits from organic sources than the fake ones from supermarket.



don't forget to activate your almonds

As its been stated.
Supplements are only "beneficial" if you are deficient. Your body will get rid of any excess, not manifest it into a superpower.

Myth: Vitamins are always useless

Fact: Vitamins are useful if you don't get enough in your diet... ie; you're poor [I'm looking at you college students]

I take some supplements and they definitely work because I cum on average about 1/4 cup of semen which is more pearly white and I also precum constantly like a leaking firehose

yeah, I think I vitamin B defficient for a while. I was constantly craving meat to the point of watching videos of cooking and butchering animals for hours. It mostly went away after getting supplements.

Studies have shown that taking vitamin supplements when you're not deficient can actually negatively affect your health.
>dont take vitamins unless told to

Vitamin D is important.
Especially if you're inside a lot, even more so if you're black and you live somewhere north of the Sahara.
Between 15-25 ug every day is good.

The quoted recommended 5 ug per day from the EU is the absolute minimum.
Most other health departments from other countries like New Zealand or USA quote 15-20 ug or so.

And D is plenty safe

Only taking 15-25 ug means you still have an enormous amount of headroom and poisoning isn't possible unless your giving a 3 year old 25 ug a day.

If you eat Maitake, or Portabello mushrooms.
Or Trout or Salmon or Mackerel or Swordfish then you don't need to take Vitamin D for the day, but you aren't going to get poisoned if you still take supplements.

Cod Liver Oil has a lot of D too, but you won't overdose from it because you will die from Vitamin A poisoning before that can happen.
Provided, you're an idiot who gulps down a small bottle.

Which supplements do you take?

My dad was taking a large number of supplements including multivitamins, mineral tablets (zinc, iron, magnesium etc.), glucosamine, fish oil etc. for a number of years despite being in relatively good health.

He was recently hospitalised after his digestive tract began to shut down. Last week he was diagnosed with renal cancer.

I know better than to draw conclusions from a sample size of 1, and I cant paint all supplements with the same brush, but I don't think its entirely a coincidence.

>I know better
Clearly you don't

>I know better than to draw conclusions from a sample size of 1
>but I don't think its entirely a coincidence.