holy shit the team and the project itself,
Holy shit the team and the project itself
stop larping idiot this was shilled everyday during crowdfunding
it's shady, I wanted to buy but backed the last moment, the biggest problem is that there is no reason for the token, they said it gives trading signals and profits from first 10 trading bots, but the signals and bots might as well suck and then what? also didn't explain in what way the bots will pay the profits at all, too big of a risk
because we wanted the token burn and we weren't gonna let the retards on biz ruin it. and by god we got it.
25k reporting
just because youre too stupid to understand the whitepaper doesnt mean it's shady you fuckin retard
This. For once Veeky Forums was smart.
t. 9k NPXlet
didnt see it once and im pretty active here
he knows the that npx threads were rare and when they did appear they were relentlessly fudded and gained no traction.
he's fudding for a cheap price when it hits exchanges.
still no reason for the token to exist
you fucked up by backing out. tell yourself whatever you need in order to cope.
presale ico buyers already have their tokens and guess what, none of them are dumping.
Did someone make that logo in powerpoint 5 minutes before they needed it?
?? I'm saying why I backed out, there's no reason for the token to exist, and you can't explain why it's needed and get overly defensive, seems like you're coping with making a bad investment
Yeah keep your scam coin, im buying more gvt
Market cap ~10 mil out of ICO. With proper shilling this will be 200mil by May.
the tokens do have a reason to exist and if you knew how to read you would understand that. you said the whitepaper doesn't explain how the bots will pay out profits when in fact it does. you're clearly an idiot who can't comprehend.
you also clearly didn't understand that the bots already exist and already have proven to be profitable.
you're clearly an idiot who fucked up because you don't know how to read. it's ok.
I have read all 3 papers and it was pretty clear that this ICO is a moneygrab, there is no reason for the token to exist for this business to work.
>says he read something when his questions and concerns indicate he either didn't or is too dumb to understand the answers
nice fud
Reminder that this is another coin that promises “dividends” based on a “trading strategy”, aka another bitconnect/scam
If you fall for this I don’t even know what to say. It’s a scam. This is the exact same as bitconnect.
>doesn't get greentext
>tries to shill
u french user?
newfag detected
shit was shilled like fuck
nice greentext btw you mong, kys
>partnered with bloomberg and one of the largest finance law firms in the world
>same as bitconnect
choose one
swwwweeeett thanks guys will buy at 1/3 ico after listing you are the best :D
"answers", please stop embarrasing yourself, you didn't give a single one except furiously defending your bad investment, very reminiscent of those bitconnect niggers before shit went down
regardless if it is a scam or not. (i believe it is not) there is a lot of money to be made in this coin
why would i waste my time explaining to someone who is either a fudder or idiot? anybody interested can read the papers and see how retarded you are.
do you even know what napoleonx is? or just paid shill?