Other urls found in this thread:
only holding 500
will I make it?
Yes millionaire EOY
XRP $1000 EOY
>it look
Pajeet grammar
Uhh oh. I'm feeling the fomo right now. What do biz?
Jed is going to start dumping this pretty quick. Tel Aviv Fintech tomorrow. And Jed's allowed to sell like, almost a billion this year and each year? Yeah - I wouldn't spend any money on Ripple.
My long-term target is $1,000. Try to buy as much as you can before Tuesday.
buy order @ .93$
The biggest competitor of Ripple owns billions of it. Already tried to dump it, but had to sign an agreement to only sell a billion a year.
How's that FOMO now?
Never heard of this cryptofaggete site before
>The biggest competitor of Ripple owns billions of it
XLM and Jed Mcalub
So they tried to dump and couldn't crash the price? Sounds like a signal to buy ripple
NANO Marines report in!
>Operation RAPE Ripple has been initiated.
You all know when to dump and put profits in NANO.
Take them fast and hard NANO style!!!
Wasn't legally allowed
> sell a billion a year
> is dumb or fud
Oh ok....
"$10,000 per week during the first year (2014)
$20,000 per week during the second, third and fourth years (2015, 2016 and 2017)
750 million XRP per year for the fifth and sixth years (2018 and 2019)
1 billion XRP per year for the seventh year (2020)
2 billion XRP per year after the seventh year (2021 onwards) "
So what? You said it was their competitor anyway. They had no business holding xrp
You have no idea of the history involved here, so you should shut up before you look even more stupid
fomoed in earlier today. hoping for $2
it look unstoppable
give quick rundown
Operation RAPE Ripple!
>NANO Marines you all know the drill follow the pump initiated by the whales you all know exactly when to dump.
After that we are going to destroy Ripple and take out all buy support on all exchanges at ones.
>Nano Marines report in we are going to assfuck some Ripple without lube and condoms hard deep no mercy!
>Sells billions of XRP
>Gives away billions of Stellar Lumens to Africa
Literally ¡Jed!
please clap
I'm going off of what you're telling me. How the fuck should I know when you only reply with ten words
Google has your answers
What is with the recent Ripple pump? Some good news come out?
NANO Marines are pumping it and will dump it to the death.
>Operation RAPE Ripple was initiated.
>it look unstoppable
Can't wait until ripple holders get dumped on
>Google has your answers
Holy wow! There's no point of stupid discussion when they can just Google it;).
Can you imagine being this mad?
you're too late I was telling you fags yesterday would unironically be the last time XRP was .89 - .90 cents. Its at 1.02 now. If you wouldve put $100 @ .89 in youd be at 114.60 right now. And its only going up till Tue. and correcting at this new price of .97-1.00 if no news comes out
Just fucking hold BTC. this next few weeks BTC is all that matters. Once it passes 12k ripple will bleed along with everything else as people start to move funds into BTC.
rumors of coinbase president and xrp ceo meeting on cnbc this week.
decent increasing volume. its very likely to gain 30%. If the rumor turns true for coinbase to list xrp it will pass its ATH and make at least 300%. cant do that in the stock market. I love crypto!
won't happen AGAIN and will dump AGAIN
so ride now and sell tomorrow.