Obvious profit is obvious. FUD is obviously fake. Get in unless you can somehow tell me how any other cryptocurrency has a better product
Nano thread
dumped my bags yesterday after a decent gain. waiting until the roadmap comes out to see which way this coin is headed
NANO Marines it's time.
>Operation RAPE Ripple has been initiated.
If you are in the secret Nano chat channel you know what the procedure is.
Don't sell until we reach point X after that NANO whales will destroy Ripple.
>Operation RAPE Ripple
>double spending bugs that ruined exchanges
>no security whatsoever, prone to 51% attack
>not stress tested properly
>no incentive because "muh feeless"
That's literally the obvious fake FUD I was talking about come back with real FUD plz because I'm tryna get rich.
>nope not even worth arguing against you would have to be a special level of stupid to believe this
>you need to buy half the market cap of any coin for a 51% attack
>Stress tested to hundreds of TPS, way more than pretty much every coin
>Doesn't need an incentive because it doesn't need millions of nodes to run it's too light
Aw can we please have the newest fud? I think the latest one was like "the node kernel leak" or something about the hyperflux capacitor or another shit that doesn't exist
Thing is there so no real FUD for nano.
Everything is either a joke or ignorance.
It is really the best coin.
Thing dont look good on volume for either coin once things pick up again we rollin.
I’m convinced it’s one particularly pathetic user posting this same thing every thread. It’s not even good bait, o do not understand at all.
What do you think about the fact that the coin is regarded as "a 100% japanese owned coin" doesnt that nip this in the bud? That the coins ownership is centralized to one locale?
Nano isn’t trying to replace BTC and it doesn’t need to. It’s trying to replace Litecoin and Ripple as the “fast low fee transfer of value” coin.
Operation RAPE Ripple!!
>NANO Marines report in!
...it’s not. Venezuela solves the most captchas then sold the xrb for pennies, team is American, most nodes are in America and Europe. Why would you even think it’s all Japanese?
who the fuck said that, the ownership is very decentralized, the owners own less than 20% which is going to be used for product promotion and growth. I don't think any of the team of japanese either.
Nano confirmed Japanese coin
Don't worry about him that's Ricky he is mentally disabled
litecoin has the same hard drive problem. fees were only lower because even less people were using it
asic resistance is a meme, any hash function can be optimized with an asic.
raiblocks IS the bitcoin killer
>Can I get an AMEN my NANO brothers & sisters!
I want to kill myself. I went all in on this shit coin after making a little profit, thinking that it'll keep on giving and I bought at high. RRREEEE!
>the absolute state of delusion
I feel sorry for NANO holders srs. Pump and dump it all day, but KEK if you think this coin will be around in a year
are you me
Nano is not fungible or private. I don't want everyone I pay to be able to see my balance and transaction history. Monero is a better currency.
Jap emperor has 6 nodes in the palace. Maybe he heard that and got confused
>buying numerical cryptopager with zero purpose or ability to carry any transaction data while running on thousands of individual databases called them blockchains
>all that willingly for $10 a “coin”
no wonder reddit loves this shit
1. There is no double spend. There was a double TRANSACT bug on the exchange level. No coins were generated, which would have been disastrous.
2. Users can select their own representatives.
3. I don't know if "properly" is the right word here. It just wasn't stress tested. It hasn't hit that point in popularity yet to really test it in a large scale scope.
4. The idea is that businesses would run the nodes as a cheaper alternative to being charged credit card fees. It's a perfectly functional idea considering the target audience.
It'll go up again when the roadmap is released and mobile wallets come out of beta. I have the iOS mobile wallet beta and it seems to work fine so this is only a matter of time.
Can you faggots stop shilling this shit everywhere ? Everyone is aware of nano, im not touching it with a 10 foot pole.
20 foot pole is needed for this leddit tier coin
Just filter the threads retard.