Fudders on suicide watch
Ripple to the moon
Coinbase announcement tomorrow
I told you so
Brought my 5.5k xrp 2 days ago op, we ready
OP irrecoverably BTFO
Coinbase doesn't deal in shitcoins.
>lists ETH and BCH
that means absolutely nothing.
>he doesn't know about the 23 day metric
fucking TA illiterates
want to know something more funny?
TIL people use the basic on binance
there's no justice on this planet
Riple shills are such pathetic virgin retards. They deserve to go down with this jew scam shitcoin.
le hodl xd
Since we're comparing charts.... Looks like we have a long way down before next moon OP
Yes there is. This whole pump is based on the speculation that XRP will be added to coinbase after a BIG, BIG announcement on CNBC Tuesday night. When that announcement turns out to be:
"Cryptos are the future, were going to have a great year!", with no mention of Ripple on coinbase, then it will dump harder than you have ever seen as the moon kiddies and $3 bagholders see this as their last chance to get out for a VERY long time.
$0.45 XRP Wednesday, screencap this, check digits, etc.
I bought at 2.80
No point in selling unless there’s a major
Moonshot to 5+
FUCK ME, OFF BY 500! Well, Heil Hitler just the same...
This means even less.
You might as well dump with the rest of the retards, and buy back in lower. Fill your bags to the brim with centralized Jewcoin, I'm sure it will work out for you eventually!
Dude....................... cmon.
Community is EXTREMELY tight lipped about this, so while it could go either way, my feeling is that the increased unwillingness to talk candidly about the listing is a strong tell.
can you just fuckoff with this jewcoin. it will never be in coinbase. i hope you bought a lot because cunts like you deserve to lose all their money!
>coinbase gets 90 new employees tomorrow
>no denials of announcement
>panel is 2 investors, coinbase president, and ripple president
If the panel had other crypto guys on then maybe it wouldn't be as obvious.
>Community is EXTREMELY tight lipped about this, so while it could go either way, my feeling is that the increased unwillingness to talk candidly about the listing is a strong tell.