What do Veeky Forums think about buying 6 gpus and start minning cryptocoins?
What do Veeky Forums think about buying 6 gpus and start minning cryptocoins?
kys is what I think
what is your energy cost ?
There are numerous sites he can plug in all the numbers and see how it's a poor idea.
mining will be cucked by ecologist SJW
Why is it a poor idea?
Living embodiment of le 56% face
what you make with only 6 GPUs won't recoup your energy costs
I think you're the reason I can't build a sweet gaming rig.
Let's say I can get free electricity. What do I mine?
Depends where I live I supose?
Maybe if you live in a country where the cost of energy is high then yes..
Correct me if Im wrong
What kind of retarded country do you live in? Must be paying 50c per kwh or some shit.
Delete this!
I’m accumulating GPUs.
Everyone in this thread is wrong.
I mine with 120 GTX 1070's
Mining with 1 card vs 120 cards has the exact same power cost vs profit.
And yes, mining with 6 cards is profitable.
Unless you spend a fuckton of time researching new mineable currencies, pointing your rig at them and configuring for maximum hashrate, and then shilling them so you can dump your bags, it's guaranteed to be less effective than just buying crypto with the >$20k you need to spend on equipment. Breaking even takes months even if you get lucky and mine some shit that goes 100x.
why not buy 6 cryptocoins and start mining gpus?
You're spouting absolute bullshit. If you mine a coin that does 100x you not only break even, but make absolute fucking bank if you had been mining it with 6 gpus for a month.
If you mine eth, xmr or anything stable, then you can still make fairly decent profit and have a ROI of about 5-7 months depending on the gpu costs and what other components you bought.
This. Mining is a full time job. Cards are at a price where you are going to get a better return putting your money in the S&P unless you dedicate active effort. God bless efficient markets.
I go to work while the rig is minning for me, working like a slave, thats adiccional income while im in my job...
How am i supossed to ROI my entire 8nvestement of 10 k or 20 k in the s&P in 7 months?
because his a lying pack of shit, you can do mining but honestly if you trade well you'll make more money that way
I understand your point user BUT why cant I trade WHILE I have a rack minning more coins for me while I fap watching xtube?
Imagibe that I invest my money in a business, let say a hamburger restaurant,I willhave to spend 45 hrs per day managing that business, but now imagine that I invest in minning cryptos... i just have to configure that shit and look it one time a day and thats it!
I dont have to spend my time managing people or nothing
because u either invest money and time to trade or invest the the same into mining
>Mining with 1 card vs 120 cards has the exact same power cost vs profit.
The acquisition cost is different.
you can, but if you use ALL your money instead of allocating some of it for buying mining rigs then its better returns.
Why not half and half?
Or you can have money in the market and let it make money for you without spending your time maintaining equipment or worrying about making your initial back. Think of it this way, there's a reason jews are financiers and entertainment pimps instead of factory owners.
Yes you are right BUT that money that I alocated in minning will be full returned to me in lets say... being pesimistic.. one year!
up to you
I wish where I worked wasn't so dirty, otherwise I would set up some mining rigs there.
Company is trying to maxamize their power usage over the next few months, encouraging us to use as much power as possible. Plug in your phones boys, run those pumps and recirc shit for no reason, leave ALL the lights on, plug your block heaters in and if you have a ceramic heater in you truck all the better.
Every KvA counts. They even went as far as to rent random equipment to draw power. Like electric air compressors put into constant unload cycles and stupid shit like that.
We are talking about a factory that only needs ... what? To get a look if everything is oj once per day for 10 minutes?
So this is something subjective then..