You literally have to HATE money to not have a portion of your crypto funds invested in this project.
This will coin alone will initiate the next bull run.
You literally have to HATE money to not have a portion of your crypto funds invested in this project.
This will coin alone will initiate the next bull run.
Let them stay poor user
Why is it valued so low?
Because normies are obsessed with coin supply over factors such as working products, competent teams, and real world implementation. I have no problem accumulating more at this price.
pajeet spyware shitcoin that killed ICX at the summit
All Shitskin team that probably already exit scammed after escaping poverty via ICO
When moon?
The beauty about tokens like NCASH is they allow people like us to invest freely in start-ups and private companies. It removes the bankers from the equation entirely. What does shock me is that none of you seem to be aware of the fact that 90% of start-ups fail, and most VCs understand this, which is why their portfolios are so diversified.
What I'm trying to say is if you're holding NCASH or any other token that relies on a company to procure business, be aware that it will likely fail, no matter how many partnerships it builds up and how strong it seems.
On a side note: one of the backers on this project is Tim Draper. Draper is a huge VC guy, and even he missed out on Google, Facebook, Uber, and Airbnb. Just make sure you DYOR, Veeky Forums, I don't want you to get hurt.
t. M&A user
Valid argument and as always, the idea is to DYOR. I checked out the team recently, looked over the white paper, as well as checked the roadmap map from inception until now and, along with the overall project itself, am very intrigued by the tech.
What's even more interesting is Amazon has showed initiative with this type of tech as well with brick and mortar stores wherein communication is established upon entering and payment is taken care of without any checkout systems or cashiers.
IoT is going to continue to be a hot trend within the industry so anything related to it has my money.
At which price you got in?
Little under what it's currently at
lol i justed opened one profile of a guy who is going to graduate in 2019 and he is listed as a developer. programming isnt even his grad major. just because he is from IIT, he had to be mentioned
telling you guys, do not get JUSTED. do a proper research on this one
How did this get onto Binance? Tons of flags here: fake subscribers, tons of big brand "partners", an investors section, concept from Harvard as part of the roadmap, etc...
The idea is neat, but this would need to be something gigantic to be adopted even remotely well. Not to mention 3rd party privacy concerns
tim draper yolo
dont know man, TG has 90k+ subscribers and their youtube videos do not even have 10k views in total.
Bought some at 295. Figures it was a good dip to buy. I’m hearing $4 eoy
what is his role in here? why are so many people mentioned without any role? are they partners? advisors?
such a big team of devs and poor quality website?
a 1000x for this piece of shit? you surely cant be so stupid to believe that?
Isn't there a huge airdrop of coins coming this month to ICO buyers? They are going to tank the price selling them off.
It was supposed to be 1 cent. It's actually way overpriced right now.
What isn't a piece of shit to /biz? How many fucking p2p clones are needed? These are ground floor levels; it doesn't have to jump 5% every fucking day to be viable. The project has been slowly growing for a few years now. Do some dam research before you spell off "shitcoin."
BRB lemme go grab some xrp instead at $1. That'll surely give a grand investment of 2x ROI if it even hits $2. From a strickly trading view NCASH has so much more room for growth and 2x-20x your investment.
Did you know their lead developer has zero blockchain experience?
Did you know there isn't a Blockchain B.S. ?
>I want to kill myself instead of
I wouldn't buy based on how awful that model sounds.
it's like a real life Facebook/instagram ad
man make more shill threads pls
Got bags of this coins at 300, not much room to drop more, good potential for a X5
Solid risk/reward ratio coins are how you make money biz. reminds me of req at 700