wtf is this? some japanese shit food?
Looks like kimchi to me. Oh shit...
is some kind of code msg?
oh fuck i got it guys
nonono mr. whale
you tell me pink wojacks this week?
Isn't that kimchi? WHat does that have to do with a food safety conference and what the fuck does that have to do with biz?
Ambrosus will attend the conference
Enough of these riddles speak clearly faggot
So it's a major meeting of Asian food corps, what the fuck does it have to do with me and my lunch?
Spit it out, faggot
lurk more faggot
pic related idiots
lol are you really lumping in the Japanese with the Chinese?
Japan trusts China even less than the rest of the world - they're thrilled at the idea of a Western-based food safety company like AMB coming into the market and making sure that the Chinese aren't selling them contaminated garbage like they know they will if given half a chance.
Ambrosus got an exclusive deal to track all the world's kimchi. This is a gamechanger. Get in now.
This will be big for both VEN and AMB.
Food safety needs fat neck beards trading fake internet money
how are they going to ensure the chinese don't just pretend to comply. are they going to put rfids inside each food item? whatever they try, the chinese will sneak around it
So...they spent a bunch of their ICO money on a table at an industry conference. Moon now?