Tai Chi Chain For those that listen Easiest 100X you will find Privacy combined with the Stellar Platform. Trading now on the Stellar Decentralized Exchange. Only just out, website still under construction. Currently only 3Mill Mcap at $0.003
Find them on their Twitter twitter.com/TaiChiChain
Robert Brown
Got some yesterday took longer than I expect (but im a noob)
Hunter Parker
Same, took me a while to set up a stellar wallet and add it, but the gains will be worth it.
Joshua Roberts
I don't see it on the stellar decentralized exchange
Matthew Jenkins
You need to add it, on stellar term you scroll to the bottom and add in this info to add asset. on some others you need to click 'trust'
Thanks. Seriously considering investing, but can you shill me a bit more? Why do you believe in it?
Owen Hernandez
Got given 20 for free yesterday, if it goes x100 I'll be happy to accept my $2000 lol
David Perry
It's the first Privacy based coin working along with Stellar. They have somewhat of a road map even though their site is under construction, 12+ team members. It is a grass roots community driven project and so there's no ICO.
Dylan Clark
the community is growing every day, Not many are aware this is trade-able right now other than their twitter/reddit and posts on here. Also given that setting up a stellar wallet and adding it the the DEX is hard, it has tons of potential once it picks up and eventually hits a more user friendly and higher volume exchange.
Nolan Anderson
You need to use SDE to pick them up?
Aiden Roberts
I love lumens! Its literally the greaaaaatest coin ever. The fact that their helping starving africans makes me accidentally jizz all over my wifes black boyfriends jockstrap.
Juan Hill
let me guess it already 10xed
Owen Baker
Bought this shit up
Joshua Bailey
Yes go to stellar.org create a wallet online or download. I used StellarTerm then scroll down on assets and you'll see "add Asset" Enter in -XTCC -GDDFBZGVJ6W6MELF2H4VTO5IRMKI5234GJVTIQNB6RPL5RI5X6K2SFQ5
then trade XLM to XTCC
Lincoln Ward
Where to see the price/volume?
Jacob Perry
On SDEX after you added it
Daniel Hughes
What makes you so sure this is going to do well? I had a couple XLM I threw into this and taking a chance.
Liam Carter
It's basic Knowledge. The more people know about something- the more people there are out there that will like the project and invest.
They only have 133 Twittr followers. They are only just starting their marketing. Just one tweet from stellar or one mention from a youtuber and this shit will be SAFE 30Mill MC and that would be a 10X from here.
I'm not saying put your life savings in as it's early on, however this is where you make the multipliers by getting in when it's fractions of a penny and then selling it when all the cucks have finally been shilled enough and it's on binance right infront of them and all they have to do is watch youtube and click a mouse twice.
Christopher Reed
Fair enough, I did put about 1000 XLM out of my stack so here's hoping, thanks for the heads up
Blake Gonzalez
Allright, just bought 25k. Do they have something other than shitty twitter? Telegram or something?
Brayden Rivera
They have their website taichichain.org
Even has a roadmap
Lucas Gomez
>taichichain.org thanks user!
Jordan Hill
is there anything about the tech anywhere? like how exactly do u make a privacy coin on top of stellar network. if thats possible then awesome but i dont want to buy vaporware