>He ignored this at 30 cents >He ignored this at 50 cents >He ignored this at 1 dollar >You are here >He will ignore this at 2 dollars when NDAs lift >He will ignore this at 5 dollars when the first IAOs are announced >He will ignore this at 10 dollars when the EDGAR SEC listing goes public >He will ignore this at 20 dollars, when alt.market launches >He will ignore this at 50 dollars when the IAO token market flourishes and the Interscope Records partnership is announced
Why can't you fuckers EVER do research? I accumulated for months and kept making posts here that I screencapped. Looking forward to rubbing it in.
Alright you dumb fuck . This won't hit 50$ it might hit 2.5 $ and I'm not buying for 2x gains . Fuck you Gaylord
Brody Richardson
Heard this at 20 cents.
There are Wall Street hedge funds investing in alt.market. You insulted me at 20 cents and I will make this thread again at 2 dollars.
Why? Because instead of admitting that someone might know more than you and doing just a tiny bit of research you resort to insults and keep chasing overshilled shitcoins.
Leo Diaz
Shut up and let this fall back to 4k still need my Diamond
Owen Baker
I mean I'm still not gonna touch it because it's on that shit exchange
Isaiah Thompson
HOW AM i GOING TO BUY THIS? I don't have a C-CEX account and without invitation, you cannot register
Leo Flores
People on the discord offering OTC buys from CCEX. I have 2 BTC from strangers waiting to buy XTO from CCEX. That's how huge hype is for people who understand.
>mfw I have multiple diamonds
Jacob Martin
less than $100K volume, no one wants a music coin.
Zachary Collins
I do OTC buys with my C-Cex account, if you're interested. I just ask for 20% of tokens.
Oliver Taylor
Ignore this music coin shit. Check out Tai Chi Chain it is literally only available on the Stellar DEX, some of you are ok
Juan White
>he still thinks it's a music coin
Blake Garcia
>OP tries to get suckers to FOMO in on his scam coin
Samuel Richardson
m-muh volume! How predictable, try harder jidf
Jonathan Hall
Newfags have to learn their lesson somehow
Nathan Young
>volume $63,814
Sebastian Jenkins
Wyatt Williams
scam coin
Ian Robinson
>they are still adamant about not doing research
I'm not telling anyone to fomo in. Noone even can fomo in, because it's on C-CEX.
Go here, join slack and discord. Ask questions. You'll be rewarded.
Aaron Sullivan
Veeky Forums doesn't know a good coin when they see it. I've been buying this shit for so long and even trashed it last time I saw it on here. PR in 2 days. Now's the time.
Jaxson Flores
Buying now woulnd't even be FOMO. That run from $0.4 to $1? That's nothing. We're looking to a possible $50 easy.
Dominic Phillips
Do you think the "hurr durr scamcoin" brainlets will rethink when they see the alt.market commercials on TV?
Isaiah Wood
Probably. Or probably they'll kill themselves.
Nathaniel Peterson
of course i like buying shitcoin on even shittier exchanges ...
saw this at 30c checked where to buy lost interest
Carson Hill
Nice id, fAG
Jaxon Smith
You sure showed him.
Chase Gray
My post didnt show you though, so i will explain it: his id ends with fAG.
James Jones
Its another episode of op pumps his low volume shitcoin and gets newfriends to fomo into his dump
Colton Ortiz
I understood that the first time. It's still not funny user. You're not funny.
Colton Ramirez
I'm not ignoring it, I just can't get registered on C-CEX because nobody has a fucking invite code and the shitty website doesn't work.
Christian Scott
PnD, just look at the volume
Evan Thompson
>they are still not researching
wow, biz is even dumber than I thought
get on discord, everything is done via otc
tao.network for the link
Ryder Morgan
if you do your research then you will know this coin will be $10 at the very minimum by Q2
Christian Morgan
Anons will rather scream scam and buy a random other green dildo instead of putting 15 minutes into research that may change their lives.